Terraria style porn game


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Going to list off a number of thoughts that I had.

So I was working on a project at home and was wondering what size world I could create like terraria and get a better FPS with.
Well it turned out to be massive. Lets just say there isn't a good reason their FPS is so low. But nothing I can do about it.
So I got to thinking. What if I made a world with larger characters sort of like Realms of Magic found on steam.

Alternatively, I was also thinking of Ultima series style games but 3D rather than just pure Isometric 2D.
If you ever played Ultima Online you might know they switched form 2D to a 3D at one point. The reason was simple it took less work and memory for new assets.
In about the space it takes two images they could store the vertices and the textures needed. Which was better than the amount of work they needed to produce all the image for the movement and so on. Yes, I know there is actually more work regarding skeleton and so on. this is just the short version. Long story short they saved space and work. Of course not everyone that played the game was happy with it and so the 2D version lived on beside the 3D one. No idea what the state of it is today I haven't played in over a decade or talked to anyone I knew who worked there in ages.

The other factor I was thinking is far as had to deal with content.
Instead of putting all the content in the game directly, have alternative content or addons like DLC
This way players who don't like specific content can avoid it entirely.
Technically it wouldn't be that hard to make a game system that allow the user to customize content to their liking.

Another thought was asset generators. Primarily for 2D visual novels. By 2D I mean images be it drawn or rendered. Just because it was rendered using a 3D model doesn't make it still 3D. 3D implies you can move in the environment. VR implies you can interact with the environment.
I was thinking of two different projects when it came to this idea.
The first was a Render based system the second was 2D that could use both SVG or pixel based images to create assets.
By assets I mean characters in all the posses and positions and sexual acts one may choose to use in the game.
Basically you would create your characters in one window. After creating all the characters it then creates all the potential images and spits them out in folders organized and named for use.