VN - Others - The Cruise - Part 4 [v1.0.0] [ArniiGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is for the entire series, as it should have been 1 game.
    Game has a lot of issues, and is mediocre at best, but Dev shows some talent, and I hope they will continue to make games. Hopefully with Renpy. ;)
    Aside from the terrible resolution, the renders are not bad. The animations need a lot of work, but change up the poses a bit, and give the player some control of the pacing in the lewd scenes and they could be decent.
    No greater boner killer than minigames during the sex scenes, those are just terrible, and need to go away. I think I actually quit one episode early cause 3 sex minigames in a row, and I was done.
    Sexy sound effects during the lewds are better than just music, and a few scenes have them, but not enough.
    But really story is not bad, and I liked most of the characters. I'd like to see a proper AVN done by same Dev, as I think it could be pretty good.
    Best of luck. (y)
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Living In A Lewd World

    This is my rating for the full game series. I would find it personally better, if there would be a single post for all 4 parts, as they just belong together.

    I like the story of the game and the story-driven idea and have absolutely no problem with that there is no main protagonist (would give 4 or 5 stars for that).

    I like the mini games. They are not hard and not too often, but get you involved in the story. I would personally like, if they were shorter, as this would be more arousing. As it is now, you climb the mountain, reach the peak and fall down. You're still waving your mouse, when your brain says, can I please go further. (4 stars for that, as this is nevertheless better done than in other games I know, that attempt to implement mini games).

    What I absolutely do not like, and for what I would give even 0 Stars is the overall pace of the game. This is really annoying and the only reason, my overall rating is not higher. It is totally downturning, to wait a second or two til a speech bubble changes or to wait 30 secs til an looping 2 sec animation ends. More annoying and totally frustrating are only those random bugs, which leave you with a black screen and where you can play the game from start.

    I give it nevertheless 3 Stars, as the overall idea is good. But this game could be for me a 4 - 5 stars game, if the pace was just faster. Maybe through a skip button, with which one just can run through the images. As it is at the moment, I just wish make a skip-macro to play the game automatically and make a video of this to watch it afterwards. So I could determine my own pace of watching the very interesting scenes.