VN - Ren'Py - The Daddy Plan [v0.06] [ShaddyGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I like most of the story, single dad with 4 great looking girls whats not to like.

    The only thing i feel is a bit stupid reallllly stupid, is how the 4 girls tells rose they all want to be in a relationship with the MC/Dad so she has to agree to sharing him with them, none of them really knows rose yet not even MC since he hasent seen rose for 12 years and not only that rose is also a teacher for 3 of the girls and a co-worker with MC, it makes absolutly 0 sense that the girls come clean and trust rose with all their secrets, lets be real none of them knows her and that kind of information could destory them if rose where to be against it and went to the cops/goverment or whatever to expose them that might split up the hole familie, there is just no point what so ever to that a risk like that.

    I was really happy to see that the game has done virgin scenes perfectly it just feels like a rare thing in AVNs made me go up to 4 stars from 3 on that alone, if games keeps it up i might change it to 5 stars later.

    Story 4/5
    So far i like it but time will tell how the story will progress as game comes along, i hope it improves a bit without to many stupid things happening, i am not that big a fan of rose yet, but would hate to see her trying to come in between MC and hes daughters unless MC kicks her out stright away if she tries, same goes for MC would be bad if he dosent put hes daughters first, hes already pushed rose onto them insted of listening to them and their feelings, mostly in isabellas case but thats enough.

    Choices ?/5
    Cant rate them yet since so far i havent really seen any effect on the few choices you get, not sure if they change anyting or if its closer to a kenitic story, i know text change very little but it does, but so far there has not been any big changes like you cant turn rose down, i just hope you wont be forced to be with other girls as well, but time will tell and ill update this later as well.

    Graphics 4/5
    The game look good and has nice looking girls and i just love the fact that none of them has oversized tits like so many other games, for me they are just perfect.

    Animations 4/5
    They are smooth and they look good, i have seen better ones which is why i picked 4 .

    Music 4/5
    Always good to have music in a game and this is a pretty good selection of music.

    Game has a big potential, cant wait to see how the pregnancy part will play out in this game if its part of the game or just a few scenes when game is finished hoping for the first one, would be a nice change for once.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game very much. It's a slowly developing very good story, contains my fetishes and pretty female protagonists with small, firm tits and asses.
    Plus you can really indulge at the options, change names, pet names and ages or for example choose one of 4 fonts etc etc.
    A wonderful game within a lot of possibilities, thank you very much!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Man, couldn't make a more milquetoast MC if you tried. Dude just exists. He has daughters, that's it. First of all, he has 4 teenage daughters and somehow he can't cook and his daughters have to do it for him. He can't control his students nor teach his class, yet again, one of his daughters has to come to his rescue.

    One of the teachers ask him how he was able to afford that house on a teacher's salary. Of course, there is no merit on his part here. His late wife bought the house and he also tells how they will be paying for the daughter's education with her money. In that same scene, he tells the teacher how the oldest girl basically took over for him in many of his duties. He always says how it isn't easy, but he does jack shit when he's in the house. Dude can't even make popcorn. I swear he's useless.

    The dev is perfectly aware of how useless the MC is, though. The MC asks the teacher "who's the parent here? Them or me?" and she says "if Izzy had something to say about it, it'd be her." It's honestly embarrassing to play as this mf and totally unbelievable that anyone could crush on him.

    He has to literally ask permission to his daughters to see if they allow him to date. They weren't kidding, he really is no father. Either way, he dates the teacher whether you want him to or not and I don't like the teacher, but it's truly pathetic that he has to ask permission. As pathetic as it is, they do allow him to date her, BUT, under the condition that they get to "veto" the relationship. I honestly got second-hand embarrassment from that scene.

    His daughters literally buy his clothes for him. Honestly, I could go on and on, so I'll just stop here, but you get the idea. Anyway, aside from the useless MC, as it has been mentioned before, the girls are like a collectible, they don't stand out as individuals aside from Isabel. Nothing to get you to like them somehow.

    Also, there are only a few choices and some of them change nothing. You're asked if you should let Izzy know that her boobs are peeking out, but even if you choose yes, the MC decides all on his own that he won't say anything.

