RPGM - Completed - The Day My Mother Made an Apology on All Fours [Final] [ODENsensei]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Adding a quick review since I played it a while back.

    In short: familiar story, short (though I wouldn't say it's to a fault), with pretty dirty scenes. If you're a fan of the genre, I think you'll enjoy it.

    • enjoyable scenes (make sure to check the tags)
    • serviceable translation. I don't recall it being an issue.
    • no grind (iirc)
    • short with very fast pacing
    • I think most will find the art fairly mediocre, mainly with the MC tho.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic. First off the art style is great. The dimensions on the mother are perfect; thicc milfs in a decent game are an unfortunate rarity. The corruption proceeds at a reasonable pace, I personally wish it was a little bit slower but it’s better than most and I realize it’s impossible to please everyone with that type of thing.

    I loved seeing the mothers reluctance being broken down until she’s completely at the mcs mercy until she’s left near mindless as a complete and utter cum dumpster.

    My only complaint is merely that I wish the game was longer and with more free use/mother sharing than what we got.
    Definitely worth sending a cpl bucks to the dev.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice simple game maybe 1.5 hours of gameplay is you are trying to make it last. Great plot, straight forward and no bullshit minnygames or extra fluff like that, good art and a nice horny mc who lusts for his mom as much as i do XD. 9.5/10 id love a part 2.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It´s good but nothing special.

    The music is very standart just like the moans.

    The story is very simple son corrupts mom nothing more.

    The character don´t really have any personality.

    The art is okay sometimes the son is drawn bad or weird in one scene for example they have sex and you can see the asshole of the son which is detailed as much as the ass of the mother which I just didn´t like too look at.

    The scenes in general are okay some are very good like the exhibitionist scenes with the slutty outfit with pigtails I loved that look.

    The game isn´t long so if you like this kind of corruption play it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game, the art is good and serves its purpose, there are different paths although they deviate slightly from the ending, which is a nice detail.

    The only downside is that there isn't much to do in the game besides walking around buying books and gadgets to corrupt the protagonist. There is a training system, but it has little or no relevance other than indicating that an event needs to be completed before moving on to the next one. This element is likely what prevents the game from receiving a perfect rating.

    Another aspect that detracts from it is that the story is very simple. The protagonist falls into her son's machinations too easily, so even though the game is short and gets to the point, it could have been more enjoyable if it had taken its time.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game despite it being short. I like the gradual corruption of the mom and her depravity is what makes it hot. It's also good that it has different endings, giving the players more freedom and choices, but for me I like my non-existent 2D woman to be mine only. Overall, 9/10 game, a great incest-corruption game that I enjoyed.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What a splendid gem among the flood of inflated RPGM games. This game reminded me of how awesome RPGM eroge can be when devs decide to cut the bullshit and only give us what we want.

    So many devs fill their games with prolonged shitty writing, useless rpg gameplay and reusing CG just to make the game feel larger so they can charge more $$$

    Not this one. Game is fairly short but it is so sweet. Lots of scenes with unique CG for every scene. You can replay the scene with some varitations in the CG and text to signify corruption level and it feels that much more worth it because the scenes are short and sweet. Game is story-based so don't come expecting "gameplay" with lots of stats and such. This could basically be a VN and if you are like me, who enjoy story based games more than gameplay based, it shouldn't bother you. Its also fairly linear(2 routes, one with sharing and one without. Also has 3 endings) but if you like the setting and genre of this type of game, it shouldn't be an issue. The only bad thing I can say about it is that its a bit too short and corruption happens a bit too fast so you don't really get to know the characters. Then again, I'd much rather have that than the game filled with bad writing and other filler so there is that.

    Overall, such nice breath of fresh air after going trough one filler bullshit RPGM game after the other. If you are into MILF, NTR, Incest or coruption tags, don't miss out on this one and please buy the game if you like it. The dev needs money for the next game and it looks sweeet :love:
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, it's like a trainer but with no wrong choices, even so, you can feel de corruption incresing and it's satisfying

    The sex scenes are hot, and i m not a shota fan, i played it for the women
    so that says a lot, the plot is simple but effective, it's a solid game of corruption and netori to the father, good 4/5

    Edit: You can share the mother once full corrupted or keep her for yourself
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Art work is great. Would love some movement though for it to be 5 stars. Controls are simple and easy to figure our using the x button its pretty good and enjoyable. I would love to see a second game of this.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Controls: Arrow key movement with clickthrough dialogue.
    Interface: RPGMaker interface plus a menu that lists stats.
    Plot: Horny son coerces mom into sex. Not complicated.
    Characters: Real simple, with one personality trait.
    Typos: Don’t remember any.
    Models: Both models are well drawn.
    Animations: N/A.
    Background: As good as they need to be.
    Music: Generic.
    Effects: They do their job.
    Voices: Good.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Big recommend for son-dom mom/son incest. I prefer the love path, but there is also a degrading path to make the mother go down that involves making her have sex with stangers and licking a toilet. The mom is married so the NTR is, in one way or another, unavoidable, so be aware of that!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Relatively short but intense game. You can choose between two paths:
    - boring vanilla love path
    - exciting degrading path where he will force his mother do have sex with other people and humiliate her.

