
Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
I am playing a dominate MC it throws me off if he suddenly wants to share his girl it seems out of character to me.
I think the opposite is true, sharing a girl when you have a horse cock is an act of dominance in it's own right, having the other guy/s see you in action and feeling like midgets in comparison establishes an alpha order, as well has driving home the point to the girl that she will never have anyone better than you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
I think the opposite is true, sharing a girl when you have a horse cock is an act of dominance in it's own right, having the other guy/s see you in action and feeling like midgets in comparison establishes an alpha order, as well has driving home the point to the girl that she will never have anyone better than you.

To me you are just whoring your girl out and at the end she is just a whore. Even in fantasy I don't feel a need to show other dudes that I have a larger cock and if my girl doesn't know I am better already then fuck her (in the game). Even though it is fantasy no matter how hard you try if you like something you are somewhat emotionally involved and on a real life subconscious level these things do affect you. So when you see people say "Feels Bad" that's what they mean it does not mean you are crying in your soup or that you take a game more seriously than real life. It just means it affected them. This gets a little more personnel than maybe I should but I tend to avoid watching or participating in things that weigh on my conscience . That goes for games as well, even though we all like to think we can totally separate the two worlds in your conscious mind , your subconscious mind does not do that. This concept is debatable of course and has been debated many times in the psychological world.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
....if you like something you are somewhat emotionally involved ...
I think this might the crux of the issue, in most instances I don't feel emotionally involved with the characters in those games, there are a few instances that hook me emotionally and yes like you I don't want to share those, but maybe 99% of the time the characters in those games never rise above the status of two dimensional sex objects.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
I think this might the crux of the issue, in most instances I don't feel emotionally involved with the characters in those games, there are a few instances that hook me emotionally and yes like you I don't want to share those, but maybe 99% of the time the characters in those games never rise above the status of two dimensional sex objects.
Well they may be 2 dimensional sex objects but they are representations of people so they can't be totally seperated so to speak, they are related to real people in a sense.
I believe everything we take in with our senses affects our subconsciousness and causes feelings(they don't have to be strong ones) Its like subliminal messaging in a sense, you are affected but you don't realize it. Through meditation/deep thinking , people can discover these things sometimes.
I will never be totally in the light(good) nor will I be totally in the dark(evil) I will straddle the line when I can and try to maintain balance. So for me I use fantasy games for several reasons , one being the ability to explore things I would never want to do IRL due to consequences and two so I can nail done my feeling towards these darker concepts. Once I have nailed down how I feel about whatever, I don't feel a need to keep going, unless I really like it. This game tweaks me in some ways I would never be like Red in real life but I want to root for him in this game. Besides he cracks me up , I mean the shit he says, you can't tell me you don't wish you could get away with some of that shit. My philosophical view points will not make sense to many but that is where I am coming from, and yet I still appreciate opposing view points because people are constantly evolving and I am people the same as everyone else. ( Just a smuck on the vast interwebs :) ) I am sure there will be many who read this and think he's right he is a smuck, I would say Thanks for joining the club :D


New Member
Mar 25, 2018
For the scene to trigger to get Clara to put the webcam in Danny's room, you need to already have the webcam. But during the scene, Clara says to come back when you have it. I feel like this scene should trigger once the webcam becomes available as an item.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2020
I think this might the crux of the issue, in most instances I don't feel emotionally involved with the characters in those games, there are a few instances that hook me emotionally and yes like you I don't want to share those, but maybe 99% of the time the characters in those games never rise above the status of two dimensional sex objects.
I am a person who hesitated to share his pen in school
Jun 7, 2019
32 Pages Sheesh on the downside I’m pretty sure that’s gonna mean the update is at least gonna take three more days but on the upside 32 pages should mean this update is actually pretty big so
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