RPGM - Completed - Tail Teller 2 [1.0.1] [Yukiya Konkon]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It is a nice little game, with interesting fighting system, but don'tgo into the game thinking it is a porn game. You won't even see as much as a nip everything is covered up, and not only by the mucus. So if you like bondage ecchi this could be the game for you, but the game is not really sexually gratifying (at least for me).
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay tries to be unique with marginal success, the art is fantastic if you like gooey things in general, and there are scenes for more than just one character. Despite all this, the game falls short due to having no loss scenes for the vast majority of enemies in the game.

    The battle "fuck" system is really hot if you're into grapples from slimes, slimey tendrils, or slimey creatures in general. This game really likes slimey stuff. However, for most enemies, that's all they have. If you lose to their (very well drawn) grapples, you get an immediate game over. No dialogue, no images. Nothing. Can't say I've ever had cold water poured on me like that when so thoroughly savoring the progression of a grapple and build-up to what SHOULD have been a game over scene.

    They really fumbled what I think could have been a stellar game. Thankfully, the uploader provided a full save that's right in the gallery, and I'd highly advise checking that first to see what I mean. Check the left side first, else wise you'll be led astray by the right side, which actually has loss scenes.

    If you're after penetrative stuff, this is not for you. I'm honestly disappointed by that, too, because it looks like the art is constantly teasing at it happening. As far as I saw, there are no penetrative scenes at all. There's a tag for anal sex, but I saw just about every scene in the gallery and didn't see any of that. Maybe it's implied in the text, I guess? Visually though, you're not seeing it.

    All in all, a real let down of a game, but still one worth having simply because of its gallery. Was just so close to being a great title, but fell short in the end. Or...the beginning, I guess. You find out real quick that there's no game over since you fight a slime for real the moment you're out of the tutorial.