Java - Tales of Androgyny [v0.3.49.2] [Majalis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of version
    From my point of view excellent

    Attempt to be OBJECTIVE:
    PORN WARNING: If you can't stomach repeated anal and oral ravaging of your MC look elsewhere for entertainment.

    GAME PLAY: This is a game in which a feminine male explores a fairly open world RPG environment. Almost every world location has an action associated with it. The world locations refresh at various intervals allowing a coninuous (if at times repetitive) experience of exploration. Game has mechanics of levelling up for the MC to improve attributes and skills. The MC can collect and upgrade armor and weaponry. The MC takes on quests and fights various foes to gain experience (to gain levels), cash and sometimes to further the plot. Some quests award achievements which allow future games to be started with additional character bonuses.

    PORN: Pretty much every fight and a number of the quests lead to sexual scenarios (some game ending/fatal). The majority of NPCs are feminine but equipped with prodigiously proportioned phalluses. There are a few female NPCs but the few full on male NPCs I can think of are periphery. There is a lot of oral, anal and toy related sex. Sex occurs with other humanoids and numerous human/animal hybrids. A number of specific fetishes are covered and when they are covered they are covered fairly thoroughly.

    GAME STYLE: Excellent consistency of graphics. Amiable, slightly sarcastic humour throughout. Game is mostly fairly intuitive but there are a lot of options so can in the early stages can seem bewildering, the number of fighting (incorporating seduction) skills is more than I can remember in any other game (porn or otherwise). Easy to save, test scenario, retry (my advice is do this a lot when you first play).

    Love the visuals. The humour often makes me laugh. Gameplay is interesting and mildly challenging (usually after one failure can work out way to move game forward). There are a lot of hours of play here.

    Additionally this game has received updates at a fairly steady pace over a number of years now so there is no reason to expect this to end any time soon.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best femboy game if it's not the best, good scene, good art and good game, what do you excpect more than that ? An excellent game, I'm hype for the final version, that I hope will be release soon
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I believe this game deserves a rating because it's one of the most unique games that we have on this site, and I don't mean out of the fetishes but as how the game works.

    1º In this game we have gameplay, which is quite decent albeit sometimes can be a bit complicating, I wouldn't have added so many stances because it just complicates it needlessly but that's all.

    2º Contrary to most games, we have our adventure and our stats matter, failing perception, agility or other checks will have consequences, which can make you get into interesting situations because of that, you won't be the "ultimate hero that does everything perfect" until at the very least you truly want it and you have played the game multiple times to know what to do.

    3º Character interactions are quite interesting, overall there are many things to develop in that aspect and some situations should be reworked a bit, just to give an example one of the possible companions is a futa orc that can make you her slave, but I feel like it should be based on contests or fights to make the other one fully submit.

    And this is actually an important point, if a character is kind of egoistic or becomes like that with time then they should try to make you submit or you manage to make them give up.

    Overall it's a nice game in all aspects, it has a main theme which would be futanari and traps and it sticks to it, you like it or dislike it but those that like it will fully enjoy the game, it has an interesting gameplay (albeit I do believe it has too many stances) and there are a lot of characters to meet.

    What do I think it lacks? basically development, especially about adding more missions, more stuff related to repeating an encounter with characters, some more fetishes, body changes that some enemies may apply you and things like that.

    Overall related to fetishes I believe it's the one that needs much work, because most of the times the fetishes would be just blowjob and sex, be it fucking or being fucked. On this aspect I feel like the game could earn quite a bit from monster girl dreams, mainly on the use of the monstrous parts and adding other fetishes such as a foot fetish.

    In fact to make this game excellent it truly needs that exploration of more fetishes with all the other development it needs.

