VN - Ren'Py - Temptations of Love [v2.1] [Ruby Romance Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Guy lives with mom and sisters. Guy has first day of college. Guy bangs his mom and sisters, but this time there is also the friend of the older sister. This plot is tired and used up. Do better. I gave it an additional star just because the renders are halfway decent.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring premise seen over and over again: dead father, milf mother, bitchy sister and caring sister. Of course staged in a college, that's innovative.
    The dialogues go from nonsense to rambling and you're left with the skip button as the only option.
    What makes this VN an AVN? Creeping around and peeking on your family like a loser, one scene in which mc jerkes off and a dream of the older sister. Great, innit?
    Let's not forget how little content there is, for a 2 years old game. Not even a in-game week. Talk about milking, mate.

    Models aren't anything new, but at least the renders quality isn't terrible, therefore I'm giving 2 stars.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    For me, this AVN is just okay. It does suffer from the stupid landlady/tenants bs... I mean ffs people, just use the character names... but it is not all bad.

    Once again, we have a MC in a house with only women and up until this point in his life, nothing has happened between him and his fellow tenants. Now suddenly, they are all hot for the MC. Oh, and they all go to the same University and Landlady even teaches there. It's all downhill from here.

    The dialogue is silly and the scenarios are silly. Attempts at humor fall flat and if there is a decent scene, you are distracted by Julia's hair which is either is completely coated in hair gel or spray, or it's made of wood. Which leads us to the renders.

    The women are all hot, but they are combined with an over use of flat crowd assets and in some cases, over morphing. But the hair... I mean, how can the renders be decent quality and yet the dev leaves Julia's hair looking like shit. How many people have been injured by Julia's hair?

    IDK. It's not bad and the dev does continue to produce regular updates and they do have some talent. They just need to tighten things up and it would be an above average AVN. Right now, however, I can only rate it as average.

    Good luck to the developer!
    Likes: felve
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Pax Draconis

    I enjoy this one. It's fun. Although most of the usual tropes are there in the terms of 'landlady/roomate' games, (i.e. dead dad) some of the characters are generally refreshing.
    Case in point: Julia
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    So why 4 stars?
    1 star for the renders/models. While not groundbreaking and with some weird expressions sometimes they're perfectly acceptable.
    1 star for variations on the theme as expounded on in the above spoiler.
    1 star for actual English.
    1 star for dialogue that is not wooden.

    Negatives? Well there are times when your choices don't matter and some LIs/scenes that are unavoidable. But overall worth a download if you're into 'weird property law' games.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Personally I don't think this VN is as bad as some of the reviews suggest. The characters aren't bad and they look decent. One thing I would have liked to see is more variety in breast sizes, big ones are the main focus and I appreciate when smaller ones are thrown in as well.

    There isn't a lot of grind and the Dev doesn't give you a bunch of hoops to jump through, it's pretty straight forward.

    I found it fairly entertaining and would say it's worth a play through to decide for yourself. I look forward to seeing where this one goes. I hope the Dev keeps it up.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Ep. 2 Final v2.0

    I like easy games, don't care about some BS story (too many games are story focused milkers)

    + Hot and sweet ladies (don't like bitchy characters)
    + no grinding
    + sexy scenes
    + good graphics with emotion
    + no stupid side characters
    + straight some hot action with main ladies and not after 5 years of milking.

    = 5/5
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is yet another game with a student and incest theme, however, unfortunately, in terms of story and plot, it doesn't progress anywhere. The protagonist is so cowardly that it becomes irritating, and the developer forces you to perform actions that you certainly wouldn't want to do.

    The rendering of characters and scenarios is great, but I encountered a problem: at times, one of the female characters has very strange hair.

    Being a harem game with a mediocre story, I would expect several sex scenes, but that doesn't happen here. Surprisingly, the protagonist only loses their virginity at the end of the second episode, so the game mostly revolves around flirting and teasing.

    I recommend playing only if you don't care about the plot and don't mind controlling a cowardly protagonist.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Search History

    Not great, I just keep an eye on this because I think the renders are good. While I think bad renders should never keep you away from a good game, it is definitely bad to see good renders suffer from a bad game. College genre, incest, house parties these are all very popular in porn. I don't think you need to redefine the porn genre but at least try to distinguish the game. I would not recommend.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I am someone who has to finish content and i also want to see if something i
    don't like changes... i realy regret beeing that way ;)

    Unlike others i think the render quality is realy good and models are good
    looking. The overal story sofar is also ok, its just your typical harem story,

    I realy don't like Dream scenes. It just completly destroys any engaging
    buildup with a character when MC have complety seen or fucked her
    already in a dream scene.

    There is no build up, they are all straight up into him and its just straight up
    teasing. BUT its the type of (in real life) fun and i don't want to fuck him
    teasing and not the flirt teasing a woman would use.
    And this gets anoying because the mc is a spineless simp who just goes
    with it. I rl i would just jokingly (not rude) call it out but here you just have
    endure it.
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    With the rating about "Beta MC" i expected something like that, but
    i thought maybe people overreacted a bit. And after playing it, he is
    not the typical Beta MC but he is just a spineless simp without any dignity
    who takes everything that is thrown at him. And you as a player can't do
    anything about it, wich makes playing this VN so frustrating.

    I'll maybe keep an eye on this to see if something changes and i can enjoy
    this. Because other than the mc, the rest isn't as bad.

    But... if you don't have a major problem playing a character like that, i think
    you could actually have some real fun with this VN.
    With a better MC i would give it a solid 3 Stars.
    For me its was just a terrible experience, sorry.

