Seeking Tentacled Protagonist?

Sam Urai

Sep 9, 2018
sooooo. any games where you get to BE the tentacle monster? all the ones ive seen are otome, and thats not really my thing. but ive always enjoyed games like Dungeon Keeper, where you get to be the bad guy. so. any good ones like this?

Edit: i've aleady found the "become a tentacle attack the castle" game... boring and seems kinds like an experiment rather than an attempt at a real game.
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Sam Urai

Sep 9, 2018
well, damn.

ernie - invasive look cool, but is only text. im reading so much RL stuff that i dont want to read my porn right now. maybe later when words dont keep all blending into the same long never-ending goddamned sentence.

slugs/bugs.... too gross for my palette. not a fan of some of the more gross lovecraftian content. im still kinda scared form the corruption one that literally made me gag.

Blue - no on thrive. too many otome's with tentacles out there already. I wouldnt wanna breed with that even if i were RP'ing as a tentacle monster. Though, the art and animations look good. too bad for me, the premise and plot-line leaves much to be desired.

locker - ...are we sure that it's legal in most countries? because it looks edgy as fuck. gonna have to pass.

ganbare!- looks similar to locker, but less edginess. i'll take a look and see if its worth a download.

Thanks for the suggestions. maybe some devs out there will get on the whole "tentacle monster" protagonist thing. its pretty much untapped for the most part... except for the plethora of crummy flash videos out there. meh.

EDIT: sry for mislinking the wrong names. didnt mean to do that.
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