Open game go to "load" enter usqrqa in the code box to JUST PLAY the new/updated stuff.
Don't freak out that your PC has no money, none is needed for this small update
This isn't official, it is just what I do, it should get you through 100% completion the "**" parts are my random comments
01 Wake up and go downstairs
**immediately I would go check out the laptop to see if any of the cameras I had placed were yielding any fruit... but, alas...
02) On the landing you have a sequence where Mom/Mary tells you have a phone call from a doctor. You will have the option to
a - Lie Everything checks out over here Doc! –(Only this choice is implemented currently)
b - Y-yes… I’ hearing voices (NOT AVAILABLE)
** I think this is setting up a “path” for the MC to either be good or bad. Personally, I don’t like having a path but, hey, I’ll roll with it.
03) Go Downstairs to the living room
Once downstairs you will begin a sequence of Mom/Mary masturbating with the washing machine in the shower/laundry room (door immediately to the left)
You will get a QUEST TARGET ALERT (QT ALERT), Click on Quests and you should have
a - Meet Priscilla at the Stables
b – Did you hear Strange Sounds near Darnell’s house?
c – What is that sound coming from the washroom?
04) Since we are right at the wash/Laundry, click the door
05) Mom/Mary is inside, click her to start sequence, follow prompts
When the sequence is over, Mary/Mom disappears. Nothing else to select in the Washroom so head out
6) Lets work through the quest targets. First, lets see what is up with Darnell, click the map icon, then Darnell’s house (Blue, top)
7) Darnell had the shit kicked out of him…. And the PC has two choices
a – No, we have to help get him to a hospital (AVAILABLE)
b – You’re right, Darnell can sort his own mess out. (NOT AVAILABLE -Yet)
**This is where you are probably defining the path for NTR etc, As I assume that if you help him out, eventually you will be friends and share and share a like. He may use his influence to help the PC with their own conquests, but, I would imagine that it will come with a “price”.
Letting Darnell sort his own mess out will set the stage for the continued rivalry, but I am sure the stakes will be higher.
The scene now switches to the hospital where there is a Dialog sequence with Darnell. And ends with you being dumped out at Darnell’s house.
** NOW would be a good time to put camera’s in Darnell’s sister’s room… sigh….
08) Click the QT Icon, we should have just one now
a – Meet Priscilla at the Stables
09) The stables are in Priscilla’s back yard, so go to the map icon and select her house.
At Priscilla’s house, click the back yard area (to the left of the main house)
10) Click the barn door
This starts a Priscilla dialog where she invites you to go ridding with her… just click through the sequence to let it play out.
After the riding, you automatically are back in the stables and the Priscilla spanking scene starts, play it out
11) When it is over, you are dumped out at night time in Priscilla’s back yard and the QT Alert flashes, so click the QT icon…
Now it says
a – Get some studying done
** This to me was a bit confusing… Should I go home to study? How about back to Becca’s house for another “study session”. Heck, I could go study with Becca’s mom! But what it MEANS to say is, “Talk to Priscilla tomorrow in class”.
It is night time, so….
12) Go home
Nothing else to do so hop in bed and sleep til the next day
** It’s a shame to leave Mary/Mom all by herself… I still got a bottle of those pills…
Or how about those camera’s I set up, maybe I should check the laptop?… alas…
13) Time to get that studying done so open the map icon and Go to school
14) At school, go inside and go to class
** What, wait, I thought Darnell was in the hospital? Now he is back in his default position. WTF?
15) Click Sara
16 Click
Get Some Studying Done maybe?
** Try to talk to Sara is still a choice, but it’s a dead end.
This starts a sequence where Becca comes and talk to you followed by Priscilla follow along with the prompts.
** Becca refers to Priscilla here as the “Green Eyed Monster”, which, as Lost Raven will point out, is an euphemism for someone who is jealous. So, while Priscilla’s eyes are blue... uh... ok. Does the character of Becca know that Priscilla is jealous of her? The writer does, but do the players and actors? I think I would have gone with, "oh boy, here comes Priscilla and she is looking pretty upset, and then have the Jealousy play out in the barn sequence.
When the scene is over, you are alone in the classroom until Darnell comes up to you and makes his threats… click through it.
a- Wonder if any of the girls are taking a shower
17) Go out to the hall way
Dialog with Sara
a- Find a way to sneak into the girl’s showers
18) Go out to the Sports Grounds (3rd Choice on the left before the exit doors)
19) Click on the “Smoking Area”
** This is what we called the field house in my day, since no smoking on School Grounds these days.
20) Click on the chained ladder
a- Find a way to open the locked gate
b- Open the locked gate
** It’s a locked ladder… gate???
21) GO out to the Sports Yard
NOW IF YOU LOOK… there is STEAM coming out of one of the windows… that is outside the girls shower area BUT YOU CANT GO YET!
22) Go to School Hallway
This will automatically start a scene with the School Principal Walter click through it and it will dump you alone, in his office.
23) Now is when you look for the key to the locked “Ladder” Top shelf drawer on left.
a-Open the Locked “Gate” (Ladder)
24) Out to the hallway
25) Out to school Grounds
26) Go to the Smoking Area
27) Click on “Gate” (Ladder)
a – Place a ladder and spy on the girls ( magically transformed from gate to ladder)
28) Back to the Sports Yard
NOW you take the ladder over to the steamy window on the left -Girls shower
a Spy on the Girls… Just whose in there? (** Who is = who’s and whose is a possessive pronoun)
29) Click on the ladder you just placed
Show time!
