Uber is currently working on the Christmas Special, so things are radio dark at the moment as I work on the next Script.
So here's an unofficial post.
Really looking forward to getting my hands on the Christmas Special, we're keen as the game progresses to experiment with music, lighting and new things etc.
Generally speaking, after the Chantelle Script, we're slightly unsure of where to go direction wise with the game. (Not rudderless and totally at a loss, but it's more asking, 'what should we do first?'
-There's the main story.
(Which we'll be pausing after the Chantelle script to focus elsewhere)
-The numerous side stories and core game play elements.
-The alternative routes, e.g. corruption, 'Friendship' and NTR.
-Numerous 'fun' Random events.
While the Mega updates continue to be daunting in size, the goods news is we're just 10% away Patreon wise to hopefully hiring on a new coder to help speed things up.