Much better than the previous game. Plot is simple, but original and consistent without stupid twists and the paths are straightforward (would love to see subquests though in the log to see if you failed something or not like the princess corruption).
Would have love to see the different dialog paths that you fail or not (not enough points in one of the three stats for example, or just not implemented. Something like Baldurs' gate fail check information for example) so you are not wondering if you failed something. For example, the barbarian lady has no sex scene implemented, and calling the guards in the menu seems always useless.
Overall I like the original art and the simple not overly grinding gameplay! Would also like to see the conditions for unlocking certain gallery elements.
Would have love to see the different dialog paths that you fail or not (not enough points in one of the three stats for example, or just not implemented. Something like Baldurs' gate fail check information for example) so you are not wondering if you failed something. For example, the barbarian lady has no sex scene implemented, and calling the guards in the menu seems always useless.
Overall I like the original art and the simple not overly grinding gameplay! Would also like to see the conditions for unlocking certain gallery elements.