Point being, it's in no way their job to HAVE to make one, or vocalize that they're going to. In fact, it would be in their better interest to NOT do so (the latter, I mean.)
You see, the problem is that this game was incest from th beginning. Personally i have no problems in no incest game, if it was meant from the beginning like that than there is no problem. Here we see what? We have "landlady" and "childhood friend" and we all know how crappy is that. This thing ruins logic of the game. Logic of the story. And for me that is the problem, for me there is also problem in that i know it WAS incest game, "Family ties". The problem is that auditory, first people who liked your game and became your patreons is, most likely, because of incest. People who does not like incest not goint to play the game that specifies in incest and not gonna pay for it. "Family ties". So the most loyal auditory was betrayed by you. Those who became patreon just from the beginnig and staying that way till now.
I'm not saying that patreon rules is 100% bad thing, it gave more options, the non-incest game and "fan made" incest patch. All games that positioned themselves as incest game became non incest, with "houselady" and childhood friend, but the still have that "fan made" patch. Its just the risk that game developer should take just to be honest to his auditory.
I'm not a patreon, i had no idea about patreon before this policy change story. I was svs member all the time, even about your game i found out AFTER i registered on this site. But i know how this game should have been, i just dont want to play the game that not as it meant to be.
You could've change the story, you could have made Mom died, MC had no sister and only father that is harsh on him, that way you've add some logic behind the idea that MC is a douchebag. But you've made "landlady" and "childhood friend".
Why? You can not sit on two chairs. If your doing "landlady" and etc. that "fan made" should be miraculously appear.
You can not promise to make NTR and not to make it for a year. Personally i hate that shit. I just dont understand it, but you made a promise to your auditory and someone really anticipating it.
Do you think that this will continues forever, that your auditory would continue to listen to you promises? You can see the examples than it wont last long. Big brother. Summertime "something". Dual family. Than there was other game. All this game promised something and became just moneysucking shit. Patreons are leaving. People stop trusting developers.
I'm still not patreon, gosh i not gonna even play this game until "fan made" patch appears. Do you think i am the only one like that? I dont need VN to fap, i need it for story, i'm not fapping on VN games. I know some members of this site that play VN for romance. For love story. Why do you think that logic ruining would be a plus for your game? Why do you think that everything continues the same? Yes, most of the blaberring about NTR or incest are from people that not gonna become patreons, but i'm a patreon of some other games already, i will become a patreon if this game would be interesting for me.
And i'm not the only one who thinks like that.