Others - Completed - The Agnietta ~Healer and the Cursed Dungeon~ [v1.05] [B-flat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, one of the best games I've played so far (whic fall under porn category). Visual changes on the character coupled with a nice artstyle really make it together. Also, the thing that you can either become corrupted and gain buffs for that or stay pure and battle your way out of the dungeon is an additional thank from me. The only thing which disappointed me is the lack of navigation. I mean, you can read through dialogues but once you close it there's no opportunity to re-read it, thus making you wander blindly across the corridors.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    While the gameplay is kinda wonky and the story not extraordinary, it works well enough. The main selling point of the game to me is the fact you can actually get impregnated by and give birth to tentacles, bugs and monsters without bad-ending. That and the art is great.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This might be a good game, but the controls are fucking awful.
    I might get over it and raise the rating.
    However, I'm going to note all of my problems with the control scheme:
    1. Default is weird.
    1a. Default on my controller is completely unusable, leaving many important keys unassigned.
    That wouldn't be that bad, except...
    2. Multiple controls are not translated to English. Why the fuck not? The rest of the game is, and many of the controls are, too.
    3. As an extension of 2, trying to put controls on a controller is a goddamn nightmare.
    3a. I'm also not convinced there's enough buttons on a controller to cover the ridiculous number of keys used in this game. However, it might be that you can overlap some of them... kinda hard to tell SINCE YOU CAN'T READ THEM.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    (Edit: Version 1.05b, in case they update it in the future)

    Sound is decent. Her lines are not voiced, but there are moans. The pixel art is okay, the 2D art is amazing. Can't play the game one handed. The translation is decent, except for corruption version of sex scenes. Pretty rough there. Or that might just be the raw? They just copy pasted the pure scene text, changed things, no double checking. Example:

    Looking forward to the bath, surprise tentacles, she yells and tries to get away, penetration, "no no no", cum, more "no"s
    Intentionally taking this bath because she knows there's tentacles due to last time, and she wants them again. Tentacles, she yells and tries to get away, penetration, "no no no", cum, asks for more

    It's bits like that, every corrupt scene has multiple obvious pure cg lines mixed in. Every corrupt cg acts like that's the 2nd time she got fucked. Even if this is like the 50th time. Which gets old fast. Also every pure cg talks about her losing her virginity, which, yes, that makes sense. But at the same time, you shouldn't be getting the pure cg if she's already had sex 100 times.

    Beating the game does give you the choice to fully unlock the gallery. Gallery scenes won't have the stuff leading up to it included, so you'll be missing some context for quest related scenes. But most of it is monster loss scenes, which don't need context.

    The guide recommends you save before losing 4 times for both pure and corrupt cg. Don't, that's a waste of time. As long as she got fucked more than 4 times total in the past, every time you lose to a new enemy type, you'll get the pure cg first loss, then the corrupt cg second loss.

    Don't run around with monsters on you if you want to move fast. Slows you down by more than 50% depending on amount of them clinging to you, also reduces your stamina by what feels like up to 70%. Game took me 5 hours, though I was moving slow as a snail and backtracked multiple times to get everything. So 2-3 hours if you're not trying to collect everything?

    The maps are pretty big, fairly linear. There's branching paths, but only in the sense that they all lead to the same place, or are blocked and you need to go down the next path to unblock it.

    There are some bugs and softlocks. Don't orgasm on elevators, or they freeze in place and you have to load a save. If not fullscreen, game window tends to shrink when changing maps. Space does not skip to end of text, then go to next text box if pressed again. It just moves to the next box immediately with a 90% chance, unless you only tapped it for 0.1 second.

    Combat is decent. Enemies do try to fuck Demyra mid-combat. There is a setting to show a small window of her butt, though that tends to spazz out as you move around the map.

    Everything's pretty much average, except for amazing 2D art and bad translation / lazy writing for corrupt versions of scenes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Was trying to do a pure/virgin run on the first try. Oh, the feeling you get from getting defeated and fucked even after trying so hard.
    Honestly had to much fun playing it. Would recommend giving it a try
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A refreshing game with non typical mechanics and a good, simple corruption story.
    From a technical point of view, the graphics are really nice, as well as the pixel art. What really was surprising are the musics.