**Wait… what? What is with all the soap blocking the view… C’mon man… its an adult game. Lose the suds!
After the sequence, you are back in the school yard with an inner dialog
a- Maybe I should invite Becca out onto a date?
(SP/Phrasing?) I think it should say “I should probably ask Becca out on a date”
30) To ask Becca out, go inside the main hallway
This is glitchy…. And I think is where folks are having trouble. If you immediately go up to Becca, you wont get the dialog choice
PROGRAM/GAME NOTE I would get rid of Becca in the hallway now because she should be in the showers but is now standing in the hallway. The QT say ask her out but we don’t get the proper dialog
IF you click Becca now, when she is standing near the end of the hallway, you get the closed loop “Talk to her”
31) Go inside the French Classroom
32) Go back out into the hallway
This NOW opens up the proper Becca dialog
**This is also glitchy because
1) We have just had a dialog with Becca saying we were going to meet at the mall/movies after School
2) Priscilla has walked up and told Becca to go to the stables after School and it appears to the Player (human) that Becca is going to the stables…
Becca says “oh.. Okay” to going to the stables after school, then says
“I’ll deo meet you at the cinema later ok? I’ll just have to see what Priscilla wants first”
So we are told to meet at the Cinema (Movies/Mall)
a -Meet Becca at the cinema after School
33) Its evening and school is “out” so click on the map and go to the MALL FRONT (bottom right)
33) Go In Mall
Becca is not here…
* The Dialog says that we now have to ask Sara where Becca is *** BUT WE KNOW WHERE BECCA IS BECAUSE SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING TO THE STABLES TO MEET PRISCILLA!**
Ok… we know she is at the stables, but we can’t go there…. THIS will need to be sorted later for game flow, but for right now
34) Open Map icon and go to Becca’s house
35) Knock on Becca’s front door and start the Scene
a Head to Priscilla’s house
**NO feakin kidding!
Open map and
36) Go to Priscilla’s house
37) Click side fence
38) Click Barn Door
Opens Priscilla/Becca Scene… click through
Dumps you out in back yard
a Make sure ghost is clear ** You mean Make sure the coast is clear**
39) If you click the door to Gerda’s Kitchen it will open onscreen but the dialog says it is locked…
You will “hear” the front door opening, and after some dialog you will witness a conversation between Harry and Gerda which just ultimately lets you know that the “ghost” is clear. You are dumped out in the back yard
40) Click the barn door… it is locked!
a Find the stable key
It is Priscilla’s barn, so logically it should be in her room.
The Gerda’s Kitchen door is now closed (visually) but…
41) Click on Gerda’s Kitchen Door
42) Click Priscilla’s Hall
43) Click Priscilla’s Bedroom (Far right door)
44) Look for key in Dresser Drawers
a I better “save” Becca (in the evening)
It is evening, so
45) Priscilla’s Hall
46) Go to Gerda’ Kitchen
47) Go Back to Priscilla’s Backyard
48) Barn
Watch the scene and click through….
It will dump you out in Priscilla’s back yard again… click through
** Becca didn’t put her clothes back on… she is still in cow get up… shouldn’t she switch back?
a -Talk to Priscilla in School
It is midnight so
49) Click map, go home, go upstairs and go to bed
** Now would be a good time to check on the girls via the lap top… all that frustration is probably being worked out…. Alas…..sigh…
50) Click on the school
51) We could have done it earlier, but lets do it now, click on Becca and Ryoko standing outside the school and click through the dialog
**PROGRAMMING Becca and Ryoko magically turned into to Becca and Danny… WTF?
52) When the scene ends click on school front door
This starts a Scene with Priscilla and Darnell
You have two options
a Pull Priscilla away to safety.
b. Time to jaw that fucker (punch Darnell)
** Both of these options lead to the same place… they may have different consequences as the story plays out but if you have been itching to slug Darnell, now is your chance.
Choice A
You pull Darnell away and are Priscilla’s hero.. Skip to QT ALERT
IF you punch Darnell, it starts a fight that will be broken up by the Principal and you will automatically go to his office where a scene plays out but ultimately dumps you back in the hallway with Priscilla
and another scene starts
**PROGRAMING NOTE The dialog says they are going out to he school yard, but physically the characters stay in the School Hallway.
The dialog plays out and Pricilla now tells you to meet her in her room
a Spend some quality time with Priscilla
To do this, you have to go to her house so…
53) Go to Priscilla’s house
54) Click Front Door
This starts a dialog with Gerda
**How about a costume change for Gerda?
Clicking though the dialog lands you outside in the back yard.
55) Click the basement/cellar
Gerda shows you some stuff… yadda yadda ultimately you end up back outside with
a Spend some time with Priscilla
55) Click Gerda’s Kitchen door
56) Go to Priscilla’s Room
57) Click on Priscilla
Follow along with the Priscilla Scene
You get dumped out in Harry’s study
a - Head Home (we are 99.5% complete!)
Some folks are having trouble only getting to 99.5%... The only QT right now is head home… but wait.
There is just a bit more…
Gerda is still locked in the basement... so that last .5% is a conversation with Harry… so go around Priscilla’s house till you finally encounter Harry in the Study…
This completes the last bit with Priscilla and Gerda
58) Go Home