ok, ill deal with it. last question, is this gonna cause me to lose triggers for scenes? i ask because i seem to be jumping ahead on a few quest lines
No it will not make you lose any but there are some quests not appearing in the log.
There is also a bug for the snooping quest where the key you find under the coffee table suddenly disappears out of you inventory. I suggest not picking up or buying things until just before you need them.
I and a bunch of other have finished the game with out running into this bug while many others have had it happen to them.
During my play through I did the don't get the item until the quest called for it. It sounds like you are actually reading the game dialog so make sure to pay attention because many times this will solve the lack of a decent quest/hint system(it has issues) , and Lastly when you get in the range of 30-35% completed and no quests come up Go to the library and look for a strange book by clicking on one of the three book cases , triggers dialog with Ryoko after that most other quests will show up in the log or are indicated by the game dialog.
Good Luck on avoiding the snooping bug.