lostraven for what its worth here's some feedback from a freeloader. The update was overall pretty good. Would still like to see more gameplay mechanics, however I liked the idea of items that are needed to progress the story being made available by the player 'unlocking' it, For example blackmailing the clerk to unlock the secret room to get clara's outfit. As opposed to "I need a ruler so it magically appears outside your room". I also really like the attempted animations. I thought for such few frames per animation, it looked nice. One criticism about it though is when the animations loop, sometimes the images used are have different facial expressions so it looks weird when it loops (As the animation rocks back and forth the facial expression looks off). If Uber can make an edit were the facial expression remains constant during certain animations I think it'll look better. Idk how to explain it but I hope you know what I mean. The writing was great as usual but If i may say, certain parts were a bit too wordy and could have been summarized to be a bit more concise. But it was great overall. A couple bugs but nothing game breaking so I would say a very successful update and release. I know I dont contribute to the patreon but when I say more I want more gameplay mechanics, the animations and writing weaked, its just what I believe would take this game to another level. One last thing, I was disappointed that Clara/Becca story ended pretty abruptly but I believe Uber said there is a part 2. Will that be released this year or is that another mega update? Anyway I really like the direction the game is headed and it has massive potential. Enjoy your holidays and a happy new year!