Oh come on now. 3.5 stars?
Yes. The game is more focused on actual gameplay than pure bobs n vagine "wuld u likes 2 fux me noe?" But the models and animation are super lewd, raunchy and hot, with the animated lewd scenes very well done when featured, even if they're loops with the gameplay the main focus.
Judge it by its own merits as a lewd game that's actually a "game". I think many of these judgements are based on the want of quantity over quality on the sex scenes, or alternately, in comparison to several top-tier mainstream non-lewd games. Which I don't think is fair for a niche category like this.
Looking for "fucking every minute"? Ok. Then it's not for you. Doesn't mean it's not extremely well done vs the limitless bottom-of-the-barrel content that regularly gets rated highly on F95Zone.
Is the gameplay perfect? No. But vs the vast majority of badly written and designed Renpy, html games and other rudimentary amateur gamplay content on here ("pres teh butten quick n u gets her a orgasem" ), it's five steps above. Actual professional-quality design you'd expect from a real studio vs some beginner coding with two fingers in his basement. Sure, it's not as good as Last Evil gameplay-wise (which was the absolute top in the fantastic lewd-gameplay realm). But the art and animations are fantastic regardless of how much you're getting. Actually quite a bit better than Last Evil in the art and animation quality.
Just because you couldn't get the 5-hour long-milking jack you wanted due to this game's quality-over-quantity art content doesn't mean it's bad content. Especially with many of the remedial eyesores (both in writing and art) of embarassing content getting 4+ on here.
My main criticism: Not quite long enough or challenging enough compared to some similar deck-builders (both with and without big jiggling boobs and tentacle porn). Also the third girl, the rogue, could've had better gameplay design. Her cards/abilities could use some rebalancing, but I'm sure they were running out of dough and in need of a pro-release. Such is life of a indie-studio game cycle.
If it weren't for the bouncing tits, buckets of cum and jiggly thighs squatting up and down on werewolf dick, I might just judge that all a bit harder. But for a playable game with lewd and crude xxx content featured on F95, this is up with the best you're going to get, at least in the "it's actually a real game" genre.
Designer deserves some props.