I wonder how many people need to stop backing him before he decides to start doing the artwork again.
Doubt it will ever happen that he will ditch AI completely. He's still doing some percentage of his own artwork. However, it's obviously he's using AI to create more art quicker. The whole point of AI is to lighten the workload - so you get more art through spending less time/money on it. It's "free" labor ... well, cheaper labor than even taking the time to do it from scratch, himself. Lower subscribers means less money which means he has to make cuts in costs, and free/cheap labor wouldn't get the chopping block.
Also, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon. Some time today, he will break his previous record of subscribers on Patreon with 3 weeks left in the month to go even higher. He might break the top 10 Patreon adult video game creator (by subscriber numbers) for the first time by the end of the month, as well. He's currently #12 and at the beginning of June, he was #20.
Hi Count, thanks for your efforts.
But I don't see any link for v0.95.7b. My version is fubar and I'm stuck in a deathloop with the posters in school mission.
So i'm desperate for a fix version, but can't find one anywhere.
What did I miss in your post?
Any guidance is much appreciated.
You missed the first line in my post.
"b" doesn't contain any different content/paths/options over "a"
If you can't do anything to get out of your loop as it is. You need to do the common sense, obvious things - either:
- Load a save prior to the first photo session with Chantelle and trying again, or
- Start at the beginning of v0.95.7 again
If you are using v0.95.7b - that means you got it from somewhere else (not from links here). If you are a patreon subscriber - you should go to Uberpie's discord to seek help. I mean, anyone can go to the discord to seek help, but there's also a subscriber only section, I believe, and they may have more info (though, I doubt it, because his moderator doesn't appear to have better info than we're giving here).