RPGM - The Corruption of the Village [v0.4.4] [Inatari Tales]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    For the moment I will give it an optimistic 3 stars, producing way more content and story could easily improve the rating so it's more of a tentative rating for what "it could be" because so far it's quite barebones in depth and it's more a kinetic novel in RPG Maker than anything else
    Now, the game for me looks highly reminiscent of the Henteria Chronicles series and it makes me think the dev took influence from them so I hope it manages to distinguish itself from it because I actually find the simpler and straightforward story more appealing, my recommendation for the dev is to focus more in the whole thing about goblins and personally, the best would be that the MC's loved ones are targeted from both sides (awful humans and goblins).
    As of now, it's best to support the dev and wait for future updates
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It is simply unplayable. There is so much gameplay related suffering what no matter how good story/art/sex are it isn't worth it.
    Navigation is beyond painful. A lot of rooms are "hidden" (you see the shape of a room but not whats inside) unless you enter them. And each time you do there is a second (or so) long transition screen (just black screen). 1 second doesn't sound like a lot untill you realize there is a lot of rooms. If the room is empty why hide it? I get it for NTR scenes but for empty rooms why?
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing v0.2.1 I have to say that I'm very invested in the story and can see the potential here. I think the pacing is quite good for a corruption title. Although there are not many cgs yet, the art is very good and the pixel sprites look unique. Looking forward to seeing what this game becomes.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The latest update (0.2.1) brought some improvements in terms of speed but it is still a pain to play.

    -Since all rooms are closed, you have no idea where to go. If you are in Kema's house and need to go to his room, you'll end up fading in/out (2sec each) in the parent's bedroom, the bathroom, the closet, the kitchen, the attic before finding Kema's room. Come on...

    - The English is understandable but urgently needs a proficient translator. Sometimes it is barely even MTL level.

    - And then, the most annoying RPGM feature ever. Before EVERY sentence you have a stupid RPGM emote. It slows every conversation to an absolute crawl. A skip button doesn't help if AFTER. EVERY. SENTENCE. AND. REPLY. YOU. HAVE. SOME. STUPID. EMOTE. AS. IF. THAT. WOULD. ADD. ANYTHING. TO. THE. GAME. Kill this. With Fire. Please.

    So, given it is slowwww burn and the mechanics STILL slow you down further, I think this is irredeemable in its current form. Shame, there is a good basis there.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Miss Y

    Just stumbled onto this game out of nowhere, and was pleasantly surprised! It feels like a project that has a ton of potential, but for now, I want to be as constructive as I possibly can. As the development continues, I will be *very* eager to revisit this game and give it some extra stars!

    ( This was written after playing version 0.1.5 )

    • The larger sprites are very unique compared to most RPG Maker games I have played. They can look slightly off at times, like how most of them of them seem to be standing in an awkward "A-pose" with their arms held stiff out to their sides when viewed straight on, or that most of the female sprites appear as if they are leaning forward from the side angle. But I really appreciate the sheer ambition of making them so detailed instead of just defaulting to the standard chibi-sized sprites, and that they have several poses to help make scenes more visually interesting. But honestly, I think the only glaring issue for them is the lack of any "sitting down" pose.​

    • The environments are also very impressive. With the size of the characters, I would assume that most of RPG Maker's tools would make the world feel tiny by comparison, but everything looks downright seamless. Just some truly fantastic work.​

    • Unfortunately, the writing so far seems... rough, to say the least. There usually at least a few misspelled words per scene, capitalization is wildly inconsistent, and much of the dialogue can just seem awkwardly phrased. None of it ever gets in the way with understanding what is going on or what a character is trying to say, but with how much work was clearly put into the rest of the game, I can't help but feel like the script desperately needs a second pass with a very close eye to clean things up so that the story can really shine.​