    As for the plot, it's extremely mundane slice-of-life stuff. But slice-of-life usually has some extra sauce that makes it enjoyable, such as comedy. Here, however, it's all just mundane stuff like going to school, going to the gym, watching a movie, etc. Of course, the "extra sauce" here are the sex scenes, which are almost non-existent compared to the amount of content there is.

    This game is also missing the corruption tag, although it's the opposite of what it usually is. The daughters corrupt you, the MC. The renders are fine, I suppose. Nothing too ground-breaking, but better than many that have clear errors and/or look grainy.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Crow Lotus

    What story of it there was, was interesting to say the least. And unlike some I have tried and played, it just wasn't the same renders over and over. BUT there is a dark side to all of that.
    Like a lot of other games on here, just when you start getting interested in the 'storyline', the game ends abruptly. Considering the game has just come out, wondering if it will be 'finished' or abandoned like so many others.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be so pissed off if this doesn't have a happy ending. This game has made me realize my main fetish is love; I really enjoy that this focuses on the love of everyone involved over the sexualization of any and every character in the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, but a little too easy on the seductions. a little more drama would be good.

    Great models.
    Characters with great personalities.
    Very incestuous. always a positive.
    Things happen a little too easily in this game.
    But the plot is getting more interesting as it goes on.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Have high expectations for Shaddy based on all the mod work Shaddy's done for so many other AVNs. And I wasn't disappointed. When you've gone through so many other games' structure you have to have seen a lot of good and bad stuff put out there. So it was not surprising to see that as of V0.3 this game/AVN is coming together nicely, suffering only from the common flaw of this subgenre - siblings that don't look like siblings. But that's OK as far as I'm concerned since we know standard or pre-built characters are needed, which Shaddy acknowledges in remarking on the characters donated for this project, in order to be time efficient in producing works like these.
    While the story has not yet to completely unfold, I can see hints of where Shaddy is going and am looking forward to seeing if my guesses are right. Which means the story is engaging and has potential.
    The mechanics are excellent I like the way the dialogues are presented where when group retorts are called for, you see each respondent's reply/response on screen all at once. Makes it look like a normal family interaction.
    The animations are good overall although somewhat stilted but the touch of using moving pans was somewhat novel in my experience.
    Anyway - looking forward to future installments!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game so far, it's got a story with some character development even this early in. The only thing I could see people complaining about is the fact all the characters are cutting boards, but that's notable in the images from go.

    Not much more I can say considering how early it is, but I am looking forward to updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Is it your typical harem game ? Yes, does that mean it's uninteresting ? No.

    For the renders alone this is 5 star, but the writing is also decent, what people expect is top tier writing. You will not get that here, or you must wait at least until the dev is popular enough to hire a writer, but don't rate it badly when you know that this is the writing you expect from a porn game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really think f95 needs a better system for rating games. I'd place this game around 4.3. Felt it necessary to give it 5 stars when I don't generally rate games in order to offset the 2 star ratings that make no sense. I've checked out games that had 4.5 ratings thinking they must be good while they were terrible and this one dropped below 4 while being entertaining, with good renders, and I never had to reread lines to figure out what was being said since it was well written. My only dislike was how much we see of the MC. I'd prefer more first person angles. But, the dev already posted a poll addressing that very issue.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game had an interesting start and some characters were interesting.
    But some were also annoying/uninteresting (depends on the player) in my case the oldest daughter and the teacher wich the mc used to babysit in the past. Still could tolorate them cause the dev said there will be choices in the next chapter. After playing v0.2 i must say i have no idea what this choices are for and suprise suprise no choice if the mc starts an releationship with the teacher...
    So a big no from me. I know most people play this sort of games only pokemon style so it wont be really an issue with the overall popularity.
    i for myself am just not interested any longer because if a game needs for the mc to start a releationship with a character i dont like it kills also the interesting parts. the better choice would have been to just make an Kinetic Novel so people who hope for meaningful choices and player agency can just ignore it.
    Still the render quality is not bad and overall presentation is good so if you dont have a problem with forced content give it a try it just wasnt for me.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I really would have liked to give a higher rating since Shaddy's mods have really helped in other games but I feel like I should be honest here.
    detail: 5/5 liked how the alcohol bottle contents kept decreasing while they drank, just thought it was cool that it was done since it really wasn't necessary.
    renders: 4/5 clean
    animation: 4/5 smooth
    lighting: 2.5/5 some scenes were too dark, for example, I could barely see the teacher Rose? spying on Isibele from the open door, I know the corridor is dark but come on.
    Another is when they are in the car and a shadow goes over the face of the daughter in the back seat it's really hard to see her face.
    story: 1/5 so far v0.01 there really hasn't been one, its basically: Single dad gets a job at a girl's school, girls are horney for him and find him hot, coworkers find him hot, and his daughters find him hot.
    character: 1.5/5 this is my main issue with this game, there are 4 daughters but they feel like a collective will rather than individuals. the most distinctive daughter is Isibel, but the only thing going for her is that she wants to replace her mom and is horney for her dad, a character trope I've seen before.

