This time around we've got some spicy new art that'll show off just exactly what's happening when Urka or one of the Werewolves is inside our intrepid hero, including the knot view. We've also implemented characters wandering around on the world map, which we plan to give more complex AI to, as well as adding new characters that can function like the existing companions - hunting Hiro down, or even competing with each other, resulting in conflicts that you can intervene in!
Next up will be the Demon King Cowgirl art and the Werewolf on Catgirl scenario, along with some new features and UI work.
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
From Majalis " This time around we've got some spicy new art that'll show off just exactly what's happening when Urka or one of the Werewolves is inside our intrepid hero, including the knot view. "
That would be this...nothing too exciting as far as new art goes, unfortunately.
Also Twiton I love the new Christmas-themed shroom avatar of yours!
They're not, i stopped caring about 50 pages back (and i use the maximum amount of posts per page, it must be hundreds of pages back with the default settings)
They also cannot be bothered to use the forum search on top right of the page, trust me man, i tried.
Unless the OP is updated with clear instructions on how to update the game so that even a braindead person could do it in their sleep, they're not going to stop asking.
They're not, i stopped caring about 50 pages back (and i use the maximum amount of posts per page, it must be hundreds of pages back with the default settings)
They also cannot be bothered to use the forum search on top right of the page, trust me man, i tried.
Unless the OP is updated with clear instructions on how to update the game so that even a braindead person could do it in their sleep, they're not going to stop asking.
True, they just want to download the game and that just needs to be it and checking the thread is too big of a task to do. Searching stuff? Never heard! this last bit is a joke
They're not, i stopped caring about 50 pages back (and i use the maximum amount of posts per page, it must be hundreds of pages back with the default settings)
They also cannot be bothered to use the forum search on top right of the page, trust me man, i tried.
Unless the OP is updated with clear instructions on how to update the game so that even a braindead person could do it in their sleep, they're not going to stop asking.
Sadly, I have to agree. Spoon-feeding usually causes laziness. Also, I would hazard a guess that more than one of the people who don't search on their own are too young to even be here.
It's not that complicated. Each class has a slightly different expectation of what to do, and that can also depend on enemies (like using magic to fight the ghost), but you can defeat most enemies in the game if you build a warrior and just spam lower attacks. When you start to lose your balance, just block for a bit to recover your stamina and then start punching them in the dick again with lower attacks.
You can get a little more complicated with it later. Some enemies have certain weaknesses... such as the Naga, who seems to be weaker if you suck her off before starting to hit her.
If you just want to play a melee character, your rotation should look something like "Crushing blow -> spring attack -> crushing blow -> spring attack", or just spam AAAAAA on keyboard.
If you want to make a mage, just use "Incantation -> [spell you want to use]" or if you've done the Trudy quest, use "Quick cast -> [Spell you want to use]", if you need mana during combat, you can either use "Incantation -> deep focus (reward from trudy quest)", or "Incantation -> Focus Energy (rewarded by golem encounter if you either soothe or dominate the golem with magic), or use one of the mana gems the golem gives you if you ask for help.
The system can seem kinda insurmountable at first, but if you just read what the skill does and what stance it makes you go into, then look up what skills you can use at that very stance (the icons really help with this one), at first i almost gave a pass to this game too when just glanced at it, but it's actually pretty simple once you get the hang of it.
I would recommend that you edit your save file to overcome this hurdle. Make the character, save and then edit the stats in the save file with notepad. I set all stats to 12 except for strength, I leave that at 7, add 9999 gold and 999 skill, perk and soul shards. Just buy whatever items you like and enchant them 5 levels or so. Leave cheat mode on in the options menu for food. Then you can just build your character the way you want, win or lose whenever you want.
Hiro/Doppelganger (Changes based on player choice/decision) Average Length: 3 inches Average Girth: 2 inches Kylira/Trudy Average Length: 3 inches Average Girth: 2 inches Goblin (Male & Female) Average Length: 4 inches Average Girth: 4 inches Naga Average Length: 6 inches Average Girth: 9 inches Innkeep/Cultist/Mouth Fiend/Lura/Isla/Vampire Hunter/Brigand/Drow Beastmistress/Puca/Bunny/Warlock/Alma/Persephone/Fire Elemental/Jester/Dark Knight Average Length: 7 inches Average Girth: 6 inches Arachne/Spider/Golem/Wasp Average Length: 9 inches Average Girth: 8 inches Ghost Bride/Dullahan Average Length: 10 inches Average Girth: 8 inches Lupa/Blonde Werewolf/Weresluts Average Length: 10 inches Average Girth: 9 inches 14 inches while knotted Harpy & Elite Harpy Average Length: 11 inches Average Girth: 7 inches Minotaurress/The 'Demon King' Average Length: 12 inches Average Girth: 10 inches Orc/UrkaAverage Length: 12 inches Average Girth: 11 inches Centaur/Unicorn Average Length: 18 inches Average Girth: 12 inches Ogre/Quetzal Goddess/Ettin Average Length: 24 inches Average Girth: 20 inches GiantessAverage Length: 700 inches Average Girth: 600 inches Slime/Tentacle Witch/Cait/Dark Goddess Unknown Length & Girth (interchangeable or not listed) (edited)
Urka, canoncially, has a fatter cock than the 'Demon King'
Kylira: Take Kylira to the Healing Pool with Alara (DO NOT DRINK THE WATER OR YOU WILL BE LOCKED OUT OF THIS QUEST)
Alma: Talk to Alma after recruiting her, make sure you meet the Magic stat requirement to ask for portal training when you make a request of her. (YOU NEED HIGH ENOUGH CHR TO RECRUIT ALMA, 8 CHR)