Unity - Completed - Tamer Vale [v1.8.2] [PixelBee]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Similar to their other game, Zetria, it's a pretty solid game with good porn but basically 0 connection between the two.

    I might play it for fun, but if I wanted to jerk off to this I would just go to their twitter rather than playing the game, because the porn is just an image gallery thrown on top of the game

    This one at least can be played one handed if you don't mind several minutes of gameplay that take your brain completely away from the titties between each animation loop

    I'd give it a 3.5 if that were an option
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I find it very strange that this dev has made two games that both have really good animation style and quality and content, and yet both games are really boring games. the mechanics in this game are extremely boring. this game could be a lot more fun, but for whatever reason, the dev has decided to make the card game style very very slow and very boring. there is also no porn content during gameplay? like during battle? i am very confused! this dev seems to be making games to get money from backers without actually delivering a porn game, for both games now. waste of time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    We finally found it bois, the absolute best game i've ever played! From the art, animation, gameplay... everything is perfect. You did amazing! I cannot wait for more updates! Please don't abandon this game like most other porn game developers!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated v1.6 review

    Gameplay is the exact same as Slay the Spire.

    You have X amount of Mana and you play cards according to your class:
    1. Increase your attack
    2. Block enemy attacks
    3. Decrease enemy attack
    4. A whole lot of unique class cards.
      1. you unlock some more class cards as you level up

    After upgrading your cards, you are greeted with an H-scene, each class has 3-4 non-boss H-scenes.
    There are 3 boss H-scenes per class, so 9 in total.
    There is a recollection room.