Ren'Py - The Bite: Revenant [v0.9313] []

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has potential. Its an interesting premise and a fleshed out good story.

    All in all its a solid attempt. Its a bit of a slow burn but not really. You dont get cockblocked or start with handjobs and grind yourself through story's and bullshit quest to get to the good part. But to get the scenes you have to fight through a wall of text. More on that in the story part of the review.

    I recommend you try it out for yourself before reading negative reviews or mine. Im very opinionated so dont get scared of and give it a try.

    Now to the actual review. i will only focus on the two things people actually give a shit about. Story and fappability.

    Story 2/5:

    Dont get me wrong. I didnt lie by saying the story is good and fleshed out. The author doesn’t seem to grasp what makes a gripping visual novel. The emphasis here should be on "visual." In a visual novel, you expect to see more visuals and less exposition. Instead, you get alternating slides of character faces with walls of text about old vampire wars and customs.

    The ideal approach would be to gradually reveal the world's backstory through character interactions and environmental clues. Instead, you get a lecture every time a character speaks. There are two times where the backstory is shown through visuals. When the MC uses his bloodsucking skill but those are very rare moments.

    And then there are the rare times where the characters a interact with no backstory or expositions and its awkward at best and embarrassing at worst. It's like watching two socially awkward people try to communicate.

    Maybe it will get better when the introduction to the world ends and the story actually picks up the pace but right now its a chore to read.

    Fappability 2/5:

    The intimate scenes are disappointing in terms of both content and visuals. There are a total of three blowjobs, two missionary scenes, and one cowgirl scene with only the blowjob and only the first scene alternating positions. They're brief and far apart, making them unless to fap to. If the scenes are this short, they might as well not exist.

    You read a 5000 word essay and then get 10 pictures of a single sex position and than have another 5000 words to read.

    You could barely start enjoying myself when they end. Why not have some different positions to prolong them? They all feel like cheap quickies instead of proper scenes.

    The potential 5/5:

    The reason i cant give the game a 2/5 is its potential.

    Despite its flaws, the game has a lot of potential. The interface is well-designed, and you can see the effort the developer put into crafting the storyline. I like "rise to power" stories, and there are too few that actually get finished or receive consistent updates. I can see where the story is heading, and I like the direction. However, potential alone isn't enough to justify a high rating.

    The author needs to understand the difference between a novel and a "visual" novel.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing concept that progress system is! Nice story, nice characters + their backstory, big vampire Goddess, hot crazy bpd murderous vampire, smart subtle hints, great humor! What more can a simple dude want?!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Pretty firmly too, Played v0.9301

    I had a lot of fun going through this one! Even though I managed to pick a path that lead to very minimal lewdness lol! only 2 things I can think of that I didn't like/think could change;1- Unless I missed it there isnt much explanation of the Player Stats screen and the Glossary , But also seems like this is still quite an early stage for the game. 2- Minor but the MC had some fairly stereotypical personality traits of being "A Guy", nothing crazy and most often was a bit humorous but still felt a bit contrast-y to how you could play other scenarios

    +Looks pretty good
    +Thought the Characters Looked great
    +Story sucked me in pretty good
    +Easy to follow without being overly simplistic or dull

    -Every once in a while I found some scenes to be a bit dark visually, And Yes this is a vampire game and Vampires are generally out and about at night but still lol
    --My biggest complaint is that I found the stylized, script-like, font Really hard to read! I do generally for all these Ren'Py games open up the Accessibility options to change it to Opendyslexic and increase the Font size, But I found this games default to be super rough on my eyes (sad cuz it's cool and thematic lol)

    4/5 Had a good time! Enjoyed it! Hope for more!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    This started out somewhat good, but it went to making no sense way to fast.
    First you have a girl forced on you, i guess you can call it intro to the game so i can deal with that but once game starts it gets worse.