    But well, it's a really good game at the moment, if you don't dislike the main theme of trap and futa then you should play it, it's a good adventure to have.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    While this does not really line up with my kinks, this was close enough to give it a look. Glad I did. This is a well done game. The artwork is excellent, the writing is good and the game play is solid. It's worth a look IMO by anyone that is a pervert. lol Oh, ya, and its updated frequently which is quite refreshing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    I've been postponing playing this one for a while now since I thought (based on the screenshots provided) that the art in this one would be quite bad and it wouldn't be worth it. However, I was amazed by how great it looks and by the great gameplay.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    While this game is definitely good, I cannot give it a higher rating because of how you are treated for wanting to have sex with the enemies, this game takes every opportunity it has to slut shame you even though that's basically all you can do in the game.
    Another point where this game falls short it's in the over complicated combat system, the combat is stance based, meaning you must be in the correct stance if you want to do a certain action, so if you are doing a strong attack and wants to defend, you must first spend a turn not attacking, then you can defend yourself, you also cannot attack too much, as you will lose balance and fall on the ground, if you don't have enough stamina to immediately get up again the enemy will most likely be able to rape you before you can get up again, most of the time even having stamina won't help because the enemy will grapple you and you will have to spend the stamina to free yourself.
    The reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because the game is updated monthly and the last updates have introduced a lot of animations to the game, making it way more enjoyable (specially if you don't want to read the 100s of words that each encounter has).
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2077289

    Very good game that's being updated regularly. One thing about +18 games is that they usually get old very quickly once you played them a few times, ToA isn't like that. You can play whatever path you envision, either dominant or submissive, promiscuous or chaste, and so on. The art is great and gets better by each update. The battle system is unique and very fun to play, to the point where I wish there was a non hentai game that was based on it. One of those games you wish would just get updated forever, with an immersive story, new characters and combat features. I hope the project goes on for many more years to come. 200% worth playing(if you're into futa stuff).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    • Weekly updates
    • 2 gamemodes
    • Character creation, Class and perks
    • A well done rpg mechanics
    • Good art and animations
    • I can't get enough of the battles
    This game is so good the amount of content is crazy and there's still good content on the way. It's ending their alpha built tho so sad I wanted to see some alara scenes.​
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    new gamer

    love the game art 5/5

    gameplay 4.5/5

    story 4/5

    kinks 5/5

    Frequent updates and the game covers alot of kinks with actual gameplay in it i would love to see it developed further not saying there is not insane alot of content in the game right now but i would like to have even more my top10 favorite game for sure
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely great porn game, with only one major drawback

    That drawback is that all characters including MC are chicks with dicks/futa, so it is more for gay and bi audiences. Which is perfectly okay, but I would my MC like to be fully female. It is sad that there isn't a hetero version of this game, that would be the best porn game ever.

    The great things are:
    - excellent possilities of corruption, with great effects
    - nice pervert stats, like how many cum you have swallowed, how many times you were anally raped, and even the state of your asshole after that
    - you feed on apples and cum. giving an hefty blowjob takes away hunger
    - pretty nice art
    - allround nice corrupt and perverted atmosphere, no silly quests here, just encounter after encounter

    Some other drawbacks:
    - combat is difficult (i didn't bother, i just surrendered every time and thus got raped at every encounter)
    - after a while my playstyle (without fighting) led me to repetative encounters

    To the makers: Please make a version of this with a female MC, with more scenes and content, I would be willing to pay like 20$ for that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If playing a highly-feminised boy who takes a lot of cock in both ends is your kind of thing - and it absolutely is mine! - then this game definitely has you covered.
    The art's nice, and some of the writing is quite amusing and/or hot. Not all of the mechanics seem to make much sense, but i can't say i'm really interested in mastering it in any case - i'm just in it for the Orc/Minotaur/Dullahan dick :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Asia Argento

    I hate losing but yet I do it on purpose here. Fun. Art is decently done. Discord community is friendly. Dev is actually pretty damn nice and responds to your questions if you have any... I am a Patron, that should say enough tbh.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all this game main focus is of chicks with dicks and focused on passive intercourse , there is also else but that is not the main focus.
    Other than that is a new kind of game that you don't see a lot around, high rate of weekly updates and in version has enough content for at least 40 hours.

