The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and the Detective Servant is a management game in the loosest sense of the word. Essentially, you, the Detective Servant, must keep a tsundere princess happy while you conquer the world for her. If not, she'll destroy it.
It's played for laughs mind you. The story is straight humor all the way down, even the protagonist's existential horror that he is the only thing standing between a world and its destruction. Honestly, it's well done. I found myself laughing occasionally over the course of the game.
Daigneux manages to hit a pretty decent sweet spot between imperious bitch and needy, possessive, lonely, queen. She swaps between cute and bitchy with impressive tsundere skill and her airheadedness/lack of knowledge of human customs is both amusing and endearing. Overall, she's a pretty great primary love interest, which is fortunate because the protagonist basically only exists are her straight man/fuck buddy. I suppose there's a little bit of smart ass and arrogance to him, but it definitely takes a back seat to Daigneux.
Other than Daigneux, the protagonist fucks with one girl from each of the conquered territories. Each of the girls only has one scene and feature very rarely once their territory is conquered. The scenes are generally worth seeing and a nice break from getting pounded into the floor by Daigneux.
The management portion of the game could use a little work. If you play the game even close to optimally you have an absolutely insane amount of free time between milestones to troll around and event collect. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough events to justify so much filler time. I think the game would be better with tighter deadlines and a quicker milestone progression.
It also seems like Daigneux's mood doesn't factor into anything as near as I can tell. You can just pass each day doing nothing and as long as you complete the overall quest within the (very easy) deadline, you can't lose. Why even include a mood meter if it doesn't matter?
The sex minigame is kinda entertaining the first few times you play it. As the game progresses you unlock new items and abilities to help you turn the bitch queen into a quivering mess and that's always a good time. Also, whatever Daigneux is wearing when you start the scene is utilized in the minigame, so there's a pretty good outfit variety. Overall, it's fun and sexy... however.
In order to unlock the final stamina boost deed, you need to ejaculate 1,000,000 semen into Daigneux. A late game mini-game session can net you around 30,000. So at that rate you need to play the mini game in excess of 40 to 50 times with a sole focus on cumming as much as possible in order to finally unlock everything. It's a nice minigame and all, but not that nice.
Overall though, The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and the Detective Servant is a pretty decent porn game. The management portion isn't strong enough to allow the game to stand alone frankly, but given the solid art, decent story, and good characters, I wasn't disappointed. I'd recommend it if you like the screenshots and silly tsunderes.