    MC whos just been a vamp for a single day is out with Zoey looking for hes first human meal, when MC finds someone Zoey will take you back since she dont trust MC to be out and alone since she affride what he might do and thats all fine, but then they get back to Zoeys home and even though Zoey knows it can be hard for an old vamp to not fuck up drinking blood or being around humans and that she dident trust him 2 seconds earliere she does a 180 and now trust MC to be alone with a human girl???
    How the fuck does that make any sense, Zoey is risking her own head for a dude whos barely been a vamp for a day, i mean really? come on atleast try to make the story just a little realistic, this is just idiotic.

    And dont even get me started on how MC cant mind controle a normal human girl but 5 mins later he can mind controle a very very old and powerfull female vamp? really?

    Game likes to forced things on you as well, like at the docs your forced to feed on her leg for some stupid reason no matter if you pass or fail skill check it dosent change anything what so ever, and earliere you could resist to drink blood so why not now? i wouldent want to touch that old bitch doc with a 10 ft pole.

    MC is also to brainless and trust people way to easy, why on earth agree to help the doc? to figure out what makes MC tick? maybe help her find ways to kill him or worse? i dunno but i find it extremly stupid, even more so since Zoey dosent trust her either but MC being new and not listening to the one person that he knows saved hes life makes him a brainless idiot and MC keeps being submissive to the doc helping her with whatever she wants, like blood samples and shit, MC should never allow for that no matter what.

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    In any case story just dident do it for me, it had potential but it has to make more sense.

    Girls 2/5
    Most of the girls are pretty ugly, a few does have a nice face but that comes down to personal taste, maybe its due to being yet another big tits fetish game with no real diversity in builds, so if you like my self dont like big tits and find them nothing but a turn-off you might also want to skip this game, the only small tits is on side girls that you proberly cant even do anything with.

    Animations 2/5
    They are pretty low quality, very shot and rare on top of that.

    Music 3/5
    Music is pretty good when its there.

    Choices 2/5
    There just isent enough choices that makes any diffrense so you can role play MC like you want to, and add in fake choices where one of two leads to game-over only makes it even worse.
    And most if not all choices seems to lead to the same results with only a small change to text or dialogs, like the giving the doc blood it dosent matter if you rat her out or not she will still demand blood making choices pointless, if there is any real story changing choice i dont know but to me it feels just like a kinetic novel since your choices dosent change any outcomes.

    Sandbox 2/5
    Not really sure why its there, you can move around but cant visit anything other then a quest location so the only freedom you have is to pick which quest to do first nothing else.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Playing version 0.93

    Honestly I’m sad to not rate this game a 5, but the mc personality is so annoying to me. It’s all over the place some times. The scenes feel like they were written by different people, but that’s just a minor complaint my actual complaint is that he’s okay with murder and unconsensual blood sucking, yet not rape. If I’m on the “dark path” with Claire, obviously I’m gonna be playing my character w negative control. So why would you blueball the player and just let her run off after biting her? Her dark path with high control is sweet lovey dovey neck kisses and sex. doesn’t make sense to me why give the option of a dark path if it just isn’t one. being forced to feed for the first time on a willing old hag doctor also wasn’t my cup of tea, I thought hypnotizing shevaun or literally anyone would’ve been hotter.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is gonna be a .. weird review..

    Im will start with the conns but crazy as it may seem the pros outweigh the conns.

    1. First of all, at its current state v0.93 this is not an adult game. You will find more adult content in the bible or even encyclopedia.

    2. There is so much text.. and if it was trimmed by 30% it would almost be unnoticable. Most unnecessary and boring part being the MCs "thoughts" and narration" Wish MC thoughs could be turned off like is some other games.

    3. The biggest problem with games like these, that set a huge and very ambitious intro with a solid foundation is.. that besides the progress(updates) are very.. slow they, in most cases, never get finished or the ending just comes out of the blue (super rushed compared to the original pacing)
    Reason for this is very obvious since beside having a very deep and involving story this game has a skill/perk system and seemingly at least 4 different main story paths, also multiple single romance paths - is not a harem game (beside having a perfect setting for it)
    Taking everything into account, to finish developing this game properly storyvise, not to mention to implement all the adult content required (that one would expect) it would take years or maybe a decade from now..


