Hey, I did a walkthrough for this game because I thought the writing was something out of a Troma film. (Look it up if you don't know kids this is a good thing IMO). You have to have a sense of humor to like this game. The renders and environments are excellent. It had me laughing basically the whole time. Two scenes caught me the most. The one on the sidewalk, and scene at Lita's. You can play this game a lot of different ways (which I like as a guide maker). As a total wuss, total dom or somewhere inbetween. To summerize I had a LOT of fun with playing this game and writing the guide. If you are looking for a serious game this is not it. If you want something light-hearted, that will make you laugh, then pledge cause Billy is going places! Only thing I would say as a point of improvement would be the animations, but I couldn't draw a stick figure so who am I to say. I'm sure those will get better with time, but that's not really what this game is about anyway. The story is what makes this game.