
Nov 5, 2017
Why can't i start a new game with this update? It only lets me start from where the update begins...
yeah, this version and onwards maybe seem to start from a "season 5". To be able to play from the previous version you will need to install previous versions of the game. If you would like to start from the start best to use this version, it's the version just before this one.
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Apr 6, 2022
Where in her house? inside outside, in the basement?
oh if you are talking about the ntr route, she isn't in her house of course, she is missing for months.
go to the mansion, it looks like a black gate on the map where the red hooded girl is, you need to go at night.
after that if you are stuck, look at my previous comment


New Member
Apr 17, 2022
This game is great but it would be better with no ntr and no gay stuff and needs a Gilf and Latina Milf route!


Feb 26, 2018
I've been a patreon of TT for a while now. He's one of the few devs I support, the other two are Cheeky and Naughty. I always kind of suspected AI art, especially from the last update, but I was never used to seeing it so it was hard to identify. I've seen it so much now that I can quickly pick it out.

Very disappointed with this seemingly down shift in art quality. I'll have to go back and view earlier artwork to see if it's still noticeable or if Uber actually did any real art himself before. Some of the character art even changes in the between scenes and that strange shift to the animation art which I think they just use that 2d move software (can't think of the same of it). It all kind of killed it for me.

I don't know if Lost Raven still frequents this thread, I don't pay attention to it much since I get info from the Patreon, but sorry man. Your writing is always enjoyable, but because of the art I'll be canceling my patron.
The old art was not AI. AI art only became a thing in the past year. The game has been in development for years lmao. But it seems pretty much every new scene in this update and maybe some in the last update are AI. Where the hell is the money going to then? It's certainly not going to programming considering how borked this version is.

It's a shame cause the original art had a nice charm to it that stood out, it was unique. Now it's just these generic AI blobs.


Feb 26, 2018
This goes for everybody, instead of crying like a baby, suggest uber ways to speed up his content making and be passionate about it with very numerous people in your cause.
for example, suggest that uber hires artists for the main route and ntr route, maybe hire another programmer specific for the ntr route. idk, just suggest whatever without sacrificing uber's vision in the process.
lmao, mate... he's been developing this game for YEARS. He knows damn well he needs to hire artists and programmers. But he doesn't because he wants to keep as much of the profit as possible. Us suggesting that won't change anything.
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Jan 5, 2018
So you want to say that in the game in which mc was dominating the shit out of everyone (yes with the help of red but still). Then suddenly in the middle of the game, the original plot was supposed to go 180 and in to ntr? Doesnt make much sense. More likely - the dev just wants to milk both player bases)

But after 6 months......this......
Not even close. The problem you and so many others have is you literally came to this thread when the update dropped so you have no idea what happened over the course of this dev cycle.

The NTR only update was announced nearly a year ago that it was coming next.

The original story plan was to split the story lines when you chose to take or not take the pills to suppress Red

Somewhere down the line they decided to cut that and instead make it into separate games where the NTR story picks up during the vanilla one

Vanilla crowd bitched and moaned that they weren’t getting content this update (even though there has only ever been vanilla updates)

So devs decided to delay and add in the vanilla content that everyone is unhappy with

To add to this Uberpie has stated since iirc 2018 that there will be an NTR update, it’s not like this was short notice.
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