    The way I'd put it is that this game currently has nothing special going for it which I hope changes
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Basic storytelling practices are missing here.
    It is an empty shell of a story. It is four 3DCG girls in a trench-coat masquerading as a visual novel. It is painful to read and hard to follow. Characters act however they need to in any given moment to push the plot into the desired direction. It is so eager to be sexual it stumbles over itself. Every character shows up at once, never letting the reader get their footing.
    Sure, the mastery of Ren'Py is apparent but being a camera tech doesn't make you Steven Spielberg.
    Skip it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to say a bunch of "decent" thing about this game: the story is just fine, one that definitely been around the block, the render quality is fine, again about par for the course, the writing is also fine, we aren't getting any strong emotional engagement here, but your time is respected and nothing is cringy... Sounds like a solid start to a 4/5 game right? WRONG. This game is 5/5 because it is being made by a very good, engaged, and selfless part of the community that will provide regular updates and consistent quality.

    This game is about as "guaranteed" a thing as there is in this space and that deserves huge bonus points. It might not ever become an all-time classic and might be mostly a retread, but for a first effort, its hard to ask for anything better. Thanks Shady, looking forward to your future!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good engaging story. Lots of renders, with a lot of character actions within the scene to give it life. No choices yet. Good music selection to go with it and sound effects here and there. It's quite short at v0.01.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Cr8tive M3dia

    Fantastic 1st release. Models are incredible well done, the animations (especially the cheerleading routine) is one to be incredibly proud of, being someone who really enjoys a good animation (not necessarily lewd) I can really appreciate the amount of effort and time gone into this scene alone.

    Having been privileged to have witness some of this being created I can say that Shaddy has done a fantastic job so far, gripping us with the secretive voyeur, fantastic renders, writing and storyline.

    I am very much looking forward to seeing how this game progresses and identifying the mysterious peeper :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    best alpha release I've seen in ages.

    solid story, great VN, really good lighting and art... and the humor is pretty on point as well, even the dad jokes. :ROFLMAO:

    potential is off the charts. can't wait for more!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Good start with promise. But the appearance of many of the characters feels like pure jail bait, making them appear older and like their supposed age of 18 would make this game better. As it is gonna have to delete it off my computer as don't want anything so suspect on there.
    best of luck in the future even if you decide to ignore this.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Updating my review

    now I see improvements in the game, especially when it comes to perspective and facial expressions of the characters. Basically, it's a story about a single father taking care of his four daughters and working at their school.

    Now, speaking about areas that can be improved, I believe starting with the dialogues, they are WAY too long at points where they become uninteresting, causing readers to waste time. So, my suggestion is not to make a game solely focused on sex or solely based on text, finding a balance is the key.

    Furthermore, one common flaw in many loli games is portraying adult characters in young bodies, and I feel that a bit here as well. Also, having all the characters with similar or almost identical personalities is a drawback. It would be nice to have some variation among the daughters.

    Lastly, the premise of the story is perfect, with a household of daughters and a school setting with young and sexy women. There's no need to stray from this environment too soon, as other games have done and failed.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Game had me at Shaddy!
    While known more for mods, pretty much figured this would be a good start for this VN.

    It is not some brand new story line and is a classic setup, but damn it does look like it is going to be a fun ride.

    Graphics are solid and the flow is good so far. Grading on an early release curve, but it is a very solid start and I am already looking forward to more.