v1.05: I can't really recommend this due to the grinding, somewhat-janky controls/combat, underdeveloped mechanics, flashing lights, mtl, and grinding.
Combat is a bit janky. In this kind of game you really want the combat to be smooth, not have your character randomly decide to dash you into the enemies when you try to execute a charged attack (particularly when he dies and it ends the expedition). I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature, but you can rhythmically click while executing a charged attack to immediately follow it up with another for as many repetitions as you want. Maybe the dev wants me to windmill through the mobs and stun-lock certain enemies? Who knows; he's been releasing a lot bug fixes immediately after publishing the game.
The Reliability system in the game seems neat... at first glance. You go join a person's adventuring party, they start liking you more, and eventually you fill the bar and they'll now join your adventuring party. Except you need to have a certain amount of Reliability to even join their party in the first place, and there aren't any global or passive gains. So you'll give them gifts to reach the first threshold! Easy. "Busty teacher, what kinda stuff you like?" Oh, turns out everyone except the starting characters won't even talk to you if you have 0 Reliability with them, so now you have to buy random gifts until you hit on the right class of gift to start improving your relationship. After you reach max Reliability and get the girl to room with you, you now have to buy a total of 10 aphrodisiacs and click/fastforward your way through 4 CGs before she actually joins your adventuring party (dudes join your party straight away though). You can't make small talk while she's in your house and she won't go adventuring either, so if hers is the only team you've been developing you're now back in the baby dungeons with your second choice. I say "second choice," but all characters have a level and Reliability threshold before you can join their party so you'll be weeks in before you can even start assembling your dream team of burly dude and busty teacher with dragon air raids as support. The game also seems like the kind where you could choose to turn over a new leaf and be reliable or double-down on being a scumbag, but no, only scumbag. It'd be pretty straightforward to write variant text for (most) of the CGs and maybe include a second Reliablity bar to circumvent the drugs and boom: the player has choices. Wider appeal for your game; fatter stacks in your wallet.
The screen flashes white when the women orgasm during the CGs. I've encountered this is h-games before, but I still can't figure out why some devs decide the best way to convey a woman convulsing uncontrollably is to try to get me convulsing uncontrollably. I guess photosensitivity is the kind of thing people don't really think about unless they have it, like colorblindness. Except... just like colorblindness, you can easily point to an example and go "See this? Don't do this. Do this other things instead." It's probably less worse if the flashing is less frequent because you're not fastfowarding through the sex scenes but the mtl...
The MTL is bad. "That's redundant!" Yeah yeah, I know. But even if you speak mtl, there are quite a few head-scratchers in here. Nothing critical, but the game currently uses an autotranslator (i.e. the Japanese text appears, there's a delay, then the English translation replaces it) and the CGs are text-heavy so they don't flow at all.
This game is mostly grinding. Between the mtl and the lack of Reliability gain from talking to npcs you won't really have any reason to chat with npcs, so you just grind the dungeons. Sell some loot, check if you have the ingredients you need to level your equipment (no), check if you have enough xp to level up (no), grind a dungeon, sleep. You can't grind the dungeons back-to-back either since the game has a day/night cycle in which you can't even do anything at night except go to bed. Oh, drugging these women who trust you, sure. But you can also do it during the day, at which point it turns to night. And you can't do anything. Except go to bed. The plot only advances if you lead an expedition, but mercs are expensive so you gotta grind Reliability to get other characters to join your party. Let's hope you started with the dudes, since you only have to grind Reliability to get them on your team whereas you need to also grind an additional 150 silver to get the women are your team.
The art is good. But the art is often good. That's how they getcha.
As final note: here, two days after release, the game has seen multiple bugfix and slight-rebalancing updates. Even if the game still interests you, I'd recommend waiting a bit for things to level out. There are also missing features the dev plans to implement later, so maybe wait on those too.