Unity - Completed - The Demon Lord's Treasure 2- Corrupt the Goddess! [Final] [Monster-ken]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game 8/10, 6 hours

    • Excellent gameplay, nothing extraordinary, but I don't understand the criticisms regarding the gameplay. Perhaps you've only played the most famous games in the genre, as if you had played a good amount, you would know how most have such mediocre gameplay that makes this game seem great. The creator significantly increased the difficulty in the last patch, limiting the dash and increasing the enemies' HP. It has excellent boss fights.
    • Amazing art, very well done. I also liked the adult scenes. There are few, some girls have two scenes, but I prefer it that way when they are well-drawn. Besides, I prefer a game with little adult content that compensates in game design and gameplay.
    When you finish the last boss and the "to be continued" message appears, I think you have to complete it again to unlock something else. However, my game froze when I was about to face the last boss, so I gave up. But it's a good game, I recommend it to everyone who likes decent gameplay and art, which is unfortunately rare compared to the overwhelming quantity of generic games, so it deserves praise.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    You have to wait 3 mins per dialogue to wait for it to be translated to MTL poetry

    Warping nomrie human girls do fuck all, I am guessing we got a turbo bugged version of the game or I somehow bugged it

    There is a very boringly japanese intro where a character just exposes you with the vilest form of diarhea yapping as if the devs are incapable of revealing things through... narrative. Waste of time through and through and the H-scenes are mid, but even if they were good through context and story, you have to waste so much time to wait for the auto-translation to happen. The game is as good as a bitcoin miner at this point.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Not a boy

    It bad, i don't if i play it wrong or if the 2 hour that is paly isn't enough to get to the " real gameplay " but i feel like i wasted it those 2 hour.
    It basically have the same game play of game " cult of the lamb " with none on the charm, a poor imitation if you will.
    The art style and the art for the porn is passable, but game play loop make me want to kill my self, annoying enemy like the the skeleton that can only kill by charge up attack and the goblin robot boss just make me not want to play.
    the skill upgrade is meaningless.
    yes i know you have to equip the upgrade to use it nut most of it are just damage up after you use a skill.

    Overly what i feel in my 2 hour playtime is Mind numbing game play of walk in to room, gather all of the enemy and kill the them all will a charge up attack. I feel nothing for this game really it just ok.
    I just think that there are better thing to play then this game.