    • Somewhat related to that point, I feel like there is an unusual amount of what I will call "filler" dialogue, where a character just responds with a single word like "Yeah" or "What?" multiple times in a single conversation in a way that can make the exchange come off as stilted. Sometimes, that kind of terse dialogue is warranted in order to convey something like hesitation to answer a question or a surprised outburst, but it is so casually overused here that it obscures those genuine moments where it would fit perfectly.​

    • This is a much more minor point than everything else, but I feel like I can't resist the urge to bring it up. The sound design is mostly fantastic, especially when it comes to the sex scenes. But there is one particular sound effect, which I think is a stock bow and arrow noise, that repeatedly pops up in cutscenes when it doesn't really make sense for the action being performed. I don't think it's a problem at the moment and actually chuckled once or twice, but assuming that the game might go on for at least 4-5 hours once it has more content, that could become grating over time.​

    As a whole, I am feeling optimistic about the game's direction so far. It isn't perfect, but it has an undeniable charm that shines through its rough edges. I was tempted to give it four stars, but I worry that might make it too easy to gloss over some of its weaknesses. I just hope that the writing quality improves going forward, because right now, that is the only thing holding it back from being a real gem that I would hold up alongside NTRPG2, Henteria Chronicles, and Scars of Summer. I will absolutely be keeping a close eye on this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game so far. The dialogues are great, the pace is slow but engaging and good with the build up for a better climax.

    It not only has pixel art but also sex scenes illustrations, unlike the games NTRPG, Henteria Chronicles it takes inspiration from, which are pixel art only.

    I haven't finished playing this version yet but I can tell in the time I have been playing... this is a rare NTR game with a good story. If it follows the steps of similar pixel art games with the NTR being really immoral and therefore hot, I can see a bright future for this developer.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The first 20-30 minutes are atrocious, you learn nothing about the MC or his circumstances and instead get shown the lives of very loosely related characters, which culminates in an overly long backstory of some girl helping the church, who seems to be just a random side character.
    After this though it picks up a lot, introducing you to the MC and his friends and relationships and giving you some very nice free roaming voyeur events.
    When I reached the end of this version I was sad I couldn't play more, so that should count for something.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Dont understand why people rate this so badly. It surely takes its time to play, but besides that it really excels in many aspects. Great build up, nice storytelling and character development, sexy scenes, godd pixel art. Everything seems well done so far. There are some missing quest triggers and there are some missing quality of life features... but all in all I gotta say it really engaged me.

    Surely it took a lot of its aspects from games like Henteria Chronicles by N_taii and NTRPG by Hanataka, but why not reuse and build upon a very successful method? As long as Inatari Tales gives credit to its predecessors I have nothing against another take on a good corruption NTR game. Rather I am really happy to see more of it.

    So really give the game a try if you like games like the Henteria Chronicles or A Promise Best Left Unkept and similars. Its good. Really
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 start honestly.

    - Really impressive with so many details both to the story, the world and the characters.
    - Solid background starting story.
    - Have sex pixel animation & good artwork for scenes.
    - Some scenes are animated.
    - Cute main girls.

    - No dash button. Fixed in update!
    - No skip text button. Fixed in update!
    - No hide text button. Fixed in update!

    Updated review!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has immense potential, and the developer has clearly put a lot of effort into it!


    The maps are very detailed, making you want to explore every corner.
    Custom character sprites are a great addition, as many developers tend to use basic sprites.
    The drawing style is impressive, showcasing the developer's artistic talent.
    The presence of hidden rooms adds an element of intrigue and surprise.


    Few sex scenes
    The introduction is a little dense, it has a lot of text which can be a nuisance for some people.

