I Don't take advandtage of anything look every update more and more people cry about the Time between Two update
People get disapointed because of Ai art and so much more
My solution is based not on kindness but on fact ntr fans have wait more than the regular harem road fan's and cry less.
I know what i Said is harsh but just imagine the contrary how many Uber Fan's will stop to follow this game if every update are ntr concentrate (when i Said finish main and go for ntr it don't implie that they will not little update for ntr in the main road update just not to road because this take them to many Times and people cry)
Remember my solution is not to make everyone happy it's to make update more frequent.
If you want to make everyone happy thé solution is this
Uberpie take more people in his team
He focus ONLY on art and big Line of thé scenario ,one team do main road and other do ntr road
Raven and the ntr writter follow Uber path
And with that WE could have both update
But this solution is less realistic because it's Mean Uber have budget for that ans i'm not sure of that
My first solution was harsh I know that but sometimes to solve a problem you need harsh solution if the main road community was less cry baby WE could alternate one one but you know it's not the case personaly it would be better if WE do one one but people are not ready for that and that why uber change is plan
I have Seen a commentary when i read Uber was to Big to fail and i want to remember uber main source of money is contributor donation if many people stop to donate he will loose is income
Of you have better solution i'm glad to hear if WE Can solve this problem it will be perfect
That was a rambling post. But what I am getting from your post is: "Reward 'cry babies' by giving them what they want and ignore mature people who have patience."
That's how they end up as 'cry babies' in the first place - being coddled and pampered and given what they cry about. Never become a parent if that is how you plan on raising kids. We have enough entitled brats in the world today.
Also, your hypothesis that "just imagine the contrary how many Uber Fan's will stop to follow this game if every update are ntr concentrate" doesn't necesarily hold water, either. In fact, this update - which, for the first time, includes actual netorare (ntr) content - is on track to break his previous subscriber record on Patreon. We're not even a third of the way into the month, and tomorrow he will break the record with over 3 weeks left in the month to increase even higher:
It is obvious that netorare content doesn't harm Uberpie's bottom line. Would only focusing on netorare content for an extended period of time hurt it? No one knows unless he actually does it. But he won't.
I think he should alternate, every other update, between the two routes. I think he chose poorly to have the next update solely being the main route. I think because he delayed the netorare route for so long, he should have flipped that and solely focus on the netorare route next update (like he originally announced for this update before backpedalling last year) and then have the following be the main route. But because he has content already made for the main route in this update that he didn't include for some reason (Gerda and Danny content announced in January, also Dr. Beautrix was supposed to be in the main route this update, as well - but they weren't) - he's chosen to do main route next.