VN - Ren'Py - The Button [Tap 7] [Burst Out Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    As of -v0.0.4- I really have enjoyed this game. It is still on early dev, but the concept is pretty great and there is lots of fun here. Hopefully the next updates will bring more content

    The looser vibe of the character and the possibility of changing his doomed story (and seeing how awful it can be) really makes it more appealing. The patch is necessary for the story to make sense, but that's something we constantly see.

    The lewd ain't nothing to write home about yet, but I've got hopes it will be improved upon. Can't wait for a few updates
  2. 4.00 star(s)



    First off, not enough content yet. Wait if you like having a lot when you first look at a game.

    I really enjoyed the premise of this one. It is a fun way to handle alternate outcomes, and was amusing.
    My only gripe is not enough content yet. So I can't really judge it too much at this time.

    What I can judge though, is the sex isn't that erotic outside of just interesting context for it.

    The animations are more like a few stills played in a way that makes short animations. Not very sexy in of themselves.

    I hope future button presses will have more interesting outcomes. A few were pretty inconsequential feeling. A couple seemed to not even have differences outside the moment in question, which wasn't very rewarding feeling besides minor amusement or preference.

    I will be looking at this again, should it get a fair bit of content added.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the concept!

    Good renders, and the dialog is good enough to keep it interesting and not feeling the need to skip. Thus far, (0.0.4) the games selling point is the button mechanic. Although its technically just a like any other option/dialog-option, it feels like opening an easter egg every time.

    Looking forward to more!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Leave it to Burst Out Games to have really interesting concepts... and hey they actually have believable dialog in this one! Twins was a nice addition and they aren't hideous. Music is appropriate. Renders are clean. Over all I enjoy the game. Keep up the good work!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Wanted to give this a review since I think this game has a lot of potential if done right! I like the GUI, and I like the models (especially Gwen and Karen). The MC isn't an absolute hunk (dad-bod lol) or strong-willed, but that would defeat the purpose of The Button. He's down on his luck, but not a pushover. He's not conventionally attractive, but not ugly either. I think his model fits the premise spot on! I like the humor of the game so far, I like the fact that the button can have "worse" outcomes (though also more interesting ones), and how whether or not you push the button can curry favor with one daughter or the other.

    It's quite a short game and I'd like to see more than one button tap an update, as otherwise it would be worth waiting a few updates to play the next version. I played through all possible paths as of v0.0.3 now in under 10 minutes. If done well, this game could actually be a winner, but the diverging plotlines may prove too hard to keep track of in the future. I assume the dev will eventually just update one path at a time, which could be good for people like me, who will play through all of them anyway! Best of luck dev! I would not be opposed to supporting this project a little further down the road once I see how it's taking shape.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Not much contents yet, so rating is rather provisional.

    I like it so far; writing is good and fun, story (moderately) interesting, MC is not the most pretty or most brilliant, but relatable; LIs are fun. I like the models (matter of taste of course), graphics is fine.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    For v0.0.2,
    There is not much content, just the introduction to The Button and the MC. The story also takes place in the same universe as Powers that Be and No Place like Home, the premise is interesting and it seems like there will be a lot of choices to make in the future.
    Right now I am giving it a 3 stars for the first, but good luck to the devs, I like their style and humor.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is for the 0.0.3v

    While there really isn't much to go by yet, I do see potential in the possibilities the story can present to us

    MC model actually looks like a somewhat washed up father for once, and not a hunky sexgod from the beginning, which might let us improve his looks as the story progress (not necessarily holding out hope for it, but it'd be a nice touch)

    Models for daughters are so-so, not terrible but nothing special to write home about

    The positioning and emotions of the characters are alright, but can probably be worked on to have a bit more to them, again, it's not a lot we get so I can't really judge it properly yet.

    Story, like said, has potential for all kinds of outcomes, however I do wonder how much it'll actually change in the end, considering how many branching paths would have to be made and worked on, so I would assume it'll give us a few different scenes changing from "negative-positive" or "really negative - less negative possibly naughty" with it eventually boiling down to a "choose 1 or Harem" ending like usual. Which usually isn't bad but hopefully it'll be handled properly

    Overall I'm optimistic about the future of this project, will update the review in the future and of course wish the developer the best of luck

    EDIT: update for 0.0.3

    Seems like the updates are going to be "short and sweet" and more regular than long inbetween times (basically every tap) Seemingly so far what action you take (tap or no tap) will cater to one or the other twins interest, however if that's something that'll be a theme is yet to be determined