Ren'Py - The Bite: Revenant [v0.9331] []

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Phenomenal story. Def worth a playthrough. Especially how unique the settings is.

    Coincidentally one of the better vampire concepts in general, not just VNs.

    The only worry I have is if it's perhaps too ambitious. With the quasi-sandbox setup and a lot of complexity to each character, it will likely take a while to finish.

    Great work tho.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.91
    This is one of those refreshing games that isn't solely just focused on lewd, depraved shenanigans. Story is very compelling, characters are fleshed out very well, and there are a decent amount of choices you can make that can change the story.
    Only reason I gave it 4 stars (for now), is because this VN seems WAAAYYY ambitious. And at the rate updates are released, and the pacing of the story, as well as the pacing of how fast the MC develops his powers, it could probably be years before this VN comes to a conclusion.
    Overall, still a very enjoyable experience so far...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is really, really interesting. Characters far b etter written tha what you find on this site

    The only con is the amount of content, which is decent by itself, but takes a long time to get updated
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Want to give it 5 stars, but I just cant. Story, pacing and writing are all good. But the amount of content isn't great. Looks like its too ambitious - we're two+ years in and theres not a single "trait" thats unlockable despite appearing to be a couple dozen in que. Game would also be better served as a visual novel opposed to sandbox.

    Would recommend playing, it is good. Just not the high hopes it is ever going to be completed.

    Edit: Updating review a year and half later. Reducing to 2 stars, the story is not going anywhere.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    desolate sharidan

    Best vampire game I've played here, the entire vampire mechanic is well-thought out and explained. The story is engaging, the girls are great and have actual personalities. Definitely recommend this game. My only actual gripe with the game is a personal one: Please make it optional whether we want the girls to trim/shave (some of us are into that!)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Nice vamp Iseki title with a slew of smart chicks as LI and good pathing diversity. Faction power-play is deeply integrated. Includes the tried and true "corruption" slider via the "control" stat. My only bit of sadness relating to the game is despite being a cool vampire, the MC isn't much of a sexual power-trip, almost underwhelming even.

    + The Mc's "memory dive" ability is a really fun and compelling way to present flashbacks.
    + The characters react very naturalistically, dramatically, and dynamically based on your choices / their relation with the MC. Its awesome how much variance the Dev put into everything.
    + Having your character pass a skill check and having the PC backgrounds makes each play-through feel more unique.
    + I love all the hypothetical LI and there is good diversity in them. Lots of different angles to pursue. (Claire and Doc are my fav's so far)
    + Skill sytem seems fun and interesting.
    + Nice music, SE, and Ui polish.

    Neutrals / Suggestion:
    ~ It would be very nice to be able to see the Trust and Affection stat on the NPC paperdolls.

    - MC is basically an average height skinny white dude with a 5 or 6 inch prick. Not much of an Iseki power fantasy. Hopefully he can physically upgrade at some point with the use shapeshifting or other powers. He is pretty boring in scene content.
    - Not much latitude to gain power. while maintaining your sanity. I love the push and pull / pros & cons of gaining power / losing control in a game- when you can maintain an interesting balance b/t the two tiers- but I'd like to see some opportunists for goodly MC to get power too, such as having ppl who trust him freely allow him to feed on them- ect. If the pure good Vamp route is really toothless compared to the corruption chud that is pretty boring for those who want a white knight fantasy.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok.
    - characters don't look bad but not that great
    - the story is interesting enough, I just get kind of bored with all of the dialogue
    - sex scenes are underwhelming which is a shame because that's the only thing to fall back on
    - Sandbox elements seem interesting. Too bad I couldn't make far enough to actually do anything with it other than put some blood in the fridge.
    - grammar and sometimes spelling aren't good. Kind of broken English.
    • A lot of "You are", "I am" make it sound awkward. Especially when the next sentence contains the contracted forms "You're", etc.
    • Lack of diction. "fight" would have sounded better if it was "battle" instead. Makes it sound like it was some schoolyard fight. Makes characters who seem to have a more "sophisticated" tone look really lame.
    • Too many statements ending with question marks. "Maybe blah blah though?" Just because you say something with an upper inflection, doesn't make it a fucking question. It's incredibly passive-aggressive and brain-dead.
    • Awkward phrasing " ... What you are?" " ... what I am."
    I don't know. It's interesting but not interesting enough to make up for the awkward English. I've pretty much run out of patience with that kind of shit ... again. Which tells me it's time to stop trying new games for now.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game sooo underrated.
    Everything about the game turnout to be so interesting and smooth; the dialogues, characters and placement, all those elements works as they should. This VN is much better than most VN's at the first page.
    I'm nothing but impressed.


