RPGM - Completed - Tentacle Husband [Final] [StressChocolateGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A bite-sized little game, with an unusual theme.

    So this is truly a short experience. You will finish this game in 15 minutes tops, even if you aren't a fast reader. You "play" as a tentacle alien, meeting up and getting into a relationship with a girl who's really into that.

    +Short, sweet, to the point: Don't worry about wasting time with tons of grind or side content, this game will push you through the story very strictly, and you don't have to worry about missing anything.
    +Humorous and decently written: The writing is pretty good, and there were a couple funny parts. It's no epic story, but I didn't internally cringe while reading it either. I even chuckled a few times.
    +Art is nice: especially if you're into tentacle on human woman.

    -Could use more art: Besides the RPGmaker assets, this game has a grand total of 2 CGs. Yes, you read that right. Two non-animated, no variant CGs, one for each sex scene.
    -Light on story: Though it's written just fine and cleverly in certain parts, there is barely even enough to get anyone invested. About 3 "major" events happen and you scoot through each of them without much thought.
    -No Character Art: Maybe this is personal preference, but I would have liked at least 1 drawing of the girl while she's talking. You spend about 90% of the game just looking at RPGmaker sprites. Not my cup of tea.
    -No real gameplay: this is the closest you will get to a true VN in RPGmaker. You spend the majority of the game watching cutscenes happen in RPGmaker sprites. There's almost 0 gameplay here (one short "fetch" quest where you talk to around 5 NPCs and nothing else happens). It makes me feel like the only reason this is in RPGmaker is simply to skimp out on drawing character portraits and backgrounds (which is fine, but you gotta give players something in return).

    Overall, it's not a bad experience, and it's fine as a short little game. Reminds me of reading a 10-15 page porn comic, but with less art. While it's fine if that's what you're going for, I feel there really could have been more art. I don't play adult games for the RPGmaker sprites they use. This is marked as completed, so nothing is likely going to change, but I could easily see this getting another star with some more art, and maybe a bit more story to go with it.