    In overall it feels like a diablo game (much simpler of course) with h elements.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    this is so far in no.1 of my favorite rpg games list that I have ever played.

    this game has so amazing battle mechanics, it is 10/10
    the game has very good storyline, you will get hooked into the story in no time it is 10/10
    the character design and cgi of the game is so beautiful it is easily 10/10

    if you are looking into this game for first time then I would 100% recommend, you would have never played something like this, the developer of this game seriously needs more recognition and so this game too, one regret that I had in this game is that, the ANITA screentime is very low, I would have enjoyed more if she had been displayed more and more vents would have been there for her

    overall it is 10/10
    this game is underrated and it is worth to give a try, I actually feel lucky myself to stumble upon this game out of nowhere.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    its really good, you should play it.
    spilers: I really like the whole mind control quest and the worm cg defeat. Also its cool how even if you losse you continue playing.
    beat the game 4 times and probably will a 5th
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    - scenes are good, gameplay is annoying

    The scenes are mostly as you would expect.

    The gameplay is quite unique, but there are a few problems I have with it. One, it requires two hands. Two, you often get trapped by enemies while trying to do something else, and are then forced to watch a sex scene and are teleported away. This is made even worse by the fact that a lot of the tasks require you to go back and forth over long distances with many enemies in the way.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best games here I've played. Plenty of CGs, and has a gallery to view them. Though the CGs are 100% monsters or tentacles, I think they are really well made.

    Gameplay is fine. not something super, but not unbearable, there is no forced garbage combat, and there are plenty of places to go, but you'll need a map lol.

    9/10 only because character has massive breasts, a little but off-putting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    objectively the best artwork you will find in an h-game.
    many hours of gameplay.
    lots of fetishes to explore.
    decent sprites.

    not much story.
    it is EXTREMELY hard to play this game with one hand. you will need to utilize the entire right side of a full keyboard.
    UI is annoying to navigate including a confusing button config panel.
    many bugs especially in the final quarter of the game. very easy to get softlocked and game is prone to freezing.
    viewing scenes from the main menu gallery seems to have altered the quest progress of a quest i already finished.
    game is fairly easy and losing some battles makes the game permanently easier unfortunately.
    losing to some bosses automatically defeats them with no ability to retry the fight.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Poor gameplay design.

    The gameplay design is amateurish. The UI/Ux design is poor. But programming foundation is good. The art is good.

    Overall, the core gameplay loop is more annoying than fun. The story scenario is uninspired.

    The H-scenes, as far as I can tell, are fully gated by defeats with random enemies. It's not one of those games where victory and defeats hang on a thread and so you can inadvertently adventure into defeat scenes. (Such games are rare anyhow cuz scenes are expensive.) It's also not one of those games where the game mechanics are genuinely interesting or challenging. And then you are prompted to save before exploring defeat scene branching. No. The defeats are with random map enemies, which is without context. Dramatic pacing? What otherworldy concept is that?! What do you mean by drama in dramatic pacing? The scene's gating in Agnietta is just annoying.

    You do need to love monster H-scenes to go through this game. Otherwise, while it doesn't hurt to give it a try, you will likely get bored very quickly.

    I hope the devs gain more experience and get better with game design in the future while getting paid enough to support themselves in the meantime. The art and their willingness to make custom program for their game can be foundation for future hits. As for The Agnietta, it's skippable.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh, I forgot the review this mess after playing it? Well then, let me tell you. The majority of h-scenes are either well-made 2D CG images, or low quality animations you won't like. The combat is kind of interesting, but the stamina bar and the mana bar make it far more annoying than it should be. The level design is ughhhhh, so fucking annoying, you have no idea. And the main complaint here are crashes. loads and loads of crashes.

