
Jan 6, 2019
Thx u, I think I will keep enjoying, Being a butt slut for now, seems to give the most erotic, or Hentai type play ground, and for me is much more fun.

Not sure how that will do me in the long run, but for now it is fun.

Something that would be nice is either a cheat, or a Goddess somewhere along the line that allowed you a one time reset of your virginity, But we just have to hope the game makers concede to that. I think cheats in this type game are very useful for a more fulfilling experience. ( but that is just my thinking )

I may later give a try at maintaining my Virginity, But for now I am enjoying the Hentai aspect the most, even the bad end's as long as I was smart enough to make a save before they happened :)

Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
Thx u, I think I will keep enjoying, Being a butt slut for now, seems to give the most erotic, or Hentai type play ground, and for me is much more fun.

Not sure how that will do me in the long run, but for now it is fun.

Something that would be nice is either a cheat, or a Goddess somewhere along the line that allowed you a one time reset of your virginity, But we just have to hope the game makers concede to that. I think cheats in this type game are very useful for a more fulfilling experience. ( but that is just my thinking )

I may later give a try at maintaining my Virginity, But for now I am enjoying the Hentai aspect the most, even the bad end's as long as I was smart enough to make a save before they happened :)
there is a cheat to some degree it allows you to encounter any monster you feel like if I'm not mistaken, I haven't used it personally but that's what I've heard


Jan 6, 2019
There is. Just go into the ".toa-save" folder and open the correct save with something like Notepad++ (it's free). Then edit away. Be careful with what you change because if you mess the file up the game will crash and give you an error.
Yes I am pretty okay with Json files, I made a beginning character level 130, and set up the Enchantress as my character, but the variable's for bringing the player back to Virgin status are not fully understood by me, so I have not tried it.

Most of the rest is pretty easy to grasp, but there are a lot of things that seem to happen to you as you move through the quest's, and I am not sure I fully understand what all I would have to change for the Virgin status to return.


Sep 9, 2017
I literally just showed you how to do it and even make a visual aid for you. Can't really do more than that.
Jorja I dont mean to pry but why post your works here? Did you offer to help majalis? One of the reasons that new content is slow is because alis is slow on drawing part while maj is doing good on writing.
Your coloring is too good to be just here and it does not matter that if you can draw or not. Just color alis's sketches. That ought to make things go more smoothly.
This is good work and you can help so much in development. Get credit for it!
Maybe not getting any money for it but you're doing this free anyway. I'm sure they would love to have your help.
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Sep 9, 2017
No, I have never had any contact with them. Would kinda be interested to see how they feel about my mod. If I had to guess I would say not thrilled. I do appreciate that you and some others are enjoying it as I did have fun making it.

I would say that for something two people are doing as a hobby even for one that makes them some money I'm fine with the games progress. I assume they also have full-time jobs so I would say that getting a weekly update goes way above and beyond what most of the other developers do for their fans. I mean look at the development hell that Perverted Education has gone through over the last year and they were once pulling in a nice chunk of change. I'm just glad that work continues with TOA.

Well I'd say go for it!
Even if you dont have the patron and not willing to pay for it you can contact them through other patrons we have here who post the updates like buhdaa.
The upsides of them accepting you is much much more than tham rejecting you. If they accept your help both the quality and the speed of production increases. But if they reject you, you can continue your work here as if nothing has happened.
And it's free high-quality help so they have to be really arrogant not to accept you.
Just make sure to explain to them you dont want the money and that should soften them up.


Jan 6, 2019
I literally just showed you how to do it and even make a visual aid for you. Can't really do more than that.
LOL, yes you did, I did not even look at the image, My apologies, I had assumed it would require a lot of variable changes in the .json file.

Thank you so much for pointing out to my Dumb arse, my mistake. I was pretty sleepy when I read that is about the only poor excuse I have... Thx U very much.

EDIT >>> This last character i made is a paladin, that start our celibate, I have kept it so for quite some time, just to see if could, I found trudy to be very important for this. Of course I bumped them to 130, at start. I am just enjoying all the different events right now.

After a couple of training sessions I will start a beginning character, and do all things the hard way, Metaphorically Speaking, and figuratively.

Thx You again...

I would assume a simple "//" would notation the offending anal out, as in "// "receivedAnal": 2," would remove the problem. and allow you to keep the record for future editing, and memory of what you had.
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Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
does weak to anal literally just make you spew more from getting fucked? never play the fighter really mostly because they have to much armor on for my taste
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Jan 6, 2019
Figured you missed the pic. Glad you got it working now.

I will give your // a shot but I do know that when you change something the game doesn't like it crashes. For example, I don't like my Hiro to be labeled as a "bitch" so I change it back to "female" and that works but if you entered in a word it dosent recognize it would crash. You can also add them in at will like the fighters unique starting perk "WEAK_TO_ANAL": 1.
It works but as they clean the save files, of all non relevant info, once you save the // comments are removed, I would assume they do this for size reason, but it could also be to not leave there comments, for easy interpretation.

But my real guess is that the save files are just totally re-writen with each save, this is probably the most likely as no relevant, or variables that are set in the game would not be written, this is why you don't see the "receivedAnal" until you have actually set the variable to one or higher. It will not be stored when it has no value. Because only variable of value have any reason to be registered with the save.


