VN - Unity - Completed - The Curse of Black Bone [v1.1] [Entropy Digital Entertainment]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful game.

    ver played: 1.1
    play time/stage before I stopped: 5 mins. in
    First of all positives.

    Pretty nice looking overworld even if the textures suck. closest semblance I can think of on the top of my head is godus the mobile game.

    the 3d character portrait models looks great IMO

    dialogue was made intentional verbose or time period esque like "I want you to navigate my womanhood with your hard mast."

    One of the first people you meet is a lady pirate standing on the port in front of her ship. she immediately tells you about how adventuring and treasure hunting makes her nipples hard and pussy wet...

    IDK abt you but the game was very slow for me especially with the text crawl for dialogue. had to press twice to insta load the lines of text.
    clunky player character movement.
    weird female character thirst.
    ok so one of the characters I met was apparently a prostitute but she didnt look like one and instead looked like a regular pirate. She apparently was in a romantic relationship with the player character at least on her side and was in love but our protagonist left her after having sex with her without a word. He makes a somewhat most likely insincere apology. she mentions how she had to cope by having to earn a living and so went back to being a prostitute. afterwards she immediately wants to remind him of what he missed out on and in the next scene she is stroking your shaft with cum already dripping out of her mouth in just 3 clicks. idk how she got the cum in her mouth because the game certainly didnt tell me about it or receiving a bj and having the character's load being blown into her mouth.

    Skip it. There are better games out there that you could get more enjoyment from.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Muting music or lowering sound keeps blasting my ears off with no effect. Unskippable credit opening combined with this was enough for me to not give it a try. I don't know if it gets any better later on. But judging from the other comments I assume not,
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty quick for a 2-3 GB game. Animations are ok but could use some improvement. Wasn't hot enough to get me to fap. Fortunately, the game is pretty easy. You just talk to everyone twice go and find the item they want, come back give it to them and if they are female you get sexy time. If they are a male, you get something to help you get a sexy time with a female. No combat to speak of which is weird for a pirate game. It's a point-and-click game but you actually have an avatar that moves to where you click, His legs and pants like to act up I've noticed though. Word of advice, wait to travel to the plantation last. Cause after you have sex with the Governors daughter you won't have a chance to finish any other pending quests you may have. All in all the game could have been better but it was a nice refreshing change to all these dull visual novels.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5217036

    I have played a lot of VN's and games of a sexual nature on this site. This is the first game I want to review.
    It isn't a perfect game; it needs work for sure. Graphically, the environment is well done, although it is only eye-candy, but it creates a believable world.
    The characters aren't...they are pixelated, and the anti-aliasing is poor. But it's the movement of your MC, Billy Bones, that needs some serious work. Movement is slow and cumbersome. Too often, your character gets stuck in the environment, stairs can certainly be an issue...especially the top step!
    However, for me personally, these are minor to moderate gripes!
    I am enjoying the's a breath of fresh air from the usual!
    The animations are top quality, and I was extremely impressed with how realistic and organic they were. The animations, although un-skippable, are certainly the games 'selling point'.
    The writing is plain fair and does the job.
    But I love this style of game...VN's are great, and I love them, however, the 2D/3D RPG style feels more like an actual 'game'.
    I realise this game will not be everyone's cup of tea, but I can see the potential in it...Edit: it is very short, the animations obviously take up the majority of the content. The animations also have bugs in them and having played the full experience, I have to reduce my review score to at least, three stars. Initially, I was giving this game the benefit of the doubt...but if this is the finished product, then it isn't great by any means!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    It looked promising from the F95 page but once I D/L and tried to run the graphics setting was VERY dated at 640 DPI. My PC does not even go that low and you cannot change the setting. Consequently the screen was VERY pixelated and unplayable. It looked like something I played on an old 486 PC. Hard Pass.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This...."game" has some decent models, but that's about it. Game mechanics are extremely buggy and honestly there was no reason there needed to be an open world map for the character to walk around. Can't used WASD or arrow keys to move character, pathfinding is buggy, as far as I can tell none of the options work (e.g. volume), and unskippable cutscenes/dialogue. The game could've literally just been done in Renpy considering how straight forward everything was. Granted, if the game wasn't buggy and was done in Renpy, it would've had maybe 10-15 minutes of content max. Save your time and don't try this.