Ugh just finished this (ran out out of content) ,nothing happened, get to see the fattie friend naked and eventually pose for you and her teacher/mom naked and that's it,there's is no real reward for those fn annoying picture puzzles either and i don't think this game is worth it
Art style is nice but that's it,ya know i pretty much had with these games,their are few decent ones...yes only a few cause most fall into the couple cg pics (whatever their source HS Daz etc) and text which is just boring then they forget that these are H games and that's why people are even interested at all
If you wanted some grand story you could just go play some triple A gamer,what i'm trying to say is where is the actual H?you play for like forever and then see a little scene and it's back to the filler content who you could give a fuck about because your initial interest in the game has not been met
So yeah other attributes to game are important just not as much as what this genre of game should be about and that it should be the dominant characteristic...i can't be the only one that feels this way.