Aye, I should've added a spoiler tag to this, for that my bad. But at this point I don't even care tbh lol. I've supported this game for a while with my own money, and I have only came to this post, (I have used this website for other games, not gonna lie), because I love seeing the feedback of other players, but after the last few major updates, damn.
Seeing the last few "Game releases" just leave the fan-base more disappointed time after time, saying that they are going to unsub, not renew and vow not to play the game, all over many reasons, (Main/NTR route, AI update, new characters).
I'm sure this new update will clear some things but I feel as if they've fucked up a lot of things since the Mega update release. I don't know why they didn't just follow the Main/NTR Story from before the 2-part update and expand from there, but ya'know, lets make two new story-lines after a good few old releases and fuck it all up with new and complicated and I'm just gonna GUESS, more teasing of characters that have been requested have sex scenes.