Jan 6, 2019
I am curious about the centaur, I read where there is and end game if I understood the post correctly. Where you become a pony Bitch I guess, and are kept for breeding. But what intrigued about the post was it seems to say that there was and extra outfit.

What I read was visiting the centaur camp, and losing a battle with the I guess queen maybe, this was if i understood to happen when Equestrain perk was at 3.

But i have not been able to get this even to happen

I have done the event where you are taken to the centaur camp, and used, but the end game, and outfit has not happened as best I can tell.

EDIT>>>> I got it to happen, finally.. I was just missing the battle, by going to camp..I think.
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Jun 19, 2018
never play the fighter really mostly because they have to much armor on for my taste
Same here for exactly the same reason so I did a little messing around and came up with this. Note you can't completely change the design otherwise, the portrait of Hiro gets all wonky so here is the next best thing...ta-dah! What do you think?
fighter.png MC2.png MC3.png MC4.png
Not sure if this will work like this but here are the files. Overwrite the mc 2,3,&4 files in the animation folder. After the next release if I do more work to the mod they will be in there going forward.

Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
Same here for exactly the same reason so I did a little messing around and came up with this. Note you can't completely change the design otherwise, the portrait of Hiro gets all wonky so here is the next best thing...ta-dah! What do you think?
View attachment 219871
View attachment 219871 View attachment 219884 View attachment 219873 View attachment 219874
Not sure if this will work like this but here are the files. Overwrite the mc 2,3,&4 files in the animation folder. After the next release if I do more work to the mod they will be in there going forward.
you're the hero we need but the hero we don't deserve <3
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Jan 6, 2019
did some more testing on the Mare outfit, and how to play as the Mare from the start.

Make Mare
"player": {
    "name": "Kim",
    "worldTransform": {},
    "computedTransform": {},
    "oldTransform": {},
    "label": "You",
    "pronouns": "SECOND_PERSON",
    "secondPerson": true,
    "jobClass": "MARE", //here is what makes the mare outfit happen
    "level": 131,
    "experience": 116,
    "baseStrength": 15,
    "baseEndurance": 13,
    "baseAgility": 13,
    "basePerception": 13,
    "baseMagic": 13,
    "baseCharisma": 13,
    "healthTiers": {
        "items": [ 15, 15, 15, 15 ],
        "size": 4
Normally one would find this or similar depending on the class your player is in this same area of the saved .json file
        "jobClass": {
        "class": "$JobClass",
        "value": "ENCHANTRESS"
That will have to be deleted, after you have added the "jobClass": "MARE",

I have not tried to play the game further than the first town with the mare outfit in place, but I believe it will play okay, but I am just not sure.

But I found the Mare outfit to be pleasing to the eye.

Also if you have a town portal in your inventory and are transported to the out of game state when you get abducted by the Centaur's you can use the town portal to escape. you will be broke, no money... as take it all during the transfer to the Pony farm for lack of a better name. you can work there long enough to get your name back, which might be a good Idea.

But use a town portal and you can escape, this gap may be filled in future update's, but I personally think being able to earn your freedom would be a better choice, and not and end game scenario.

EDIT >>> I actually think many of the end game scenario's would be much better with a chance or way to earn your freedom or escape, sexual favors to a guard, a traveling merchant, some avenue of escape in many of the scenarios would I think could add to the enjoyment, and bring a balance to many of the event's. ( Of course some should always stay end game ) many of them would I think make for a better game with some sort of quest, or money earning way to escape.

EDIT >>> here is a save file you can test, but it is leveled up tremendously so you may not wish to use it. It will need to replace "Save0.json" It need to be extracted, I used 7z. This save is at the start of the game, and will have the pony outfit on.
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Jun 19, 2018
I actually think many of the end game scenario's would be much better with a chance or way to earn your freedom or escape, sexual favors to a guard, a traveling merchant, some avenue of escape in many of the scenarios would I think could add to the enjoyment, and bring a balance to many of the event's. ( Of course some should always stay end game ) many of them would I think make for a better game with some sort of quest, or money earning way to escape.
Yeah, I agree. The way I look at the game is they have the foundation down now they really should focus on fleshing out the world. I would love more quests and more exploration. Perhaps even add real dungeons and caves to the mix to explore. In other words, work on more of the RPG aspects instead of trying to create a new sexual encounter every time. Then again it's the patrons who are the reason this game is being made so maybe that's all they want. Not sure.

I would also like there to be more of a slow burn before becoming a cock crazed slut. Most games that deal with feminization seem to go from totally hetero to cock crazed butt slut in like 30 seconds. This is in general. I do realize in this game you start off looking and dressing like a woman even though your stat sheet says male. Yes, it's confusing. I could use some backstory on this world and its people.

Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
I would also like there to be more of a slow burn before becoming a cock crazed slut. Most games that deal with feminization seem to go from totally hetero to cock crazed butt slut in like 30 seconds. This is in general. I do realize in this game you start off looking and dressing like a woman even though your stat sheet says male. Yes, it's confusing. I could use some backstory on this world and its people.
I wish there was more of a slow burn as well, especially in the dialogue, it'd be nice to have a MC that slowly learns to love monster cock and finally give in to their desire if you so choose to
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