Prolonging game time with the slow walk and transitions is never a good idea, trust me. There also should be fast forward (preferable the one that does not fuck up the engine) and backlog, especially if you put shitloads of text fillers and terrible animations, as most people would want to check the content first.
I believe Dev should know that basing a ripoff on some other failing ripoff and trying to replicate things is not going to work probably and you can't just repeat things others try to do, you need understanding, but best of luck. At least it should be more slick and pleasant to play and not constantly painful if you want people to like it, this much should be obvious. For example, excessive camera pans and needless zoom-ins made me sick, and effects are annoying as fuck (all this screen shaking and random noise damn). Music choices and sounds in general could be vastly improved as well (yes it's very bad currently, never do it like that). Annoying mini-games without any reward make people hate you too.
One other thing I noticed is that some filenames are fucked, please don't forget that filenames are fucking case sensitive, it's going to be harder to fix later on. For example, inside_C-b.png_ file (i.e. tree house location) is expected to be Inside_C-b.png_ and there're many such broken files already.
Also, may I suggest to make a glossary of who is who to whom if you're going to spam with new random characters and pov switches (maybe add it to the name too)? And "secret stats" may be important for things player doesn't get to see. Storytelling could be improved a bit, I'm sure it will get better eventually, but intro is the most important part, so yeah, it wasn't enjoyable, none of it. And I'm sure you're aware, but navigating in the search of free-roam events is the pain in the ass, the original idea was not this shit, it doesn't work with empty sandbox games only with games where every transition is new content and with relatively small world.