If you're reading reviews I'm going to assume you're into: mom/son incest, corruption, impregnation, male dom, etc.... If true, man, this game is great*. Yeah, there's an asterisk there lol. I'll talk to that, but let me summarize the plot first:
It's a overdone plot, but many (like myself) still love it and the game delivers well. This could be thanks to the translation group (five stars by the way), but the story, writing, corruption path, and conclusions (I assume you saw the game was tagged with pregnancy...) are very satisfying. That said, you almost certainly have a good idea of exactly how this game will play out. This is where my hesitancy in giving this game 5 stars lies - it does very little to subvert your expectations outside of the genre. However, if you look at it for what it is advertising itself to be, it is great.
Yes, it is not animated. Yes, the game is "relatively" short (~1-2hr?). Yes, the writing isn't exceptionally inspiring. BUT - was anyone expecting it to be based on the description and previews? If I was writing a review for McDonalds, I wouldn't compare it to a 5-star restaurant in the heart of Paris. I'll tell you what this game did do: exceed my expectations. My expectations were not exactly sky high but if you've played a few of these games (genre, art style, etc.), you start to understand that these games are rarely well designed and often barely passable. This is not true for this game. Here are some areas where this game excels within the genre:
So yeah. Is it the best game on this site? No. Is it among them?.. Maybe, but only if you're quite into the specific kinks. Does it deserve 5 stars?.. I think I'd prefer to give it 4.5 stars, but that's not an option. I considered going down to 4 but I really think that's just harsh. Yes I would have preferred a true love path but the path that is there is a good one for those seeking it (most likely). So, this game is getting 5 stars from me by technicality. It's a must-play for fans of the aforementioned kinks. It's a should-play for most others. Understand going in that this game is really just trying to help you jerk off in a true, interactable game format. It's more engaging that visual novels (imo), but there are no complex mechanics or inspiring stories here. It may be odd to read, but I'm thankful for this. The game picked an objective and executed well on it, and nothing else.