    Overall, this game shows great promise and potential. If you prefer games that get straight to the point without extensive character development, this game might not be your cup of tea. Nevertheless, good luck to the developer!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    2 stars and yes i'm taking into account its a very early release

    first the game moves stupidly slow. i was using an outside app to force the game into super speed I could go take a wicked dump in less time than it takes to move across the screen

    you will literally spend more time moving and changing rooms than in dialogue next scene changes are also extremely slow, just entering into a room is very frustrating because of how slow scene changes are.

    i get why the dev wanted to hide rooms but many other games have done the same and not made it stupidly slow like it is in this game

    as for the game play etc, not much to see really, the story as it is right now is cliche'
    it might get better, it might get worse, but most likely it will stay the same, just,,, meh
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    There are no animations and very little art right now but I am not sure what people are expecting of a 0.1 version anyway.

    The start is rather slow but the game looks very promising.

    I like that some of the future tags are already included so I know what to expect from the game.

    My only complaints are movement speed which is really slow, even with the autorun setting on, and the number of rooms and areas that you need to transition into while traveling and exploring. Some paths could be a bit more streamlined but I get the immersion part is included so I guess that is fine, at least if the movement speed gets increased a bit.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all, I LOVE ntr games. Secondly, I like it when corruption happens slowly and we do not immediately rush into debauchery... But this game makes EVERYTHING SLOW.
    1) The initial price is godlessly delayed. Half an hour will pass before something interesting starts happening. And before the game itself STARTS, IT WILL TAKE A WHOLE HOUR (and I still skipped some dialogues)
    2) The game is full of useless and not funny dialogues. In many NTR games there are dialogues that would immerse the characters in life to contrast with the hentai scenes. But there are just a lot of debts that can be cut out and the game will only benefit from this. They don't lead to anything, they're not funny, they just exist and they infuriate.
    3) A solution with closed rooms, I can understand that we would not see what is happening there... But it's not worth it. This further lengthens the whole process. And the author seems to be deliberately confusing in places, so that you would step more into rooms in which there is nothing.
    This is what came to my mind after the game. There are sooo many problems with artificially tightening everything. I like the concept itself, I see the potential... But as for me, the first hour of the game needs to be redone because it looks more like torture. Every time another useless scene started, I asked myself one question: "Why am I playing this?" that's why I started downloading another game in parallel...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.3.8

    This game is absolutely incredible! The dev has fixed it up so much after the 0.1 version and I just had to come back and give this a 5 star rating!

    The story and the progression of the corruption is very nice and slow. The gals look quite lovely and the guys getting to them are great!

    Hope we can see more and more updates from this! Keep rocking Dev!

    Highly recommend playing this one!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    okay so i played for the use od the word played this for roughly 16 minutes and of those 16 minutes it was roughly around 13-14 minutes dialogue/cutscenes and the last was limited wondering around and you can't even go 30 seconds without running into black loading screen even if they lasted only a second or 2 but for every room and the map makes this feel like something you would find from the late 90's or early 00's X_X kudo's to anyone who actually made it past the slog that's the beginning but when i'm wasting most of the time in a game just reading text i get annoyed i want to play a game not waste time with what's basically a extended cutscene with limited playability that is at least the first 16 or so minutes of this 'game'
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving it 5 stars because it has a lot of potential.

    There was a lot of attention paid to the village/world design and the game in general. Many characters and the fact that it's "slow" is not a flaw at all in a netorare game. The only flaw I actually found is the loading when opening a door. This makes exploring houses rather cumbersome, but maybe it will be fixed in the future.

    Otherwise the hybrid of 2DCG and pixel art is very nice.

    I look forward to seeing how it progresses.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    There is pretty much no content to correctly review the game so I will review only this what I have and not what the game could be.

    1. Pretty much no used tags are ingame. Do not expect to see any of the tags ingame.
    2. Short loading screen after you changing a location, going inside and leaving a room.
    3. No dash.
    4. No text skip button.
    5. No way to hide the text.
    6. No content.
    7. Lots of text.

    1. Hidden rooms. Means you dont see what is inside a room if you dont enter the room / try to open the door. Thats a good start for a netorare game.

    Spare your time, its not worth yet.