Important news / Reasons for absence
Good health, dear Cossacks!!! We apologize for not writing to you for a long time. There were both objective and subjective reasons. So, against this background, we gave ourselves a little rest, but now we are actively plunging into the development process.
In general, this post was supposed to be published before the New Year, but it so happened that we have crazy neighbors to the east who decided to "congratulate" us with massive shelling. Over a week, they fired more than 150 missiles at Ukrainian cities and hundreds of shaheds. There were a lot of casualties, but the air defense works very well and things could have been much worse. This is a great merit of Western aid, and we thank everyone involved. These attacks only make us angrier and more united, so let them not rejoice in the swamps, they wouldn't wait

. Sure, it's an incredibly difficult year for our nation, but no less important for a sovereign country that continues to fight. We don't know how the situation will develop further, but we will always keep you informed of any important changes.
As for the general plans, we are currently releasing a technical update of version 0.05 Part 1 in the coming days, which was planned to be released a few days before the New Year (we have expanded the number of improvements enough that we decided to highlight it separately), after which we will create a roadmap to the next updates and a tracker of the current update with information about it. In our plans for the project, 2024 will finally be the end of the development of the game's core gameplay, which has stretched too far. We've already done a lot of work on it, but the next updates will definitely close these issues. Like the issue with saves, I think there should be no problems after that. We are already slowly starting to address this.
Thanks for your attention. We hope you will be happy with the upcoming updates! See you soon!!! Budmo!!! Stand with Ukraine!!!