VN - Others - Completed - Tequila Sunrise [Final] [VN House]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I wish I could rate this 2.5 stars. It's a pretty minimal VN. There's background music, which I turned off, but it obviously didn't wow me while I was listening. The art is fine, pretty good if it was a SFW game, kind of mediocre when it comes to the sex scenes. Characters are just national stereotypes (the American is the least stereotypical, and she isn't even dateable as far as I can tell), and the writing isn't really better overall.

    This should have been an all-ages VN, but it has sex feeling tacked on for the sake of chasing where the money is. If you're someone who's here just to fap, I cannot recommend this. If you're here for good games regardless of sex content, maybe give this a go. It's short and cute, and there's not much more I could say.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game has less choices then i would have liked and i really wish Simone was a romance-able. I think bit too heavy on ethnicity almost reduces the characters down to that but it is a romance VN and i have seen a lot worse than this.