    Yes, the sandbox ...
    the sandbox is so minimal, it simply doesn't bother me at all. it's like a time to breath between the quests.
    Ends up adding to the game, to be honest.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphically a good level.

    Subjective feelings about the girls - Not counting the two girls met during the game, the rest are very uninteresting and the one that caught my attention has almost no content.
    Story - It's not the worst, but I felt a bit bored. And its length, for a 0.8 it's not much, I've played several games that at 0.1 or 0. 2 had more content, if you read quickly and don't skip the long, painful and uninteresting parts of the story then after 1:30 it's at the end, at the end which is not marked, you circle in free roam for a while because you don't know what to do and checking on the page you find out that it's the end of the game(shock because it's 0.8 so you expect a lot more) and the author forgot to let you know about it.

    The music is.

    MC - I have no problems with him, he's not stupid, he's not creepy, he doesn't have a million thoughts.

    Narrator - Half if or even more of the game's subtitles is the narrator explaining absolutely everything, after a while I started skipping because he was tiring me out telling me everything I see on the screen.

    I recommend waiting a few months because there isn't much content here, don't be fooled by the 0.8(1.12gb as I checked now, so I could expect in total, but I didn't check that it would be that short)
    As you are here for the lewd scene (I am not) I don't know if there are any at all, probably one, but it's hard to say because the girls I was interested in with one came to a kiss and that was it.
    I thought I had playing and reading for a few hours and it turned out to be very short.

    Nevertheless, I wish good luck and hope that in the future I will be able to change the rating to a higher one, unfortunately at the moment I feel cheated, the game should be marked as 0.3 at most
    Don't get me wrong this has the potential for 4 or even 5 stars, but if it's 0.8 at the moment it means we're at the end and there's not much game here. Looking at the content to unlock (traits) then the game will end at version 190.1 xD
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2093814

    I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised after playing this. What I expected to be just another meh Vampire game on here, turned out to be an absolute cracker. It really has a lot of potential.

    The story hooked me in and does have a similarity to one of the best Vampire games ever made: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. We have the MC forced into his new vampiric life and have to struggle to survive among the plots of the Vampire clans as they seek to use him for their own machinations.

    The RPG type stats is awesome. I love how you can fail trust/affinity/etiquette/esoteric checks etc. due to the background or dialogue choices you selected. For instance, blabbing to the Arbiter about your creator will lose you Zoey trust and later you will fail her trust checks when asking for her help with an investigation.

    Speaking of Zoey...well she is just the best and hottest character in the game. Who wouldn't want to win her over as more than a friend...
    She is just so damn hot and has a great personality, even if it is cagey at the start. Some real chemistry there.

    The other chars are cool as well. From the stern and scary Arbiter to the downright terrifying Emilia (if this was VTM:BL she would sooo be Nosferatu clan)....the characters feel like they have their own secret goals and make you feel apprehensive what you say, in case you slip up.

    The renders are good enough to add to the atmosphere, while not top notch. That's fine as overall the whole game oozes atmosphere and menace.

