Wow, did not even get to that point, I just saw an egg and the sperm around it, that looks like it has inseminated the egg, never even got that far. Anyone knows if there is more to the pregnancy route?
Holy shit this mini game is very difficult if your not good at timing. you really need good timing and focus for this, once the bottom tip of note hit the yellow line then you click it, the dev should lower the difficult of this mini game. lol
View attachment 4463947
MC making Micheal jackson dance and i cannot go anywhere also i cannot use interact button. I think it is a bug and how can i solve. I share my process if anyone share a save with me i will be happ i dont want to start from begining.
MC is making Micheal jackson dance and i cannot go anywhere. i cannot use interact button is this a bug and how can i solve. I share my process if anyone share a save with me i will be happ i dont want to start from begining.
Ok, I've seen some people trying to "fix" the nun pics, but all they do isn't really fixing but like making as if the events happened...
Instead, if you haven't collected the pictures yet, open CensorImages.config with notepad and correct this passage :
well, i believe u should not give her any pics, i've also tried 2nd version, like u need just to change '' ShowPhotoPanelUI/nun_reaction1'' in 144-150 photos (from nunreaction1 to 7)
I did this in Notepad++ to pass Rika photos bug, but that was before the latest update, which fixed the confessional and thus allowed me to clear all current content.