The game has potental, but it falls into the same trap as every other html game in this genre, micromanagement, obtuse progression requirements, and a lack of clarity about what is in the game, and what is a place holder.
I will note that the game does mark some of these, but the majority of the content in the game, clothing, toys, areas, is not currently accessible.
I think this one will turn out good in a few months, the few scenes that are there are good, but in terms of actually playing it now I wouldn't recommend it.
If you do decide to, read the update notes and assume anything that is added was added in the barest possible way, and it's not going to clearly tell you when it's ended.
Example of this is adding the fake id quest, meant they added the entry in the quest journal for the fake ID quest, and not a complete quest. Getting the fake ID doesn't mean it's functional, or that it will tell you it isn't yet functional, you will just have a fake ID in your inventory, no dialogue will change and the scene where you get it will just replay if you go back to the roommate making you question if the game bugged out.