    If you like the genre, you should go for it. The art is not the best but the second part is so kinky it's worth a shot(a lol)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're reading reviews I'm going to assume you're into: mom/son incest, corruption, impregnation, male dom, etc.... If true, man, this game is great*. Yeah, there's an asterisk there lol. I'll talk to that, but let me summarize the plot first:
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    It's a overdone plot, but many (like myself) still love it and the game delivers well. This could be thanks to the translation group (five stars by the way), but the story, writing, corruption path, and conclusions (I assume you saw the game was tagged with pregnancy...) are very satisfying. That said, you almost certainly have a good idea of exactly how this game will play out. This is where my hesitancy in giving this game 5 stars lies - it does very little to subvert your expectations outside of the genre. However, if you look at it for what it is advertising itself to be, it is great.

    Yes, it is not animated. Yes, the game is "relatively" short (~1-2hr?). Yes, the writing isn't exceptionally inspiring. BUT - was anyone expecting it to be based on the description and previews? If I was writing a review for McDonalds, I wouldn't compare it to a 5-star restaurant in the heart of Paris. I'll tell you what this game did do: exceed my expectations. My expectations were not exactly sky high but if you've played a few of these games (genre, art style, etc.), you start to understand that these games are rarely well designed and often barely passable. This is not true for this game. Here are some areas where this game excels within the genre:
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    So yeah. Is it the best game on this site? No. Is it among them?.. Maybe, but only if you're quite into the specific kinks. Does it deserve 5 stars?.. I think I'd prefer to give it 4.5 stars, but that's not an option. I considered going down to 4 but I really think that's just harsh. Yes I would have preferred a true love path but the path that is there is a good one for those seeking it (most likely). So, this game is getting 5 stars from me by technicality. It's a must-play for fans of the aforementioned kinks. It's a should-play for most others. Understand going in that this game is really just trying to help you jerk off in a true, interactable game format. It's more engaging that visual novels (imo), but there are no complex mechanics or inspiring stories here. It may be odd to read, but I'm thankful for this. The game picked an objective and executed well on it, and nothing else.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is a little gem for fans of hard humiliation incest themes, even the "romance" path is quite hardcore so don't expect any lovey dovey stuff. ;-)

    The pacing is perfect for a quick session, the art style great and the provided translation rounds it up perfectly.

    The days in the game are rather straightforward and don't give any choices in how to do things. That is the reason it "only" gets 4 stars from me since it is really good but not perfect.

    Still, I hope we see a lot more of this kind of games - especially dominant shota MCs! :D
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    As a 'Short' game it delivers in everything that it promises to be. While not complex or deep by any means it satisfies on what this game delivers to the player's kinks.

    An erotic MILFy good time, three stars feel like a disservice as it implies to only achieve the bare minimum with issues that sometime detracts the immersion experience.

    So I believe it earns full well its four star rating by virtue of delivering on what it promised to set out. Plentiful enough CG, spicy writing and sound design, it is a keeper to add to your library to enjoy breezing through now and again.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Underdelivers and didn't excite me.

    Storywise, making 2 routes was a mistake. The MC is a cunt, and he continues to mistreat his mother even in the love route, there is no "love" in the love route, at least not from the MC. If anything, it should be renamed into the "non-sharing route", because this is what you gonna get.

    The MC doesn't love his mother, he doesn't even call her "mom" in the post-game of the love route, for an incest game this is weak.
    You could easily replace the mother title for his "friend hot's aunt" and wouldn't make a difference, because the MC is sadistic loveless psychopathic, and only cares about raping the woman that happens to be his mother.

    And worse of all, the "love" route is just half of the game. You don't get to explore her exhibitionist side on the love route, like mating with her around the city, near that boy that had a crush on her, outside her husband's office, anything!

    Underdelivers, the main mechanic is training the mother while the father is near but the game doesn't capitalize on that, he is not completely unaware of what is happening, THE GAME is completely unaware that he is there, he is not in the CGs (but one), he interacts with them during scenes only 2 times, so even the NTR aspect is underwhelming.

    Overall, I just don't give 1 star because the game is not a broken grindy mess but I was soft during my whole 2 walkthroughs.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    it has a pretty good art style its short and simple sadly i cant find the devs other games here plus they are japanese but overall the game is excellent i hope to find more the translation is a bit meh but ive seen worse
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    in its scope (very short and simple game) it is well done, funny and bad just the right amount.

    has its own decent graphical style and is quite polished in gameplay

    the different endings according to should have diversified more, instead they largely coincide (ending 1 and 2 differ in a choice at the end and the resulting epilogue)
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a little surprised there hasn't been reviewed yet, so I figured I would write it. The game is exactly what one would think. This type genre of hentai isn't new, and this game hits all the tropes. The RPGM aspect is okay, mostly because it doesn't get in the way, but there is little to no game play. There are three linear paths with the NTR/slave one having the most content and taking about 1.5 hours. The other paths seem shorter and you can go through them at the end of the game through a gallery thing.

    Art is okay, not the best but okay. Worth your time for a quick fap if you like these fetishes, otherwise stay away.

    3/5 average DLSite fair

    BUT Better than most because the translation isn't ML and it has mistakes but they aren't super distracting.