    As for my 4 star rating, well I detracted a star because of the sandbox/freeroam element. I honestly think it would be better as just a pure VN with simple choices on screen for the quests. Much less work for the dev and well, I'm not a fan of these elements in VNs to be honest. They don't add enough for the hassle - in fact they can pull you out the story immersion or be a pain in the arse when you missed clicking on some small item on screen.

    Still, overall this is a great Vampire game and it's a compliment to the dev that I actually forgot I was playing a VN from a porn site at one point, so deeply was I trying to get the best stat choices for my character.

    Great work Dev! I look forward to more of your ambitious and rewarding game in future updates.

    Now if only Zoey could be corrupted to the dark side and embrace her dream would be of a wifey Zoey and keeping Claire and Julie as a pair of thralls to feed on and enjoy sexy time with Zoey...
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm pleasantly surprised by this game, very rarely does it happen that I find the story of a porn game engaging and to the point where I would enjoy it even without erotic aspects but here it happened! Maybe it has something to do with me being a Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines fan (and World of Darkness in general) but this story just feels different than any other porn game I know. There are some vampire porn games I've played but this one is by far the best.

    First and foremost - it's a proper Visual Novel, with tons of choices, stats and skill checks, very intriguing plot and good dialogues. The game is worth playing even without erotic content which is a testament to its quality. Our choices do matter and there are consequences whenever we make a decision, as it should be in any good RPG. So in essence it's a Choose Your Own Adventure game which is very rare for a porn game.

    Secondly, the porn part is great. Female models are sexy and beautiful, sex scenes are enticing and there's enough of them to not be left hanging. Definitely a good game if you're feeling an itch.

    Thirdly, the atmosphere here is magnificent. Like I said, it reminds me of VtM games (and most likely the dev is also a fan) which is a good thing. The abandoned hospital is awesome, the other vampires are awesome and in general visuals and text compliment each other very well creating a convincing illusion of a real world with some supernatural twists.

    All in all it's one of the best porn games I've ever played, absolute top of the top. 10/10, will play again and again because it has also very high replayability value which I haven't mentioned earlier.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: v0.81)

    The Bite: Revenant is a difficult game for me to rate. I can see myself rating it as low as 6/10 to as high as 9/10. In the end, I chose to go for somewhere in the middle at 7.5/10.

    What I enjoyed about the game:
    + Premise. I love fantasy stories. Vampire fantasy stories have been explored in the past, but I think The Bite: Revenant is the best title in the genre.
    + Story. The storytelling has been excellent throughout the game. Our MC is turned into a vampire without his consent and a woman vampire is forced to adopt our MC as her scion, since the vampire community does not allow orphan vampires. We explore the delicate politics among the vampire clans involved in the vampire community while living as an outcast i.e. one without a clan. Overall, it has an immersive story.

    = Art and Renders. It does not look great. Nor would I call it bad. The art is a bit too grainy for my tastes. The animations feel like it's moving so quickly as well.
    = Characters. Zoey is quite an interesting character. But, the rest of the LI cast have failed to deliver so far. They just feel like characters to be fucked by the MC at the moment.
    = Music. Some good tracks mixed with mediocrity.

    What I did not enjoy:
    - Save Breaking. Okay, this is the biggest problem with the game. For a game that has been around for two years, my saves have broken twice. Not ideal and it's frustrating whenever you have to play from the beginning.
    - UI and Development Speed. This is another problem with the game. While the progress seemed quick in the initial year. It feels like the dev has bitten off a bit more than he could chew afterwards. I have no idea why the game has become a sandbox. It would've been a lot more easier if the dev had just stuck with a regular VN or allowed the player to choose the quest in a simple pick and choose method.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not often you get a good Vampire story, one filled with back stabbing, scheming, intrigue, plotting and dealing with the sexiness of the world and what you are. Knowing you have power over others while also watching your back. If you are into Vampires in a more "The Masquerade" universe, you will like this.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    come for the kinky vampires stay for the story !
    Amazing game.
    I steamrolled through the game in one sitting.
    great characters, really good story with a gripping intrigue. I really enjoyed the fact that the characters acted normally. If you're here for non-stop action you're gonna be disappointed but I enjoyed the scene with Ciara in the bathroom.
    10/10 would play again.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good vampire isekai esque visual novel, one of the best ones and least gay too. The best VTMB type visual novel by a country mile thats for sure. If you want examples of gay vampire games check the ones of steam if you know you know. But this here is actually genuinely good

