english is not my first language, sorry for my poor english.
i just want to say your idea of this game is gorgeous. i like this concept very much. A beatuiful bitch just want to manipulate you for her own benefit and you just cannot leave her. it's like a mental SM. The bitch abuses you and you are deeply attracted by her.
i know probably the girl becomes the man's sex slave in the end, but I really like the bitch control the situation part. I suggest the author can build more details about the girl teasing part and maybe let the girl dating with other guy to let main character to watch.
And there's one thing I have to say is that this game's difficulty is too high when you finish using your savings. First I saved 1500 dollars and didn't contact the girl. Everything was fine. When I invited the girl to come more than ten times, the difficulty became the inferno level. it's bloody difficult!
Let me explain that: After meeting with the girl several times, the pervet value has shown up. You have to go to the park to see the girls one time or two times everyday. because work will mins the strength level, you have to keep going to Gym everyday. At this level, you will get 60~100 dollars a week. This is fine because you only get a little bit trouble. But when the arousal value showed up , everything is different.
because you can not do anything to lower the arousal value, your working effiency is much lower. your pay is 20 dollars in a regular day, but you ineffiency working pay is 5 dollars a day!!! And it's not done yet.pervert value is changing everyday. Going to park one time a day will not change your pervert level to green level( the words is green color). if you perver level is not the lowerest, it's 50% chance that you will get penalty and pay for punishment 20 dollars a day! But your pay is only 5 dollars a day!! It means you work the whole week, you only get 25 dollars(it's not possible when your strength level and perv level changes everyday), when you just get one penalty, you will get nothing for the whole week!!
so it is important to let the pervert value be green, you are sure to get the 5 dollars pay per day. But this is not easy to get that. pervert level changes so quickly that I need to go to the park 4 or 5 times per two days so I can get one solid chance to work. But when you finish the work and you pay attention too much about perv, you strength drops quickly. you need the whole weekend to keep the strengh in case of you not losing stamina to work in the weekdays. it is clear that your max pay is 5~10 dollars per week. you have to work 10~20 weeks to get one chance to invite girl. this take years to lower sub value!