    1. Although I mostly learnt to avoid "supernatural themed" adult games, Even beside the tons of unnecessary text this game still has one of the best story telling / writing i've ever seen, surely better than most movies or series nowadays. It's like reading a great novel where you just can't wait to see what happens next.

    2. Everything else is done very professionally as well,. the characters feel alive, the gestures and body language are well placed.

    3. The Music is very well selected and suits the environment for most scenes.

    There's more I could add but it's not that important.

    All in all.. it's a sad fact that we will most likely live to see people invent teleportation or time travel than grand projects like this game ever to be finished. Cause when you set the stage so high and try involving complex mechanics as well it takes just simple maths to figure out that this will require an army of dedicated developers to see it through.

    I would still like to congratulate the dev team for trying to create a project of such ambition.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Im really caught off guard about how good this one is. I dont know why but i skipped trying it out a few times in the past.

    I have to confess im a sucker for ability-hoarding superpowers lol, it always reminds me of Sylar from the tv series Heroes.

    Vampirism in this game is more like mainstream superpowers and each vampire has is own set of powers while the MC seems to be able to obtain all the normal powers and even more.

    He starts out rather weak as he doesnt start out with any powers but compulsion and has to hide his potential until we will reach the point of being powerful enough. Imo this is a really nice setup.

    There arent thiiis many lewds yet but the ones we got are good yet i still sometimes caught myself being curious about how the story will continue while they played out.

    I like the MC a lot, he isnt a pushover and always stays his ground and has clear opinions yet isnt the ultimate perfect guy who cant do any wrong and everyone loves him for no reason.

    The LI's (so far) range is from very normal and kinda stereotyped avn girls (the human girls so far) to very deep and unique characters (the vampire ones).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game that actually has the feel of delivering you unto a world with a vampiric underworld. Takes its time and the payoff is worth it. Paying attention to the lore, the intruige and taking the time to understand all factions at play feels rewarding.
    Great visual novel for all its aspects!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, like others said it's not exactly quick to get to the sex scenes but that also means it doesn't rush the story. It's one of the few games I felt interested enough in the story to not just skip the text and the scenes are pretty good when you get to them
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as adult games goes, The Bite: Revenant is certainly a cut above the rest. The adult content becomes of nearly secondary importance (from a player's perspective) with how well the story and characters are written. Furthermore, as far as Vampire stories goes, this game also gets it right in a way that most major novels, shows, and movies can't even accomplish. I can't wait to find out what comes next!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Had absolutely zero expectations about this game and was kinda surprised with all my impressions when decided to give it a chance. It does not have the best graphics or animations in the league but that fades into the background very quickly because of the atmosphere. Plus it definitely has WtMB vibes as was mentioned before so if you are into vampires related stories then should give this one a try. The lore feels interesting, writing is above average compared to the mods VNs, characters have their own personalities and more or less okay, and Zoe with whom you will spend most of the time during your story is just damn hot.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're into vampire stories or you're a fan of the role playing game VTM you will probably like this.
    The game plays a bit like a rpg, with stats and all that stuff but is not overcomplicated either. There are some free roam but not the more obnoxious type.
    As for the meat of the game, so far there are some sex scenes but be advised that this is not a sex focused story.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The Bite: Revenant is a well-made game: in which author tries to create its own lore, add some gameplay elements and develop character personalities. Still, in spite of the fact that the author has really tried and done many aspects of the game very well, I can't say that I liked this game. I didn’t have enough interest in finishing this game after completing it to about 70% of the way through and watching the rest of the content with my ctrl pressed. However, this has more to do with my dislike of typical visual novels that gives little possibility of influencing the world, the expectations that come with a vampire setting, and other factors that I will write about below. Despite my nickname, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the vampire theme, although I did like it a lot at one time. Vampire theme, perhaps, like zombie theme, has been used too much and that is why it is really hard to make you surprised anymore. I'll try to highlight the main points that I found important. Both the good and the bad.

