Tagopedia, Volume 2: The Mind Control Tag


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018

For the purpose of the game tag, "mind control" can be defined as "the influence, direction, coercion or control of the Main Character and/or other characters by some means, such as magic, drugs, telepathy, hypnosis etc., typically for the purposes of getting them to engage in sexual behavior." Mind Control is, by definition, nonconsensual in nature, and the subject of the mind control may or may not be aware that they are being controlled. Games where the Main Character is unusually charismatic or influential may or may not fall under this tag, depending upon the degree of such influence and whether the character consciously uses such "ability" to get people to do what they otherwise wouldn't normally do.


The most obvious aspect of the mind control tag theme is "control". Either the main character is being compelled to do things with no control or choice about it, or other characters are being controlled by the MC with little to no input on what they say or do. If Mind Control existed in the real world, use of it to compel sexual behaviour or "manufacture sexual consent" would be considered a particularly nasty form of sexual assault. In game, it's typically not portrayed as quite so traumatic or, well, evil. The appeal of having absolute control over others is pretty straightforward, as is the appeal of suddenly having no control. Additionally, using such control to engage in a variety of taboo behaviors such as incest, BDSM, public sex, and a panoply of other fetishes and kinks augments the thrill of "transgressive" acts.
Most games using a mind control aspect typically have a three stage approach: first, the MC discovers the ability or acquires it by some means; second, the MC begins to explore the use of the ability against others they are sexually or romantically interested in; third, the MC begins to consolidate their control over those they are interested in and may expand their influence to others and/or deepen their control to an absolute degree.


Mind Control games typically lay out the "rules of the road" in terms of how the mind control works and why. In many games the mind control is simply a particularly strong form of hypnosis, applied via the old school method, or perhaps through some kind of subliminal audio/video recording. In others the mind control is due to a magic spell or magical artifact or an inherited magical ability of the main character. Or it's a drug that has to be placed into the subject's system via drink, gas, etc. Finally, the ability could be telepathic in nature, where the main character has developed or inherited such an ability, and can convey commands simply by "thinking" them at the subject(s).
The control may be vague and general--inducing sexual arousal and disinhibtion, for example--or quite specific--"unbutton the top button of your dress" or "leave your door unlocked and sleep in the nude at night". The control may be resistable--the subject is being asked to do too much, too soon.
The "development/progression" of the ability is a key aspect--either the commands are largely irresistable and the progression is in terms of the MC's mastery of the power, or the effects of the ability are cumulative, and the subjects slowly succumb to total enslavement, bit by bit. A popular sub-theme of the cumulative control effect is that the subjects slowly become more sexually "corrupt"(i.e., engage in ever more lewd, lascivious, transgressive sexual conduct). There is a variety of mind control where the subjects act like robots, do not remember their actions and are essentially just fuck dolls for the main character. Less common are games where the mind control is extremely subtle and basically just "speeds up" the seduction process, removes or smooths over obstacles to the MC achieving their goals, and/or nudges subjects bit by bit to extend their comfort zones to engage in new behaviors.


Mind control often appears in fantasy or magic-themed games, which usually involve a quest or a nemesis of some kind. Perhaps there's an "evil" mind controller with whom the MC has to contend. It also appears in science fiction scenarios, where it might be a natural ability of the MC or else is achieved by pseudoscientific means. Of course, some of the most popular games such as "Dreams of Desire" have featured mind control in a fairly mundane, suburban family setting.
Since mind control is a means by which extraordinary sexual "feats" can be achieved, it's often commingled with tags like incest, NTR, corruption, BDSM, harem and so forth. Corruption and mind control are virtually synonymous in many games. The MC develops the means of control, and as they use it, they break down the inhibitions and resistance of those around them and those in whom they are interested. In the game "Corruption", for example, the MC starts by using his newfound control to slowly corrupt his family first, then gradually works to corrupt virtually the entire game world. In fact his "goal" is to enslave as many women as possible. This corruption is reflected by the subjects engaging in ever more depraved behavior, with and without his direction.
Other games use control in a more subtle way, and sometimes the MC may even have bouts of conscience, or the subjects may become aware of the control and rebel or resist it. There may be a subject or subjects who are immune to it and then the MC will have to resort to other means to either overcome this resistance or simply seduce them the old fashioned way. And, finally, some games may have a bad or "dark" ending, where either the MC comes to a bad end or their quest lands them in a very dark place.


1. Don't use Mind Control as a crutch or shortcut. Develop the characters and the relationships between them. Show the limits and possibilities of those relationships before introducing mind control into the equation.
2. Decide the what, why and how of the control. What is the "source"(means) of control--magic, drugs, hypnosis, telepathy? How does it work--immediately, gradually, subtly? When someone is under control, does their appearance or demeanor change? Is it resistable? Is it possible for the subject to become aware of the control? What's going to happen if they do?
3. Play up the thrill of discovering the control--does a subject start behaving seductively without the MC knowing what's happening? Are they skeptical right up until the control has a delayed effect and they're awoken in the middle of the night to find a subject performing oral sex on them?
4. A degree of realism in the writing is good. If one person in a setting is suddenly behaving oddly, others will take note of it. If a whole household is behaving strangely, then visitors will pick up on it quickly. That might be a risk for the MC in some settings(Takeover, e.g.). Maybe the mind control works in a way that the subjects remember their actions and rationalize them as natural. Showing that in game enhances the experience for the player by making it seem more natural or realistic.
5. Think through the story arc(s) in a mind control game. Beginning, middle, end. What's the endgame? Total control? Relinquishment of control in pursuit of "true love"? Total corruption? Taking over the (game) world? Having a loyal harem? How does each character transition through different "phases" of control?


Mar 30, 2019
Nice write-up.

One thing I want to note, particularly because you said not to use it as a crutch, is that mind control can also work as the primary theme and focus of a game. Good plots and characters are necessary regardless, but few games use mind control as anything but a means to an end, and fewer do so well.

One thing I'd like to see more of in this genre is the presence of other characters than the MC with mind control abilities. This adds a good bit of tension as there's another player on the same field. To a similar end, inadvertent repercussions, like if a command is misinterpreted or a character's personality is overwritten, for tampering with minds aren't often explored.

I'm a bit biased since it's my favorite genre lol but I'd love to see more and more complex games involving it. I think there's a lot of untapped potential once you get past the basic "mind control the girl to have sex" aspect.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Nice write-up.

One thing I want to note, particularly because you said not to use it as a crutch, is that mind control can also work as the primary theme and focus of a game. Good plots and characters are necessary regardless, but few games use mind control as anything but a means to an end, and fewer do so well.

One thing I'd like to see more of in this genre is the presence of other characters than the MC with mind control abilities. This adds a good bit of tension as there's another player on the same field. To a similar end, inadvertent repercussions, like if a command is misinterpreted or a character's personality is overwritten, for tampering with minds aren't often explored.

I'm a bit biased since it's my favorite genre lol but I'd love to see more and more complex games involving it. I think there's a lot of untapped potential once you get past the basic "mind control the girl to have sex" aspect.
I think that "practical limitations are the graveyard of ambitious ideas" with regard to adding more complexity, choice or nuance to a creative product. I do like the idea of rival mind controllers(The Gift Reloaded features a rival controller). I like the idea of a main character who has a kind of unconscious mind control ability that makes everything tend to come easy for them--you can toy with it a bit--maybe they lose the ability for a while and find out how hard it is for "normal" folks to get what they want; or they figure out there is something different and try to direct it towards more specific goals.