It's bad.
Translation: MTL, but not that new stuff we have. It's bad.
Story: Some thief gets caught and as punishment gets sent to her death by forcing her to explore the tower. So she does that, and the game ends. Also she was trying to save an orphanage, or something? It's also bad.
Gameplay: Just walk past everything and hold enter. The gimmick is that when you hit 100tp the armor will molest the girl, and when you get to low HP (around 30% or so?) it goes all rampage mod and just keeps attacking until the thing or the MC dies. I guess small points for trying to integrate the lewd at all, but it's really bad still.
H-Content/Art: Well.. the standing pictures are nice. The defeats scenes look *okay*, and there isn't much of it. So yeah. Not great.
Living clothes/tentacle suits are super rare in games so despite the warnings of the other reviews I still wanted to check it out. And I wish I had listened, the game is just bad and not worth your time.