    Good and neutral.
    The vampire infestation was explained quite well, in my opinion. In this universe, vampires are carriers of a parasite and their abilities are not related to any mysticism. So here vampires are rather closer to living beings, which is not a bad excuse, for a game of adult genre, where the characters will have to engage in carnal pleasures.

    I really liked our patron Zoe, who took the protagonist under her guardianship. Apart from her sweet looks, there is something about her character that is rarely seen in girls in other games. She is probably the only character who doesn't immediately jump on the hero's dick and you really have to do certain things to make her trust you. However, this attitude may simply be due to her backstory, which is only hinted at a couple of times in the game. That would certainly be a disadvantage, as it's all too rare in games like this to find characters who know their worth and who really need to be conquered. To be honest, I even have some regret in dropping this game, as I would have liked to see more of this character. But not being able to fully play the character the way I want to, I think it would have ruined the experience of having a romance with her anyway.

    The writing in the game is at a pretty good level, and it's generally interesting to read the dialogue. However, I would note that the conversations are a bit too much at times.Yes, in the beginning it seems important, so the hero needs to learn the ropes of vampire world. But later on we see that it's more of a trait of the author to make "chatterboxes" out of the characters. The ratio between talk and action in this game I would estimate at 80/20, which eventually bored me.

    Sex animations are made on an average level. You can't call them very good, but you can't say they're bad either. I would rate them at 6/10 slightly above average than what you can usually find.

    It felt like the author was inspired by the World of Darkness, which can be considered a plus since it's one of the most developed worlds about vampires. However, many of its inherent qualities, which I appreciate it for, were either left out or not properly represented in this game. After all World of Darkness is about the roleplay, which is done poorly in this game.

    When you play a vampire-themed game, you have certain expectations of what you want to do and see in the game. While everyone has their own preferences, I personally felt that something was missing. Something that didn't make this game a simulation of everyday life in a nocturnal setting. More use of vampire abilities and traits, confrontations with other vampires and vampire hunters, more of the supernatural. You can say that the game is still in its early stages and that everything is still to come, but you have to realise that the player needs something to keep them engaged until then. And I can say that this game turns the wheels of the story too slowly.

    I've already mentioned that I liked Zoe's character, but in terms of the rest, it's more of a standard set of everything you'd find in other novels. Although the writing in the game is at a good level, I can't say that anyone impressed me enough for me to remember them later. Except for one more character, formidable arbiter (a tall girl with a sword that acts as a judge), but there are very few interactions with her, and those that are there don't look like this dominatrix trying to dominate the protagonist. In general, the game is very bad with dominant characters, which for a vampire theme, I think is a very significant attribute. If there is a super being that lives for hundreds of years, whether you want it or not, but most of them should have already tried all the available pleasures, know their own worth and look at others from the position of their experience and power. In this game, this theme is very underdeveloped, and those characters that even have influence and power don't reveal their dominance in an intimate way. And I want to point out right away, I'm not saying that all of such vampires should be into bdsm, but even light femdom would be very appropriate, but it's not there.

    Overall, the sex content in the game is very vanilla, which is not what you would expect from a vampire-themed game. It's not a moe game with cute teenage vampire girls to make it so soft. There are different characters from different eras and backgrounds in this game, but they are all too "trivial". There's no real depravity, and no characters we could call perverted lunatics. The maximum we get to see in this version is a vampire girl masturbating in a club while listening main character's story of sleeping with another girl, and even that scene isn't written well enough to generate excitement. Most of the characters here suffer from the same thing as other games in the vanilla genre. The protagonist is the centre of the universe, and all the other men are just extras, and more often than not, nasty individuals that the protagonist has to put in their place. God forbid any vampire not keep themselves for hundreds of years for the sake of one and only main protagonist, otherwise the audience will immediately start shouting a three-letter word and hating the author. I'm exaggerating a bit, but it's true: in a game about vampires, you want to see sexually liberated characters for whom all this vanilla stuff should have stopped being interesting a long time ago. Ordinary people during 30 years of active sexual life most often get tired of it all and start trying new things, and here we are talking about immortal beings. It can also be noted that according to the lore of the game, in addition to huge physical improvements, vampires have insane regeneration, which should essentially lead us to the conclusion that their sexual stamina should be almost infinite. But in the reality of the game we see one simple intercourse with little imagination and one ejaculation and that's it. I don't know what the developer's plans are, but at the moment, I would feel very sceptical if any of the vampires would praise the protagonist for such "undoubtedly" divine sex from the height of their experience and vampire standards. Again all of this isn't just some silly nitpicks, I just don't understand why make mystical creatures the same as humans? As for the sex scenes themselves, they are rather short and, I would even say, weakly written. There's little passion in them if we're talking about the romantic side of things, and too little depravity if we're interested in dirty, fetishised sex (In one scene, the girl had a long tongue, which she took advantage of, of course. But that's about it). There is also no way to give it direction in any way, sex goes strictly according to a script.

