You're not supposed to run the JAR, you run the application which runs using the JAR.Is there an issue with the last JAR? When I try to run the jar, java tell me it's corrupted. I've downloaded the JAR file from the nopy link in the original message
I'm on linux. I've always run the game usingYou're not supposed to run the JAR, you run the application which runs using the JAR.
View attachment 1183189
Ignore the WinRAR, that's how I opened the JAR to look at the files >_> That's the JAR file.
If you have any more issues, try screencapping this folder so we can see the potential issue.
java -jar TOA.jar
I am a bit confuse on what you wanted to say. I've found the issue (see the edit) and it was completely unrelated with how I run the game (which make sense since java ARchive (so .jar files) are meant to run by the Java Virtual Machine so feeding the JVM a correct jar file will run the software normally, the executable is here to ease the start of the software if your system isn't configured to call the JVM with the right option and you don't want to resort to command line)
Very dope profile pic. Where is it from?I am a bit confuse on what you wanted to say. I've found the issue (see the edit) and it was completely unrelated with how I run the game (which make sense since java ARchive (so .jar files) are meant to run by the Java Virtual Machine so feeding the JVM a correct jar file will run the software normally, the executable is here to ease the start of the software if your system isn't configured to call the JVM with the right option and you don't want to resort to command line)
It's from starcraftVery dope profile pic. Where is it from?
i thought they said friday?Haven't they changed the releases for monday instead of weekend?
Monday was the delayed date for one of the updates, but the most recent post on here by Majalis_ToA said:Haven't they changed the releases for monday instead of weekend?
Not for last week's update, she's being added in the first May weekly (Saturday).
I believe Friday is the planned date in future for updates, not this one, but I may be wrong. Sorry if so, I'm doing the best with the details I can remember ._.i thought they said friday?
No, weeklies are still Saturday. I've never released on a Monday. We might move it to Friday, but I've kind of soured on that idea. I've got a ton of writing for the new character, and right now I'm implementing what stuff I can still get into this weekly, and deciding what stuff is going to go in next weekly along with their animation and battle.Haven't they changed the releases for monday instead of weekend?
No, weeklies are still Saturday. I've never released on a Monday. We might move it to Friday, but I've kind of soured on that idea. I've got a ton of writing for the new character, and right now I'm implementing what stuff I can still get into this weekly, and deciding what stuff is going to go in next weekly along with their animation and battle.