    I am sorry for any spelling mistakes. English is not my primary language.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    For a first time foray into the world of VN's I was very impressed by what the Dev has put out.. The renders were good.. the writing was pretty good.. Granting the fact the many VN MC's are 'fatherless'.. I can't hold that against this.. It's more of a standard than a item to be scoffed at. I mean lots of books start with 'Once upon a time'... that translates into VN's as.. 'The MC's father died when he was young' Did a complete run and had fun from start to finish. A solid piece of work.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok so far this is actually a little mediocre. It doesnt deserve a super bad rating like some have given it, i mean if you look at what games are out there this is still fine.
    Lets start with the Visuals, they look pretty good, the girls faces look weird sometimes like they are kinda old or something when in other pictures they look attractive. But aside from that the visuals are pretty nice and deserve a good rating, they might not be the best but they are pretty great.
    So when we move to the story its where it gets mediocre. Its a pretty standard setting with a household that evolves around the mc as only male figure. So no suprises there just your standard Girls in the Household have problems MC tries to fix in a standard University setting. So there arent any real suprises it feels like 5 other games you played before. I mean there isnt nessecarily something wrong with that kind of setting but you need something to stand out to make it unique in my opinion. Maybe some mysterie, some skills the mc can develop over time to overcome specific obstacles some more character developement and the building of some deep and meaningful relationship. You want to feel engaged with the characters in a VN imo so it would be great if you could see them develop real feelings and deepen their relationship based on the choices you make, not just obvious choices like "do sth or dont do sth"-choices but "do one thing a second or even a third thing"-choices.
    Overall this is still a fine game and doesnt deserve that bad of a rating.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    - Beta MC, can't get respect from any woman who gravitates around him.
    - Stacy is aggressive in her approaches, hateful and unbearable. There is no way to reject and avoid her because the author has decided that our MC must be weak and pathetic and we have to put up with all the bullsh*t of this bitch. If you try, you will be physically overwhelmed and then mocked, with no possibility of asserting yourself: you can only accept the humiliation.
    - No music.
    - Bad characterization of the characters, Kayla for now is the only one to be saved. The others are either sluts cliché (Julia, Stacy) or they don't even make sense in the logic of porn (Kate).
    - The renders are low quality and the poses are inaccurate, in many scenes, the characters' feet intersect in the floor or float on it.
    - Please, NO MORE fit teenager MCs with a horse cock and the personality of a shy and passive girl.
    If you want to have control over the character you are playing, don't bother trying this game, save yourself some time and anger.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Teasing is damn correct for this "game". Aside from one quick drunk fuck from your mom that is all the rest of the game is. Nothing but dick tease.

    There really is not a lot of material here and a nice sized chunk of that was wasted on dream sequences and "memories" rather than current activities. Now bear in mind, I already told you only get YOUR dick wet once. There just is NOT enough material to make playing this waste of space enjoyable at this point.

    REnders are great. ENGRISH sucks balls though. This is certainly a game to come back to many updates from now when there might actually be enough material present in this game to make it worth your time to download it. 2.3 gb and not really shit there right now. Think about that. At the time of me writing this its v1.4. To each their own I guess. Maybe dick teases are what you get off on. I like a story too but I want to see more than one fuck in a GB plus of material.
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    This game looks and all but there really isn't much to the story outside of the usual slice of life romance stuff.


    We have a main character who is charged with the title of being the "Man of the house" after the "landlord" dies. The mom Kate as you can guess is shy and reserve and horny as fuck, she's craving the feeling of a man. Julia is the wild "roommate" that takes pride in teasing you, while Kayla is the sweet, girl next door character, that wants to spread her wings. That's about what I gathered so far.


    The renders are odd in this one, because some of them are outstanding and the others are really grainy and low quality, that stood out to me.

    Overall, there isn't much to discuss yet as both updates have been revealed very minimum outside the fact that these lovely ladies are looking for love and our main character looks to be up for the task. There's some who think that the ladies are fawning over him but I don't agree. This game says it's incest but the dialogue tells another story, I don't feel as if it's written that way, it feels like he's a childhood friend go grew up in the custody of Kate and Kayla and Julia took a liken to him. I can't really blame them because the main character is handsome, he carries himself well and has a great body. He also doesn't seem too full of himself, these are all qualities that women will die for so "fawning over him" no, that's not what I would call it.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    What is wrong with the hair on Julia? That should have been addressed from the beginning. WEIRD!
    Other than that horrible dysfunction this VN isn't to bad.
    I would recommend waiting until the Dev(s) put a lot more meat into the story before giving it a try though. As of now there's like 45 minutes of story. Most of which I spent trying to figure out the hair issue that was way more distracting than it should have been.
    Although I gave this VN a 3 star rating, it is decent. Good luck to the dev and I'll keep an eye out for this one in the future
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The story writing on this is just terrible. Right from the beginning, MC's sister and mother are just throwing themselves at him sexually. No build up, so story development, totally unrealistic dialogue. And, unfortunately, the mediocre artwork doesn't make it any better.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has such great potential that I want to support the creator by giving 5/5 stars.

    The MC is rendered well, quite hot ladies, the game is straight to the point without any puzzles or other games, which I personally prefer to.

    Definitely a game to at least try, can't wait for the future updates, the creator gives as a frame what this game can develop too as well
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders are very good but the story, setting and characters seem very boring and generic. The dialogue is bad. Maybe the story picks up later cause this is a demo but the dialogues need to be improved. From a visual standpoint it looks amazing but another problem is that for some reason all female characters look basically the same. There is no variation in the characters except for different hair and clothes.