The vote basically gave you four options, and the question was something like "when would you like us to start working on another game alongside ToA?" There was "1 to 6 months," 6mo to a year, 1-2 year (I think), and never.
I think they kind of shot themselves in the foot with the encounter cheat thing. Now it's so much faster to burn through the new content and then it feels unsubstantial, even if it's hundreds of lines + art.
I do wish they'd focus more on tying stuff together and making a cohesive experience. Everything feels so disconnected and random at the moment, which is fine if that's the sort of game you want I suppose. But nothing really interacts, and they focus far too much on just "new" characters instead of fleshing out old ones. I've been waiting for a goblin expansion for months and months and months (possibly even years? can't even remember the last time that character got an actual Hiro-centric update).
I think they should have stopped like 2 characters ago and just given all the existing ones a lot more scenes, art, etc. And then shifted focus to finishing story mode.