    -Character creation is limited but still good enough customization to make you feel like a dnd player( name,class, race,ability,stats and a little bit of appearance changes) and most of the stats are good at something
    -Combat is complex and based around stances from defensive offensive and sexual and you can really choose your playstyle thanks to all that, or you can simply max a specific attack and spam it just like every good rpg
    -The writing is good in free mode and every character even if most of them are lust filled have some kind of character to make them shine (basically a pick your waifu because there are for every kind of taste)
    -Perfect for multiple runs thanks to the random/choice matters kinda of gameplay and also because there are a lot of things to discover
    -Difficulty is pretty much objective, you can create a monster kind of MC and steamroll trough everything or mess it up and find it super hard, its all based on your knowledge and intelligence( or you can make yourself a bad char just to have fun)

    -Storymode is pretty much a 50 minute walk in the fuckmehardpark, is not done and its not the main focus at the moment, so if you are here to save the princess sorry but she is in one other castle.
    -The game as i said is more bottom focused, so half of the time if you want to have fun is better to loose for some good sex scenes, and yes there are also top and yes you can also be an alpha male as alpha you can be buuuut of course you are going to miss 60% of the content but hey still a minor issue if you can call it like that

    I gave it 4 stars just because 5 for a non finished game feels wrong to me, but this hidden masterpiece deserve a lot of attention if you are into this stuff, you have my badass seal of approval (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A long-time guilty pleasure of mine. This game has actual game mechanics that are fun and interesting, really setting it apart from other games of this genre. The art is hot, though far from perfect (there are a lot of missing buttholes and uncanny faces lurking here and there), and battles are sometimes more of a text game, with the same still image facing you no matter what the battle says is going on.

    A wide variety of content, with the unifying theme of a trans/trap protagonist and many other dickgirls about to have some of the weirdest sex you've ever heard of. Multiple story paths are present, and rarely is content blocked because of previous decisions, though sometimes it will take more work to see it.

    My largest complaints are sometimes minimal artwork, a grindy element to get to some of the content, a lack of animations compared to the volume of other content, and most notoriously the lurking game-over screens that wait for you at the end of certain decisions that may have seemed more mundane before you clicked them.

    Overall, a damn fine game with lots of work poured into it and I'm sure lots more content to come. PLAY THE GAME, and SUPPORT THE DEVS!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Probabaly one of the best futa games out there tbh, the art is great and unique. The combat is confusing at first but after a while you kind of get the hang of it and the game becomes too easy. Although i dont think it's a negative that i'm able to fuck everyone to submission.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1724988

    This is a good game with good art, it has a fair amount if content but there could all ways be more, the story is lacking but makes up with the art over all its a good game if your into this kind of stuff
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Custom built, beautiful art and animations, dozens of hours of content. amazing game.
    There's many, many different types of routes a player can take. The decisions that the player has is impressive. The combat is deep and rewarding. The narrative in intriguing.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Art? +1 Pretty good.

    Mechanics? +1. Everything seems functional. Nothing hidden to the player.

    Story? -1 ehhhh not much of a story besides what you make. and that works for others. not so much me.

    a. Porn wise? -1 there really isnt any gameplay pornwise. its just still pictures most of the time. which is ok...just ok.
    b. Game wise? +1 There is A LOT going on game wise. lots of options and stratagy. really abreath of fresh air. compared to most.

    so a 3 star isnt bad. id recommend checking it out. but its nothing to rave about. which for my standards is pretty good. gg ToA
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Story mode needs some serious work, which may have to do with how poorly the enchanter class has been balanced for months. Skill and combat system has promise, but, until it fits into the context of a more complete game, it's lacking.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Regular updates and actually good art! Also in a niche genre of hard femdom games. There aren't many hard femdom games where the guy is actually dominated and not just ridden, this game however, is different because the main male character is considered weaker than the futa/female counterparts.