VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tales Of Aravorn: An Elven Marriage [v1.0.6] [Winter Wolves]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I would rate this game as more of a 6.5 despite the 4/5 stars. Above 3 stars for sure but not really 4/5 or 8/10 no way could I give this game that high a score.

    Cast: I think they are all good overall. However there were issues with Gruff on my playthrough I couldn't trigger her personal quest or raise her above 60. The lack of romance options was a massive mistake while I appreciate the attention to detail with the cast who are involved and there is great development with all the cast. I think there should be more options I will explain in more detail in the romance details. Side characters are good and all have interesting twists. Overall the lack of romance options hold this back.

    Story: Great for those who enjoy more than a romance focus and it expands on the lore well. However there aren't too many great romantic moments and not much sex for each character. To be fair if you are familiar with Winterwolves games its the same as usual but scenes with characters are more about a journery of discovery than romance.

    Gameplay: After past disappointments like Queen of thieves I think this game is a step in the right direction. It has been the most enjoyable gameplay for me personally out of all the Winterwolves games. Best part about the game compared to previous titles.

    Romance:Its not good overall while I enjoyed the new cast of Nathir and Lydia as characters... As romance options not so much I think they both deserved better. How they open up over the course of the game is fantastic but their relationship with one another really kills the romantic vibe completely on multiple occasions. What is even worse is that you have to pick from the start of the game who you want to be romantic with which is crazy. For straight men if you want Lydia and Myrth you will have to start the game again . For Yuri and Yaoi fans its simple as you only have Lydia or Nathir.

    TLDR: Winterwolves took 1 step forward then 2 steps back. As much as I enjoy the gameplay I could go and play something else if all I cared about was gameplay. For romance they went backwards with strange design decisions. I still enjoyed the game but people on this site are here for either sex or romance and its lacking. Its sad how no game after Loren can even come close and that game is over decade ago.

    6.5 I want to rate it higher as someone who enjoyed the gameplay and the story but I can't. The mistakes made with the romance options were too much. Since I rate it as a romantic visual novel with RPG gameplay that prevents me from giving it a higher score.