
Mar 6, 2021
I don't know if it's just me, but when I click on a tag (incest for example) it opens a list of games with that tag, which I find very interesting, but not all games appear in it, I don't know if it's a problem on the site , or some configuration I need to do, and some are well known, but don't show up, and as my memory for remembering names is terrible, I always go to this list, but sometimes I have to go to another site to get the name ( since it has a list with the game's cover photo), here if you leave the mouse over, the cover appears, but it takes a long time, this would be something I would also find interesting, to have the name of the game (in the list) together with a thumbnail of the cover, another thing I would find interesting would be more ratings for the incest tag (Mother and Son, Father and Daughter, Brother and Sister, Cousins....Uncles....) so you like the tag (like i) would know what kind of incest it would be. I don't think that would be a lot of work.