Unreal Engine Daz Texture fix


May 6, 2017
Hi guys I have a small problem.
I have a workflow that allows me to port characters from DAZ to Unreal Engine. My only problem is a part of the texture. As you can imagine this is mainly the genital area.
2024-01-02_16-22.png 2024-01-02_16-25.png

I do the whole thing with Houdini. However, I am not very familiar with Houdini. Of course Blender would also work with Diffeomorphic, but I find the workflow with Houdini much better because everything is optimised for Unreal Engine.
Anyway, my main concern is the texture. Maybe someone has an idea how I can fix the textures so that they are displayed properly in Unreal or already in Houdini. I only ask because I usually create new UVs etc in Houdini.

Edit.: Sorry wrong forum .. it should be under "dev help" or somethign like that... Pls Move this Thread.


May 4, 2017
As i'm not familiar with the DAZ > Houdini > Unreal workflow could you please link it, then i might be able to help better. But since you change the UVs in Houdini you also need to adjust the textures accordingly.