    If you take out all the sex scenes from the game, it can be rated 16+. At first I thought that the tag graphic violence was simply forgotten to put, but after playing the game I was convinced that it really is absent here. There is only one more or less brutal scene in the game, where the main character is killed by another vampire. Everything else is text descriptions and a few blood stains. Again, this is a game about blood-sucking monsters with inhuman abilities, and turning it into yet another dating simulator is a waste of potential. Yes, this is all subjective, but as I said, the vampire theme raises certain expectations and even freaking Twilight has more violence than this game.

    Next, I'm going to name a drawback that is essential for me, but may not be so for others. Choices and their consequences. Right at the beginning of the game, a girl is thrown at us with whom the protagonist has sex, there is no way of avoiding it. To be honest, I thought this girl that will turn us into a vampire, an that's why it's mandatory, so I continued playing. But then it turned out that wasn't the case and we're going to be turned by another girl. I was pretty dissapointed that scene with this character was just made to show us animations and to show that the player has little control here. For me, there is nothing more frustrating in games like this than when the hero acts solely at the behest of the author and the player is merely an observer of his decisions. Fortunately, the situation improves a little later on and we can reject certain characters, but there are very few choices and alternative story options. There are also some skill checks in the game, and at first I even thought they would have a strong impact on the game. But later on, I started to feel like they served more as an extension of the scenes, merely adding extra dialogues, which led me to think that they didn't play a big role in the story. However, some kind of relationship system is present here and trust and relationship checks sort of affect whether a character is willing to go on a mission with you (this was the case with Zoe), but to prove it you'd have to go through the game a second time, which I don't really want to do. But like I said, the game doesn't often put the player in front of any choice.

    In the game, very often we are "pushed" to love interests that we need to interact with. Even after choosing the option that you are not interested in this character, we still have to listen to their babble until the end. And as I said, characters like to talk a lot. And like I said, things are very sparse with choices here. We very rarely get to influence anything and roleplay the character. So the main character, will play gentleman with everyone and listen to every woman's problems.

    The last drawback I'll mention is the protagonist's ability. Here is a little spoiler that reveals this ability.
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    I've never been a fan of overpowered protagonists, and I personally find it much more satisfying to accomplish something with limited powers or powers that everyone else has. But yes, in some cases even I can enjoy a powerful protagonist, but as long as the ability is not too ultimate and as long as the game continues to challenge the player. Again, I think it would be important to focus on the power-play fetish in the game. Here, however, such ability of the hero kills all further intrigue - it is too powerful and
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    And at this stage of the game, it doesn't really show up in the sex scenes either.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that while I gave this game 4 stars, I personally rate it much lower. But I try to be unprejudiced and I realize that many things in this game are not done badly, they are just not done for me. So if you like visual novels, where the story the author wants to tell is more important than your inner desire to shape it, then you might like this game. If long conversations with little on-screen action don't bother you, and you're a fan of vampire theme, then again, you might like this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Phenomenal story. Def worth a playthrough. Especially how unique the settings is.

    Coincidentally one of the better vampire concepts in general, not just VNs.

    The only worry I have is if it's perhaps too ambitious. With the quasi-sandbox setup and a lot of complexity to each character, it will likely take a while to finish.