    Definitely skip this one, there's far better simmilar games on f95.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very cool gameplay, great combination of sex and gameplay, nice art and sounds! In fact, although you want even more from this game, it gives a great combination of sex and gameplay. Maybe not a benchmark, but an incredibly high level.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a decent game. The art is pretty good. The porn scenes are drawn well. The gameplay is okay. It's essentially a metroidvania, but not as fun as the classic metroidvanias. But that's not why you play The Agnietta. You play it for the porn. So how's the porn? Well, it's okay I guess. I suppose a lot of the appeal is the monsters screwing the 'pure' priestess? I didn't find most of it that hot. Sure, sometimes tentacle stuff can be hot, or some big burly monster screwing a girl. The whole maggot/facehugger stuff has never been my thing though. Those monsters are more body-horror than anything else. And the corruption aspect feels a bit inconsistent due to how you get scenes. Losing to a monster -type the first time has the girl be quite reluctant. But by the second time she's already really into it. It's quite abrupt.
    Now, don't get me started on the boss battles. Screw them. What a waste of time. Especially the stone dude. All the mobs that spawn, especially the pink facehuggers that stun you, are so annoying. Not to mention I got frequent crashes during that boss battle. Nearly unplayable at that point.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    If the interface had a few user friendly additions I'd consider this one of the best games of its type. I feel it needs a better map and maybe some quest markers since I got pretty lost on a few occasions. The game also crashed several times but I got used to saving frequently so it wasn't too bad of an issue.

    The artwork is very nice, although I do wish the sex scenes had some animations. The sound is well done too, but it would have been awesome if the heroine spoke her dialog. Her moans and sex sounds were very erotic.

    It is fairly balanced so you can play her as a sex crazy demon lover or as a relatively pure holy demon purifier. I played through 3 times...once trying for max deviancy, once just playing through without trying for deviancy or purity, and once trying for a pure, noble ending. I fun with each, but I will say there is a ton more content for the sexual route (who would have guessed?).
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Another entry thrown into the DNF pile.

    Story 2/10

    To be fair, I DNF the game so maybe the story gets good. But from what I saw, you're a healer of some kind and you want to heal the evil in this building? tower? thing. And that's the story. The tower has a tower spirit who seems malevolent but I didn't get far enough to see what's up.

    Gameplay 3/10

    A hack and slash in RPM or equivalent. The combat is mediocre. It's not hard just tedious since there's not a lot of enemy types. I played like 3 hours and encountered about 6 enemy types.

    The maps are confusing and unnecessarily large. There's keys and switches and you need to run around hit those in the correct order in order to proceed. Very boring especially since monsters respawn as soon as you run off screen. So tons of refighting enemies just because you're lost.

    And yeah, I'll call it out. The game is buggy (aside from the bug content). I've soft locked once so I had to close the program and reload a save. Other times I needed to "fix" my state by losing or equipping some item that would fix the game state. Just kind of the cherry on top of an unpleasant gaming experience.

    Art 7/10

    I'm not really into bugs and tentacles and scorpions. But the art's still nice, it's what drew me in.

    The flavor text is... not great. It's just kind of there. You can get full corrupted and if you encounter a new enemy type it'll be "Oh please don't do that! I'm too pure!" because the game's just kind of not well developed.

    Overall 4/10

    I had a pretty bad time playing this game. Let alone the fact that it's a 2 handed game. The h-content is spaced out poorly and the game is grindy and confusing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure? On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Outside of some bugs, really good game. Great focus on the niche it's going for and good art, and pretty interesting scenarios and setup. Mid combat interactions are present too, so it's not just CGs based matter.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is quite good but I don’t think I cns play it.

    It really is impressive what they were able to do here. Pretty model. Nice animations. Decent snlitj of depths to the systems. Cool features like the alternate views. Quality and they deserve that patreon money.

    The core gameplay loop is way too slow and tedious for me. If I’m going to be playing a “standard” dungeon game liek this, I need more story breaks and…well basically I need it to be an rpg with more bells/whistles/flash and polish.

    But that’s a me thing. Re emphasize that it’s a good game and especially a good porn game.