    Most vampire games tend to get a bit too gay with the characters and story. You know, twilight stuff smarmy mc all that bologna. Here it goes VTMB route where you get turned into a vamp and then you get plunged into this new vampire world and you try to get by learning the mechanics and what not.

    And as I said earlier the way it is done here is really good, the MC acts like reasonable normal guy, maybe a bit goofy but whatever. It feels more genuine and the vampire gimmick is handled real well with the whole power use vs trying to be a reasonable vampire guy without abusing your powers kind of like EVIL vs GOOD choices. And you get to choose how you want your character to act in situations and both paths work great.

    Maybe im overestimating the EVIL vs GOOD amounts but whatever it feels like there is choice in the game atleast even if it is illusion. For sure check it out if you like supernatural visual novels or want to play an actually good VTMB visual novel off shoot
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    So far overall I'd give this game 4.5 Stars

    Good writing 4.5 Stars
    Story drew me in 4.5 Stars
    Animations are decent 3.5 Stars
    Unique attractive characters 4.5 Stars
    Nice romance aspect to the game 4.5 Stars

    (Gotta fuck 'em all! I hope so)

    Sex scene animations could use a bit of polishing (Decent enough to fap too) but are good enough to not take away from the overall game itself.

    The game world and characters remind me of WTM Bloodlines (2004 Game) which is a good thing.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Not for me I guess. This one suffers from simple issue, one girl gets most of the playtime.

    Unfortunately for me, I found that one girl incredibly dull, uninteresting and horrible match for MC. So after few hours of reading dialogues mostly between just the two of them, decided to drop it.

    Choices are mostly "Yes" or "Yeah". 2nd one also gives affection/trust points. but doesn't change anything really.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing. It's a relatively linear VN, but it's amazingly well-paced. You'll be jumping from scene to scene and character interaction to character interaction with no brakes, and I enjoyed every second of it. Every reveal has been great, every emotional moment on point.

    If I had to say one thing I didn't like, there were a few scenes where characters you might like get taken off screen only to reappear a few minutes later, and I'll just be sitting here complaining that they were taken off screen in the first place! Best problem to have. 10/10 game, and my only issue is that there isn't more!

    (Oh, and I'm worried about the sandbox. I had a scare when it suddenly switched to sandbox and asked me to do things, but despite that slight hiccup, it still remained remarkably well-paced and awesome. Don't be discouraged, it hardly last 2 clicks!)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked it. It's a vampire story clearly inspired by Vampire The Masquerade world but it's well performed. The story is interesting and probable (okay, assuming that vampires do exist). It also develops at good pace. There is some advanced statistics system which is used only a little so far but it certainly has potential for making the game non-linear, with choices that actually matter.

    The sex scenes are few but I liked them, just like the tension between hero and the main girl.

    Certainly waiting for more!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's sad that this game isn't as big as other games on this site. It isn't as sexually oriented as other games (it does have sex scenes but it isn't the focus) but the writing is stellar. One thing I liked while playing, is that the author did something that is somewhat rare in games on this site, which is to put your character(s) in uncomfortable situations. That allows the viewer/player to watch the characters resolve to clash with their fear. Good stuff.

    Edit: Okay, having played the rest of the current ver (0.71) I can honestly say that wow, this is a fantastic game. The characters in this game are great. The dialogue and plot are fantastic. To be honest, I feel like this could be a solid film or tv show. By that I mean it uses tropes (which isn't always bad mind you) and presents them in an interesting manner. Great job author, you should be proud.