Sigh, sometimes how you do something is more important then what you do. If the point was just to humiliate and utterly crush Danny's ego along with his manhood? Sure, the MC could have ass fucked him in the first cage scene.
But the point isn't to just dominate Danny. It's to make him like it. In that sense, fucking Danny now would have been the inferior choice.
For now, enjoy the journey. Danny is well on his way to becoming another one of the girls.
said this before, and will say it again. danny's sissification was botched from the start.
it would be far more fun, IF, it was a progression instead. something like.
we want to fuck clara, but danny has been camping their home, and following her around, because he is growing suspicious.
so we talk with becca to ask him out, to take him out of the house.
here we are given a choice to either share her with him, lead him to become a cuck, or sissify him.
we go the sissify route, by telling her to say that she cant go out with boys, BUT, if he dress up as a girl, her mother wont notice.
they go on a "date", and we can either let them or go there and hit on him.
we could even get another choice, between soft sissification, where we make him realize that he likes dressing up, or a hard one, where we take photos and blackmail him(like the story is now).
from there, we just get more ways to make danny crossdress, while hitting on him, and because he has always been rejected, he starts to like the atention. so we unlock dates with crossdressing danny. that escalates, for example in one of the dates, we go to the cinema, and ask him to jerk us out and when we are about to cum, we grab their soda cup and cum inside. as we leave danny takes the cup and they meet becca. who asks for a sip. and danny panics and drinks it up, saying that there was just melted ice and flat soda.
the best part is, for people who dont want a sissy danny, there's a route, and for those who want one, there's too. there's even a third one, with sharing becca with him for the cucking/sharing crowd.
for the cuck route, we could get becca training danny, to lick her up, saying her mother wont allow her to have sex before marriage. of course, she does make him lick her clean after we creampied her.
and for the sharing, we could come clean, saying that she is our girl, but that because he is our friend, we will let him play with her.
everyone gets what they want.