Unreal Engine - Tamer: King of Dinosaurs [Demo v0.15.21] [Ride The Lion Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on Demo v0.15.21

    The models for both the women and the dinosaurs are great, I look forward to the development as its a good base for the demo and if the features being shown in the trailer can be realized it will be a great game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The demo is pretty solid and shows a lot of promise. Judging by the other work they've done, it looks like they're really on a roll. I'm excited to see what they come up with for the full release. Their progress reports are super clear, and it's awesome that they're collaborating with the author of the books. It means we're not just getting a generic story slapped onto a sex sim, but something that should be a much better fit.

    I'll keep an open mind and might update my thoughts once the game is out and we can check out the full experience, including how it runs, the graphics, optimization, and the complete story. But honestly, I've seen a lot of big-budget games lately with way less going for them, so I'm pretty hopeful for this one.