    Great work tho.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.91
    This is one of those refreshing games that isn't solely just focused on lewd, depraved shenanigans. Story is very compelling, characters are fleshed out very well, and there are a decent amount of choices you can make that can change the story.
    Only reason I gave it 4 stars (for now), is because this VN seems WAAAYYY ambitious. And at the rate updates are released, and the pacing of the story, as well as the pacing of how fast the MC develops his powers, it could probably be years before this VN comes to a conclusion.
    Overall, still a very enjoyable experience so far...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is really, really interesting. Characters far b etter written tha what you find on this site

    The only con is the amount of content, which is decent by itself, but takes a long time to get updated
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Want to give it 5 stars, but I just cant. Story, pacing and writing are all good. But the amount of content isn't great. Looks like its too ambitious - we're two+ years in and theres not a single "trait" thats unlockable despite appearing to be a couple dozen in que. Game would also be better served as a visual novel opposed to sandbox.

    Would recommend playing, it is good. Just not the high hopes it is ever going to be completed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    desolate sharidan

    Best vampire game I've played here, the entire vampire mechanic is well-thought out and explained. The story is engaging, the girls are great and have actual personalities. Definitely recommend this game. My only actual gripe with the game is a personal one: Please make it optional whether we want the girls to trim/shave (some of us are into that!)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Nice vamp Iseki title with a slew of smart chicks as LI and good pathing diversity. Faction power-play is deeply integrated. Includes the tried and true "corruption" slider via the "control" stat. My only bit of sadness relating to the game is despite being a cool vampire, the MC isn't much of a sexual power-trip, almost underwhelming even.

    + The Mc's "memory dive" ability is a really fun and compelling way to present flashbacks.
    + The characters react very naturalistically, dramatically, and dynamically based on your choices / their relation with the MC. Its awesome how much variance the Dev put into everything.
    + Having your character pass a skill check and having the PC backgrounds makes each play-through feel more unique.
    + I love all the hypothetical LI and there is good diversity in them. Lots of different angles to pursue. (Claire and Doc are my fav's so far)
    + Skill sytem seems fun and interesting.
    + Nice music, SE, and Ui polish.

    Neutrals / Suggestion:
    ~ It would be very nice to be able to see the Trust and Affection stat on the NPC paperdolls.

    - MC is basically an average height skinny white dude with a 5 or 6 inch prick. Not much of an Iseki power fantasy. Hopefully he can physically upgrade at some point with the use shapeshifting or other powers. He is pretty boring in scene content.
    - Not much latitude to gain power. while maintaining your sanity. I love the push and pull / pros & cons of gaining power / losing control in a game- when you can maintain an interesting balance b/t the two tiers- but I'd like to see some opportunists for goodly MC to get power too, such as having ppl who trust him freely allow him to feed on them- ect. If the pure good Vamp route is really toothless compared to the corruption chud that is pretty boring for those who want a white knight fantasy.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok.
    - characters don't look bad but not that great
    - the story is interesting enough, I just get kind of bored with all of the dialogue
    - sex scenes are underwhelming which is a shame because that's the only thing to fall back on
    - Sandbox elements seem interesting. Too bad I couldn't make far enough to actually do anything with it other than put some blood in the fridge.
    - grammar and sometimes spelling aren't good. Kind of broken English.
    • A lot of "You are", "I am" make it sound awkward. Especially when the next sentence contains the contracted forms "You're", etc.
    • Lack of diction. "fight" would have sounded better if it was "battle" instead. Makes it sound like it was some schoolyard fight. Makes characters who seem to have a more "sophisticated" tone look really lame.
    • Too many statements ending with question marks. "Maybe blah blah though?" Just because you say something with an upper inflection, doesn't make it a fucking question. It's incredibly passive-aggressive and brain-dead.
    • Awkward phrasing " ... What you are?" " ... what I am."
    I don't know. It's interesting but not interesting enough to make up for the awkward English. I've pretty much run out of patience with that kind of shit ... again. Which tells me it's time to stop trying new games for now.